Sunday, May 31, 2009

Diploma Story Part 9

When I was in starting my year 1 semester 2, my parents went to meet the head of IT to check out my results and my year 1 results was not that good at all. I should be scoring all my A's but I didn't really manage to hit that many A's. Because of that my results was nothing to shout about. That time I really kena from my parents and the best part was I failed Basic Electronics as I could not really understand that subject. So I had to retake that subject once again.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Diploma Story Part 8

When I started my year 1 sem 2, my parents was in Penang to help me move into hostel. When I moved into hostel, I really manage to save a lot of money as I need to pay rm200 a month for hostel rental which includes food, water and electric. Most of the time I will be in school which is 24/7. I was actually wondering how it will be like when I moved into the hostel. It was my 1st time and I (those who move in and 1st to stay in hostel) honestly have fun. The 1st time staying in hostel, we only occupy 2 floors and the 2nd floor was empty and the 3rd floor was the girls floor.

I still remember that we had many meetings at night with the wardens due to our behavior (like zoo at times), problems we face and etc. The fun part about staying in the hostel is we can have our fan on 24hrs and we still pay quite little. I stayed in the hostel for 2 and half years. Stay tune for more stories of my hostel life

Friday, May 29, 2009

Souled Out

Attended a dinner @ Souled Out Mount Kiara due to the project that we are doing manage to save some money. Food was quite ok. But the fish was great. We had Fried Rice, salad, fish, beef (2 types, black pepper and the normal sliced beef), sotong rings, vege, curry chicken and dessert. Drinks was free flow of coke or sprite.

Was there early but there was nothing much to do. Drove a couple of my office mates there and we just sat there stonning while I was figuring out how to fix a problem that I face in office. I don't really know all those who were there (especially BR people) but I can say the rest I know (programmers).

My table was only for my gang but when the full set of gang arrive they started smoking like crazy! I guess due to this, I will die at a young age :( There were around 5 of them smoking in my table. Even they open the window, the amount of smoke that is around the area is madness.

In the end I was kick to sit with BR staff (even I was quite reluctant) but they told us to mix around thanks to KY! I actually know most of the people as all the UAR all comes to me. But I wont know their faces only. Anyway we had some games and my table won *yey*

Other than that, there were many pretty girls around souled out or even mount kiara. I mean hey its a FRIDAY!!! I guess those in my car started to go crazy after seeing so many pretty girls :P

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Kena Frame

I was framed by the programmer the other day. More specific I was framed by Lionel Teoh. He does a good job to always lie about others. It seems like most of the programmers love to lie their way out because they know if they don't they will kantoi. Anyway this fella went for a meeting and told the meeting board that I decided not to help in doing thier project. But the best part is I didn't even say anything yet that fella put words into my mouth. I was really not happy with the incident. So I decided to drop my friends emails and ask them over msn and facebook. Below are the answers from my friends...

  1. Burn His Car
  2. Some answers here
  3. Question Him on why he did that

There are more suggestions by my friends but I better not post it :P

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

I Got New Albums

Yeah the topic is correct. I got a couple of new albums with me. Below are the pictures of the album :) All of it is considered quite new. But I still want to get the other album from True Worshippers, but a little expensive ler *sigh*. Might get it another time after I work enough OT :P

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Weird But True

My classmate who I brought into Aeon is a Weird Dude! He likes a vendor who is a girl and he brought her out for breakfast that cost rm50. And the best part is when the girl ask him out for a movie...yeah read it again when the girl ask him out for a movie he decided not to go. He gave his stupid reason that he has no transport. My dude can drive!! NOW the best part is the girl told him she will pick him up and watch the movie at 1U!! & my friend decided not to go!!

Part 2 is she invited him over for dinner at her house and she will cook for him and he didn't go again! My dude here is practically a desperate for a girlfriend and when the opening is there, he didn't want to seal the so called deal. I saw him when he hit the low when he asked a girl for a movie and she rejected him and its like he was so down. I was thinking the other time (all this back in aeon) what the world was wrong with him and since as a friend I told him who make him sad then I will go find problems with them (as I thought it was the user) then he told me it was a girl, then susah lo!! But I tried to invite the girl for a drink after work as all of them are gathering downstairs to have a drink after work to so callled to chill and also kind of to bid me farewell as I was heading the exit from the company..

Dude if your reading, know what you want. Don't regret if someone is taken away from you.

You Have Been Warn!

Monday, May 25, 2009

Jusco Card Day

I believe it was a Thursday that Jusco had is member card day. Man the amount of cars and people around that place is crazy. Can you imagine the crowd on a Sat / Sun be seen on a Thursday? Adrian called me to tell me that he was late and it was the same day I had to go to 1U to meet my boss for meeting. So I decided to park @ 1st Avenue. He told me that all the parking is full. When I was parking @ 1st Avenue, even those who are going shopping at Jaya Jusco park there.

Not only that, I heard many people took leave just to go shopping. My sister is one of them. Now the thing is I am really wondering if the things are really that cheap? I saw the milo which is @ 21.70 for 2 kgs. That ain't not cheap. Cheap is less than rm20. But they told me other things are cheap so I guess I got to believe them :P

So the question now is, how bad is the economy?

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Girls Who Work As Programmers

I notice one thing. Girls that work as programmers will be very 'chan'. One example I can give you is a programmer in my ex place who is working as a Senior Asst Mgr. The 1st time when I saw her I was like wow. But later down the road, she became very 'chan'. I have to admit being a programmer is difficult. Its worst when your stress and you dont take care of yourself. Even those vendors that come in and help me with stuff ask me what happen to that girl. Well I guess not only in programming, all types of work will make you stress especially now.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

My Birthday

It was my birthday not long ago. Well I had a early celebration on the 17th of May in Atria @ the Japanese Restaurant. Anyway would like to thank those who wish me for my birthday.

  1. Marsha Yong ( Facebook)
  2. Jessecca (Facebook)
  3. Liz Hie (SMS from Aussie)
  4. Liz Lee (MSN)
  5. Mr Ng (Face to face)
  6. En Yuen (Facebook)
  7. Phui Yien (Facebook)
  8. Padma (Facebook)
  9. Daniel Toon (Facebook)
  10. Praveen (Facebook)
  11. Wei Yih (Facebook)
  12. Corrina (SMS)
  13. Brenda (SMS)
  14. Lim Lili (SMS from S'pore)
  15. Chee Seing (SMS)
  16. David Lim (Facebook)
  17. Bean (SMS)
  18. Shaw Yun (Facebook)
  19. Marianne (Facebook)
  20. Cassie (Facebook)
  21. Laura (Facebook)
  22. David (Facebook)
  23. Gideon (Facebook)
  24. Darren (Facebook)
  25. Nicholas (Facebook)
  26. Poh Ling (Facebook)
  27. Cyn De (Facebook)
  28. Alex (Facebook)
  29. Joel (Facebook)
  30. Rachel (Facebook)
  31. Jung Kee (Facebook)
  32. Keith (Facebook)
  33. Jazzlyn (Facebook)
  34. Jason Fong (Facebook)
  35. Sam (Facebook)
  36. Chin Wei (Facebook)
  37. Chuang Ming (Facebook)
  38. Pang (Facebook)
  39. Kai Ning (Facebook)
  40. Derrick (Facebook)
  41. Kok Chung (Facebook)
  42. Emily (Facebook)

Anyway from the list, you can see that people no longer your use friendster :P

Friday, May 22, 2009

Life Memang Not Fair Part 2

We are so called given some perks and it was revealed to us a couple of days ago and when I saw it, I felt that it was a crap perks. We are not even given HP allowance. We are given an allowance and we are asked to use our allowance to pay for our parking and the balance is ours which is a crap amount!

Not only that, we have to work during public holidays too and we are not even paid that well. Its like from your daily salary you add another rm20! Who on earth will want to work for so little? Now everything is money.

Its like now my soul is sold to the office as we are carrying their 24/7/365 days hp. The other day I wrote that the programmer will get rm150-180 on hp allowance but I was so wrong. They are receiving rm250 and that haven't add other types of allowance that they can claim :(

I guess I will have to make my mates work easier and hope that they don't have to disturb anyone during night time for support.


Thursday, May 21, 2009

The Night God Rocked DUMC

On May 13th , after work I headed to DC to join the Unity Prayer. I was there at 750pm and I saw so many people reaching church and my parents already called me to check where I was :P When I walk into church, I saw many people and I was really happy as on the morning itself, I prayed to God that let more people come for the unity prayer tonight. Just in case you are wondering what is this for, it was to pray after 40years of an incident.

Anyway worship was really good and God was really there. Then there was a song that we had to kneel down to pray for our nation. So when many people kneel down, everyone started to pray and I honestly started to cry because I am one culprit too. I admit I m16 them quite often because of unhappiness and etc. I guess most of you get the point. God was really convicting my heart.

Then there was a guy who shared the message and we started to have our prayer and this time there are 7 pastors that lead on different topics which was really good. We prayed for so many things that night and we know God will really move in our land once again.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

2 Movies A Single Day

On 11th May was my off day and I kind of used it to the max. I woke up around 10am and I took my bath, check online for movies timing and I flew off to 1U. I wanted to watch 2 shows and 1 of it is my fav which is Xmen and the other was a free ticket so I decided to watch Mall Cop which was really funny too.

I had to spoil myself for the day as I haven't been to the movies quite some time. So I caught the 1115am Xmen and 230pm Mall Cop. At around 115pm, I went to eat burger king as it is the nearest around. Then it was checking ppl playing bowling. I watch some friends (2 guys and 2 girls) playing and the girls whip the guys up side down! Another group was a malay guy and girl, the girl always hit the drain. Another group which was 2 guys and girls, the girls hit the drains. It was really fun to watch people play bowling.

I ended my outing at 430pm adn went back home to rest as I was really tired after watching all the movies. So how in my opinion, the day was quite not so productive but its ok :P

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Brought TO Plant Earth Today

Today is my Birthday. I have to say I am getting older till that day when Mr Ng asked me my age, I cannot even remember it. But don't worry, now I know my age.


I would like to thank God for putting me on planet earth 2* years ago. I would like to thank God for the good years in my life and the bad years in my life which is experience for me in my life so that I can share with others about it.


When I started off my morning, I was really happy as it was my birthday. I did spend time with God a little while and telling him somethings and praying for other things in a short time. When I walk into office, I started teasing people and started to call people as I have free calls to Maxis only. The whole day I practically didn't do my work but I actually did, but I was not at full force as I don't want to make myself tired as I had to usher for the Worship Central @ Night.

@ Worship Central

Since I was doing ushering, I manage to go in free. If not I will have to pay rm30 to enter. One thing I didn't do was I didn't take Tim & AL picture. I was there arranging chair and I saw 2 guys practicing on their Gibson Acoustic GUITAR. I was like WOW! But I didn't know that it was Tim and Al. Wasted! But anyway concert was really good. Even though they don't have Pianist, but they could do it with drums, acc guitar, elec g and bass g. But it was good. Around 1K people turn up for the event. Ushering was quite easy but it was hard especially when I had to stop people from taking photos. Some of them were not happy. But in the end I didn't really bother :P

Message that caught my ears was this. Do not give up. Its quite a long story so I was thinking most of the time about that and I didn't really catch the rest of the message. Anyway would like to thank in advance those who wish me on my bd. List will be posted soon :)

Monday, May 18, 2009

How To Buy A House?

This was actually a message on my friend's MSN the other day. So I decide to PM him and talk to him about that as I know it is really hard to buy a house now. I can roughly give you the chat with him.

I told him that its hard to buy a house and we will have to start small maybe by buying an apartment(which is not cheap too). Then he ask me again how to buy a house. So I told him, work hard, do OT and keep that money for down payment and can use epf and safe as much as possible from salary.

But he told me that he does OT but don't get anything and ask me how to buy a house which I repeated what I said on top. But later he was angry as he was saying that houses 1 decade ago is just 40K. But guess what? 1 decade ago, food and everything was cheap and at 1 decade ago 40K is considered a lot of money too. Not only that, he started to blame human's for making it so expensive and that even the stock market which goes up and down is human's fault.

I guess now in depends on we as individual how we are going to earn and how we are going to buy a house, buy a car, get married and also to live a simple life or a life that is extremely good. I guess its how we will play our cards and we will need to play our cards nicely to make sure that we don't go into debt.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Most Popular Baby Names

Hi Guys & Girls,

IF you guys want to have your kids name and wonder what you should name them, check it all here. But this site that I will post is for those popular names that are used. For Popular Names click here. But for the full set of names click here.

And just incase if Jason is already married and a kid is on the way, I am sorry that aint happening :P

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Dinner On 8 May 2009

I attended a dinner on the 8th of March @ my side in Atria. It was at Hooi Loong. Food was good and company was good. It was actually with my parents cell group as they wanted to give Pr Chris a dinner to celebrate about him being a Pr in DUMC. We had 2 tables, 1 which I will say its the more serious table while the other was not the serious type and we talk about nearly everything.

After dinner suddenly they were talking about about relationship which I am the main person they question again. Check the conversation below.

Aunty SG : JT so tell me what type of girl / criteria you are looking for.
JT : Well aunty, honestly no I am not looking (this was my honest answer).
JT: The reason why I am not looking yet is also because I am still Ok and I am not at that level yet in my work.
JT: I might be technically skilled but I am still lacking in other things which I still want to learn 1st.
Aunty SG : So you still want to climb that ledder and then only find a girl later?In children church got many pretty and sweet girls.
JT : Yeah thats right aunty.
JT : But I don't think I want to get into any relationship yet. Its not so easy now. Don't even have money.
JT : The other day my mum ask me when I am going to buy house during breakfast time and when we went to visit my sister (renting in BU) ask me when I am going to buy my house too. It was really stressful question and I could not answer her.


Mum: But this guy very high class wan, dowan to drive proton car wan.

*My car been fully overhauled I don't need to change my car for at least the next 5-6 years?*

JT : Even getting married is not easy. It is so costly. Then need to buy house, car and etc is not cheap now. Everything is so freaking expensive
Aunty SG : *she agrees*
Aunty Kim: But surely your parents will hand some over to you
Mum : But kinds cannot expect parents to hand them everything over.
JT : I will need to be responsible for my own things.
Aunty Jen : Maitenance is not easy you know
JT : Yeah I know.
Mum : Actually all the aunty here is concern that you will get a non christian gf
Aunty SG : *she agree*
Aunty Kim : We are actually now worried for today generation as they will get non christian gf or even have the same gender as their partners as it is like OK now.
Aunty Jan: Thats why when you get a gf, you must bring and let all your aunty see 1st
Mum: Wah let the aunty see 1st huh?
JT : Wahlah, then it will be aunty see, mum see, but the 1st step is I need to find lagi stress la

*This is when everyone laugh again*

Aunty SG: How old are u JT
JT : I am ** years old
Aunty SG : Still young nvm

*This is when my hp ring and it is a call frm office to do support*

It seems to me that everyone is concern about me getting a gf, but yet I am still chilled and I am not wanting to rush into anything yet. I am really happy with my life right now *honest here*. Maybe I am not rushing that's why I am not worried. But why are people are? I guess they are more worried that I fall for a non Christian. I actually have my criteria already but it is not publish yet. But some of you who know me knows my criteria.



Friday, May 15, 2009

Hot Hot Hot

Everyday is like so hot man. Its madness. Its like summer time in Malaysia but this time it is getting out of hand. Something I wish is that I can transfer some cold air from my work place to my home and get my home to be cool all the time. It does not need to be cold but just nice that you feel comfortable. At my side at times we set the aircond so low that it will be so cold that you will need to put a jacket on. Not only that, your hands can feel really cold too.

I wish there is some answer towards this hot weather. I wish I can donate this hot air to places which is cold now like Aussie and they give us their cold air. Can we do some trade pleaseeee......

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Price Wars

If you check out every Saturday's The Star Newspaper, Giant, Tesco, Carrefour will be competing with each other on items. Items can be from eggs, Milo, tissue paper and etc. By looking at the weekly price war its really madness. I guess each of the hypermarket is trying to out do each other by setting their prices so low. They are able to do that is because they buy in a big bulk at once and they still can earn by selling at a lower price.

I have to say due to the price wars, I can say nearly every week or once in every 2 weeks I will be buying milo. The last milo that I bought was in Tesco @ RM19 for 2kgs. Its good to make things more affordable during the economy down turn. I am hoping that one day prices will really drop and that price of petrol will drop too.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

When Do We Stop Serving?

When I was doing ushering that day, one of the uncle said this

Uncle 1 : I think we older 1's should stop ushering and let the younger one's take over
Uncle 2 : Yeah agree. The 1st team got so many young ushers (practically the whole team)
Uncle 1 : Our team all old ushers. Even my wife don't feel like doing ushering as she is always tired.
Jason : *at this moment I had to comments but I started to wonder when do we stop serving*

The thing is this, now the lets say around 30% are doing the 70% job. Last time it was said the 20% is doing the 80% serving. If lets say I decided to say let the younger 1's take over, I guess it will not really happen. Imagine the younger generation will say let the older generation do the ushering while we sit here.

Question to all is, when do we stop serving?

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Worship Online

One of the days, saw Lydia Lim online and was chatting with her. Since I just finish playing for my parents cg, I decided to go on playing the same song again. This time invited her to sing along with me which she DIDNT! :P But anyway it was really nice to be able to do vocals that night. The song that I sang was 'Be Still For the Presence Of The Lord' which was sang by Patrick Leong in one of the prayer sessions quite some time back and I manage to catch how he did the song to be so nice.

When I was playing for my mum cg, I manage to do things like Patrick did but cannot be really heard as their cg was really giving their all in their worship which was GOOD! Anyway I gave Lydia Lim all the 3 verse of the songs and after that she clap. Below is the chat with me and her

Jason : BTW the song nice or not jz now?
Jason : vocals nice or not?
Lydia : hehe
Lydia : nice
Lydia : I don't mind having online worship session with you

*some parts removed coz not important*

Jason : So how many marks will you give me out of 10?
Lydia : erm, I will give 8.

Now the point is not about the marks, but I am starting to think, hey why not encourage people who I know where ever they are with God's song. I know there is nothing much I can do, (especially when people are down) but with worship God hears and God is able to see the person heart. I will not do because people want to hear my vocals, but let it be a good time of praise and worship with God :)

Monday, May 11, 2009

Worship Central

Hi Guys,

Alpha & DUMC will be hosting Worship Central on the 19th Of May 2009. Its a night of worship and teaching.

Place : DUMC Dream Center
Hosted By : Time Hughes & Al Gordon
Date : 19th May 2009
Day : Tuesday
Pricing : RM30
Door Opens : 7PM

Sunday, May 10, 2009


On Thursday (30th April), I was very happy as the next day is HOLIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyway I knew it will be quite a quiet day on that day as there is not much activities happening today. I decided to chill off a lot as I know starting Monday, the task of planning for the next project is going to be really tough.

Then my dude trainee came in having a little bit of flu and I guess I caught a little of his flu. Then the whole day I was talking non stop and talking things to make people laugh. Even Mr Ng was a little worried if I am sane or not :P

But life was good on the 30th, I manage to go home early and manage to go to church for the evening Prayer which was about Colossians 1:9-12. This verse was to be prayed in our life. I am glad I didn't miss the prayer that night as I was to go for all 3 days, but I had to do OT, the next day I had to do my tax and the last day I took the chance to go.

Saturday, May 09, 2009

Great Responsibility

My boss has made me so called DC representative for the new project that is coming up in May. This is actually plans for installation by the programmers and me so that things can fall into place nicely. This will be a great chance for me to add on to experience and knowledge as I handle different sets of programmers who are working on different type of programs (but all project programs are the same).

But now it seems I have a lot to handle. It seems that my presence in DC is even greater now which I don't really like. Means nearly 70% of the things that needs to be done will go thru me before I say Yes or No. But most of the time when I say NO, they will call their boss to talk to my boss which later will potong stim and my boss say Yes.

Please don't get me wrong, I love my work. I know I have said many times and my friends told me many times which is taken from Smallville : -

"With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility"

Great responsibility is now on my shoulders and I have to admit, its too much to handle. At times I feel like going back to office to work on Saturday or Sundays to clear my work to be able to perform the rest of the task that I need to complete in a short time too. I don't want to be a workaholic but I want at the same time to learn new stuff which I need to (Panda IPS and Antivirus Manager) which I still don't have the time to play with it. I actually have every right to do OT everyday but its just madness. Life is not all about work but its about play too. But I guess we need to at times sacrifice to become even the better person.

Friday, May 08, 2009


One day, which was one Friday which was quite some time ago, my boss told me that when he went to overseas (some where cannot remember where) he enjoyed himself there by seeing the stuff in front of him. And when he got back he wanted to share his experience with his wife, it will not be the same as it is really hard to describe the action that he has seen in front of his eyes. Not only that, he shared that when he wants to share his happiness, there is no 1 there with him. But this was last time. He is now married.

I too feel the same at times. The worst hit was when my parents were in overseas berholidaying last year for around 2 half months while I was alone back in PJ in my house being the KING with no Queen :P Anyway I still remember that I really work my level best out as that time we had PCI certification on going. But at times when I go to church, I will be sitting alone, doing ushering alone, coming back to the house after work to come back to an empty house, going shopping and getting things that bachelors will only eat, doing stuff alone. At that time I wish I had a gf with me but one of my friends told me, gf is for long term and its not going to help you for 2 months only which I total agree. Yes I know the time is now and I have to start searching but I am still quite comfy with my life so far.

I know people who are now married and they need to be fair to their partner and they cannot work so late and etc. When you get married, your status change. Don't talk about marriage, just think about getting a gf/bf. You will need to spend time to know / paktoh with ur partner. Life is actually hard for me and yet people don't really believe me. I have so many plans to make my life (work Life) the best so that I can be really experience but people tell me I still need to find a gf which is quite hard for me to do right now. But I know when the time is right, there will be 1 who God will put for me and her to be ready for each other

Thursday, May 07, 2009

Hardest Day's In Office

April 28th was one of the hardest days in office for my whole gang. Literally the 3 people who are under System Administration, Security Administration and Operations. When I got in to office at around 9am sharp, my friend told me 'JT your server got problem'. I was honestly very shock as there were no problems the day before.

Later I started to find out what is the problem and after having a fast breakfast, I started to work on the server. I know even though how much I try to avoid server problems, it will definitely come back to me as I am the server boy. Since that server is running Windows 2003 SBS (one of the most worst versions came out my Microsoft) I knew it was time to really resetup the whole server once again. I had to copy down the user ID's created, do backup to the system (lucky a little bit only) and go thru the settings that is done before. At the same time I had to report to Dell about the server and the best part is my call was answered by my own Utar Friend. It was good to talk to her as I got to taruh (friends way) her and her servers :P

After installing Window 2K3 Standard, the server had problems. I was major not happy about that. I had to reformat and reinstall Win 2K3 Enterprise. After installing it, I installed Panda Antivirus and after a restart, the server started to give me many problems AGAIN. I am now actually wondering if Panda Antivirus will cause the servers services to fail to load / slow to load during servers startup.

When the Dell engineer came, the part that he brought was acutally spoilt. I was then again not happy but I kept my cool as I knew it was not his fault or even my friends fault. The engineer tried his best to do what he could do under the supervision of the trainees (this time I was really tired and didnt bother to be in the server room). I even had to have 2 cups of coffee but it didnt work at all.

I have to say it was really hard day for me as at times some of the stuff I never encounted before I had to try to do which add's on to my knowledge which is a 2 thumbs up. But it was an extreme day as I was working like 200% and the server was up. But the only issue that still plays around is if the server is working nicely. I ended my work at around 830pm feeling so physically tired and hungry.

I actually installed Symantec on Thursday and the Windows Services failed to load too. Now I have a big thing to think about as I am not sure if Panda Antivirus did cause the 1st issue or not. Before this when I installed Symantec it was working fine, but seems something has cause the servers to perform in a weird way once again.

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Hanphone Themes & ETC

The 1st time when I bought my hp I was really excited and I remembered my friends telling me you can get free hp games, themes and etc on the internet. So I went home and started to find themes that I like and to upload it on my phone. But after a while being so into it (around 1 week) I decided to stop as its like excitement for the 1st time and after a while it dont really matter anymore.

But the other day I decided to drop by that same website again which is called Mobile 9 to check out for more themes and I found a couple of themes that is really cool. Not only that, I decided to change my sms tone to one of the tones that I found on that website. On that day itself, I guess I spend nearly 1 half hours to check out the themes and sms tones. I finally found some themes that are really cute and a sms tone which is played on a piano which is quite a popular tone. Anyway my main ring tone still stays the same as it is really hard to find songs to replace my song.

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

I Hate People Smoking In Toilet

This is what I truly hate. I mean those smokers are from my office also. Some others who work at the same floor also take a smoke in the toilet. I am not sure why they love to smoke in the toilet. Toilet aint not smelling that good for a smoke right?

Not only that, I am not sure why I can say around 40% of the time I go to the toilet, I will have to be the 2nd hand smoker. I am not the only 1 that kena, my friends also kena the same thing. Next is the toilet at my side don't have suction fan to suck out all the smell from the toilet. They have window only. So the smoke smell will move around the toilet and if I am not wrong, it will take at least 20-30 minutes before the toilet smells normal. But even when the toilet smell normal, there might still be the smoke smell around which we cannot see.


Don't know of a solution to escape from the toilet. Its when I smell it, I should go to another floor toilet. That is for my own safety. I wish I can use the girls toilet coz I don't think they smoke inside the toilet :P But its hard to say as today generation, things change. Girls smoke too.

Monday, May 04, 2009

I Am Great Thanks :)

The other day when I was doing ushering, this uncle came up to me and ask me this. I guess check out the conversation below.

Peter : You got gf already?
Jason : Nope
Peter : Why not?
Jason : I am still ok (still comfy with my life)
Peter : Nolar you should go and find a gf already
Jason : A little hard for me as I am busy with my work (which is true, esp when project launch)
Peter : But you must still find gf
Jason : Nah I am still ok
Peter : Just go and find and tell the girl that you are NOT COMMITTING ANYTHING

After he told me that in my heart was like "this guy is giving me such crap advice coz he is not getting married to the girl so why the world he so worried?" and "who the hell go tell girls that he goes out he is not committing any thing"? So does it mean that even if I go out with a girl for breakfast / lunch / dinner means I have to tell of them that? Who in the world will be such an ass to do that? I guess only stupid people like that uncle will do that.


Peter : DUMC got many girls mar and ratio bet girls and guys is 60-40.
Jason : *Inside me was what ever!!* (no reply from me)
Peter : The girls here are quite pretty what.
Jason : Yeah.

Peter : So it is easier for you to find a gf
Jason : Yeah

That was when the music started for worship and I didnt have to talk to him anymore. I am really not sure why people are so worried for me. I am doing fine with my life right now. I really am. Not only that, I am trying to work out some of the details in my life for my future. Getting married is not an EASY thing as it is for life so why must I rush in it? I am not desperate like others who rush into things and get their ownself burn till no words can say.

Sunday, May 03, 2009

Diploma Story Part 7

After my final exam for year 1 sem 1, which the last paper was maths (If I am not wrong), Fatty and I went to butterworth bus station. Our last paper was in the morning and we decided to zoom straight to the bus stop as some of our other mates will be having another paper in the noon. We actually pack our bags and nearly all the students brought bags to exam halls as everyone wanted to go home after exam as it was the last day of exams! *YEY*

We waited for the 513 bus that will take us to Butterworth, but waiting for that bus is really long time. But in the end the bus did come and we manage to reach butterworth at around 1150pm and our original ticket was at 2/3pm. We went to the counter and I notice there was a bus at 12pm which was superb! Then I asked what bus is that and they told me we had to add extra a couple of bucks for that bus which I didn't mind as it was an executive coach! Not only that, they told me only my friend and I was the passenger of the bus which was double superb!

We change our tickets and boarded the bus feeling so happy as if the bus belongs to us! But we didn't do much in the bus. In the end we slept nearly all the way as it was after exam time we were really tired. I only woke up for pea break and another time was when sleep was already enough. Bus was really comfy at that time too. I guess with 2 people on the bus, the company would surely rugi :P

Saturday, May 02, 2009

Life Memang Not Fair

Everyone knows life is not fair. I guess there is nothing much we can do about it. We complain yet no 1 will listen or if they listen they can't really do much for us to change things. But its great to know that friends will continue to support us by listening to us.

Story is this. Found out that programmers that are on 24hrs stand by call are given from RM150-180 as monthly allowance. Not only that, when they come in, fix the problem they will get another rm80 free. They will get traveling allowance too. Programmers that hold the support phone on rotation basis will get rm30 a day and they will hold the phone for a week.

But now I am also holding a 24hrs phone, which I get NOTHING! If lets say I have to come in to support, I will only get traveling allowance. I don't even get the RM80. Not only that, my handphone I get nothing. Honestly la, now everything is about money. It is like I am working for free which no one will do. People will work if you throw in incentives to motivate them to do it.

Since they are not giving me any $ for being 24 hrs and etc, I don't bother to support after I go to bed. I just leave my nokia phone 24hrs on, but I leave it downstairs. I don't bother carrying it to sleep coz it aint worth it at all. There is 1 programmer that held on to the support phone for nearly a month could even go for a holiday to Hong Kong / Shanghai! Unbelievable? Its true. What can be done to change that? Unsure. But I really wish I can go for a holiday with that money too.


Friday, May 01, 2009

Taking A Break Today