Saturday, May 16, 2009

Dinner On 8 May 2009

I attended a dinner on the 8th of March @ my side in Atria. It was at Hooi Loong. Food was good and company was good. It was actually with my parents cell group as they wanted to give Pr Chris a dinner to celebrate about him being a Pr in DUMC. We had 2 tables, 1 which I will say its the more serious table while the other was not the serious type and we talk about nearly everything.

After dinner suddenly they were talking about about relationship which I am the main person they question again. Check the conversation below.

Aunty SG : JT so tell me what type of girl / criteria you are looking for.
JT : Well aunty, honestly no I am not looking (this was my honest answer).
JT: The reason why I am not looking yet is also because I am still Ok and I am not at that level yet in my work.
JT: I might be technically skilled but I am still lacking in other things which I still want to learn 1st.
Aunty SG : So you still want to climb that ledder and then only find a girl later?In children church got many pretty and sweet girls.
JT : Yeah thats right aunty.
JT : But I don't think I want to get into any relationship yet. Its not so easy now. Don't even have money.
JT : The other day my mum ask me when I am going to buy house during breakfast time and when we went to visit my sister (renting in BU) ask me when I am going to buy my house too. It was really stressful question and I could not answer her.


Mum: But this guy very high class wan, dowan to drive proton car wan.

*My car been fully overhauled I don't need to change my car for at least the next 5-6 years?*

JT : Even getting married is not easy. It is so costly. Then need to buy house, car and etc is not cheap now. Everything is so freaking expensive
Aunty SG : *she agrees*
Aunty Kim: But surely your parents will hand some over to you
Mum : But kinds cannot expect parents to hand them everything over.
JT : I will need to be responsible for my own things.
Aunty Jen : Maitenance is not easy you know
JT : Yeah I know.
Mum : Actually all the aunty here is concern that you will get a non christian gf
Aunty SG : *she agree*
Aunty Kim : We are actually now worried for today generation as they will get non christian gf or even have the same gender as their partners as it is like OK now.
Aunty Jan: Thats why when you get a gf, you must bring and let all your aunty see 1st
Mum: Wah let the aunty see 1st huh?
JT : Wahlah, then it will be aunty see, mum see, but the 1st step is I need to find lagi stress la

*This is when everyone laugh again*

Aunty SG: How old are u JT
JT : I am ** years old
Aunty SG : Still young nvm

*This is when my hp ring and it is a call frm office to do support*

It seems to me that everyone is concern about me getting a gf, but yet I am still chilled and I am not wanting to rush into anything yet. I am really happy with my life right now *honest here*. Maybe I am not rushing that's why I am not worried. But why are people are? I guess they are more worried that I fall for a non Christian. I actually have my criteria already but it is not publish yet. But some of you who know me knows my criteria.




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