Friday, October 31, 2008

Sipadan Pictures

Sipadan is the place I wish to be in 1day too. My parents was there last time and they told me it is really beautiful. The water is really clear and you can see turtles, fishes and etc swimming around. I wish I can be there too to enjoy the moment. I cannot find the pictures that my parents took last time.

There was once when I was having lunchy with my work mate who is a girl at KL and someone came and give me the pictures of Sipadan and told me to bring my gf there to honey moon next time and the only thing I could do is just laugh. This guy is an agent for holiday. Enjoy the pictures people

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Audit Was Quite Ok

Audit is over and I have to say the PCI audit and the EP audit was quite good. I believe that we will get the PCI cert very soon. I think the ratio to get the cert is 95%. There are some other smaller issues that needed to be iron out before the cert is in our hands. The next thing is from now, I have to work harder to make sure everything is in place rather than doing it the last minute. If everything is done the last minute then surely I will see stars as I am the only 1 preparing most of the documents.

Anyway I got confirm and don't have any increment. At the same time my MD is still saying I am still a junior and my boss is saying that I am not focus. Actually the question is how to be focus when he wants all of us to do everything? Then he told me that I cannot deliver my work at times which I admit it is true at times as I got so much things to do. From today onwards I am not going to do others job and I am going to throw back all the crap job that don't belong to me to the specific person. I need to learn ALDON and also firewalls and also the same time find out ways to strengthen the DC security level. Anyway I guess from now I need to really tidy up my work and really be the enforcer officer to make people's life really really hard especially programmers.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Volcanic Eruption meets Lightning Storm

Check This Out. Its really nice and I don't know how on earth that person can take such nice photos. Not only that, that peron's life is in danger..

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Petrol Down, Food Down?

Read newspapers and according to them, hypermarkets will lower their prices as petrol prices are down. How far or will there be any truth in it? Since things will be cheaper, will food that we eat daily be cheaper? I don't think so. After the petrol is lowered by 15cents, I believe I get extra 1 liter. I remembered I once told my friend even with extra litter I cannot even reach space. So how much millage does 1liter takes you? Don't really know either :P One thing for sure, if I pump Shell, I really can get the extra millage and I really can stretch my car to the limit. I really need to check out how far I can go with RM60 as I promise Mr Ng I will try it out. I guess I will try it really really soon. I am still hoping that petrol will continue to go down even further as the petrol around the world is dropping. Wish that the petrol price would come back to rm1.92 a litter. If it is less even better still. If it drops till rm1.52 a litter I can nearly get 19.73 litters over which is equal to rm50 on todays price. So faster drop petrol :P

Monday, October 27, 2008

Happy Birthday Lixia

To Lixia,

Happy BiRtHdAY To You
Since I can't get u a cake or a gift, hope this counts. Enjoy your birthday lady and may God continue to work in your life and that you will be a blessing to others around you.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

My Car Jimat Petrol & Kittens & Work

Since last Wednesday I pump rm30 on my car and till today I still have a little bit of petrol left. I guess the trick is you got to not ram your car and let your car move and don't over push it. Then try not to speed too much as speeding will cause your car to take more petrol. My car can hit more than 120km on rm30. But my petrol is finishing at the same time. So need to refill it really soon.

Had to work again today for another 6 hours as I want to clear as much work as I can if not I won't have the enough time to prepare for the audit which is scheduled on Wednesday. But I manage to finish and file up most of the things. I guess if I didn't work on Saturday and Sunday, I will surely feel it on Tuesday as I have more things to do. 2days I work nearly 9 hours which is equal to 1 day but yet I still have some more things to do *sigh*

Today the contractor came and fix my house roof and they found 2 dead kittens on my roof. Shows that some mother cat is not doing her job to take care of her kids. I guess the reason why the kittens are there is because it has been raining really heavy and it is really hard to find a place to stay that will not have any sunshine and also water. But if they stay at the roof, it will be freaking hot as roof will get direct sun light when it is in the afternoon. Anyway they have been remove, but there is a need to fix the roof to make sure the cats don't go up there to have a siesta during the morning, noon or night.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Partner Where Are You

Aih had a little flu today. Had to work to make sure that I am quite ready for my next audit which is on Wednesday. The amount of task that I have is madness. My boss still try to kill me by giving me so much task to do even though he know that I am 1 man only. Then only he took off some of the task to pass to the others to do. Anyway I manage to clear some filing and also do some back dated work. Since I had to do ushering today I went back at around 1pm after lunchy with Jack.

Ushering was different today. They decided to put me in free mode means I can roam around but at the same time I have to take care of a spot which is also collecting the offering bag. But the sad case thing is, I haven't usher with my partner for a month. I am really wondering where my partner is. My partner has a nice smile and wish my partner will come back. Since I am no longer with my partner, I will be taken off to be in a free role. Anyway usher head gave us some gifts to appreciate our dedication to work. Thanks Dr Tham

Wood Carving By Orang Asli

Friday, October 24, 2008

Audit Was Good

I have to say Thank God that the audit on Friday was good. One thing for sure, everyone work really hard to get the audit to be a success. I believe that the audit was 98% success. I have to thank Mr Ng for doing the AS400 and also firewall, Nazrul, Jack and Yussof by doing the System Hardening. Without you guys, I think I won't be able to make it thru as I have so many other things to do. So I am really waiting to touch the PCI cert really soon.

At the same time after PCI is done, I have to prepare another audit which is coming up on Wednesday. I really have to work on Saturday and Sunday to make sure that my part is really ready as most of the audit is my part. I guess the catch is this, when you do security, you will really need to major in it and make sure that you don't kantoi yourself in anyway. Life is hard especially preparing for audit's but it will add to experience behind your backs.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Heart Attack

Heart attack can happen to anybody. My boss told me that 1 staff from SL who is a programmer had heart attack and has to undergo bypass which will cost a whoping $100K. Insurance only cover till 40K. That guy is only around 30+ and he has heart attack already. It tells us one thing, stress MEMANG KILLS! Not only that, I guess we have to do our part by doing some excercise to make sure that we are fit and strong and that the problems of the health will try to be lessen. So please do exercise, it will do you good. Oh yeah do watch out on food intake also as I know we as ASEAN dudes love to eat a lot and eat food that is not so good for health at times.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Oh nooooooooooo

Tomorrow and Friday will be the DAY of EXAM FOR ME. Auditor will come and do a walk thru tmr and for FRIDAY, I have to say this, MY ASS is on the LINE. The reason why I say that is coz the PCI (Payment Card Industry) which does certification for Mastercard & Visa will be on Friday and this day itself they will give us the certificate on that day too. So I really have to work extremely hard to make sure they will give us the certificate. If we fail to get the cert by Friday, I guess I will be on the chopping board. Really worried but I know what I have done so far and the rest I guess God you will really have to help me out. Hopefully my GF will come along as I want to see her the last time before we finish up the project. Please do pray for me especially for Friday. It is not only my ass is on the line but the rest of my friends too. But if you count the percentage, mine is the biggest pie :( But one thing for sure, if we do get the CERT on Friday, it will really do good on my next updated resume.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Prison Break Season 1

Started to watch Prison break Season 1. Boy the show is so nice. Watch 3 episodes so far. Can't really give much story of it currently but all I can say it is really exciting on how he found out about the jail and how he draw the pathway on his body as an tatoo. Anyway on end of episode 2 and begin of episode 3, one of the bad guys cut off Mike's little toe. Its so eeeeeeeeeee......yuck yuck. Anyway I am behind time of watching those show since it is now Season 4 already.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Tat Soon Wedding

I was attending another wedding on Saturday, yeah I can hear people asking 3 weddings every Saturday? Yeah that's right 3 weddings back to back. 1st week is Lili, 2nd week is Replacement and 3rd Week is Replacement again. Anyway the food this time was not that good and for the cost that my friend has to pay which is 1.4k, it is not worth it at all. Dinner was in 1 of those hotels in KL. Anyway Congrats to Tat Soon who got married. Pictures are from my HP camera.

Candle On Table

Flower On Table

Walk Way Flower

Sunday, October 19, 2008


Went to Digital Mall the other day and I had to shop for empty cd's and dvd's. Since I really ran out on both and the last time when I really bought it was like a few years back when I was still schooling and I still remember the price that I paid for the empty cd's which I bought from the PC Fair was at rm60 for 100 pieces. It seems by the amount that I buy shows that I am goin to burn the whole world of cd's and dvd's. Actually I am not. Once I buy my stock, I can keep them for quite many years. So it is better to buy then keep rather than buy a few pieces then run out when you really need them. The amount that I spend the other was rm142 which is rm88 on dvd and rm54 on the cd's. The reason why my stock went out is coz I have been helping my parents to burn some of their stuff that they need.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

CSI S8 to S9

Was watching CSI season 8 e17 to CSI S9 e1 the other day and it was about Warrick Brown being framed all the way. But the part that really touch me most was when how the whole CSI team rally to get their friend out of the issue. They work round the clock to clear his name and they did what they all can do with the help of so many others from the team. What actually touch me was when all of them who are really close to each other work like a family to really help out their friend out who was still in a confuse mode of he has killed the person or not. In the end Gil came and told him that his name will be cleared and they were looking for another culprit that frame him. Then Warrick hug Gil and that really touch me as he was really thankful to his friends who set his name clean.

At the ending of that episode, he went out breakfast with the whole team (Nick, Cat, Gil, Greg) and they were so happy that the issue was settle and Warrick decided to pay for breakfast. Then all of them left the place and Cat told him that if he needed someone to talk too, he can check her out. Next thing was Warrick was killed one of the Police man who is really evil and this time again the whole team came back to find the killer. This time Sarah came back into the show but she didnt do much in the show but to check out and get items for Warrick's funeral. This time they really work hard with all of the other teams (Liz V *yey*, Archie and 1 more fella) to track down the killer. In the end they manage to get the killer and during the funeral part, I have to say, I was deeply touch and I was in tears myself as they have lost their good friend. The words spoken by Gil was really great too.

I guess what I am trying to say it is really IMPORTANT to have close friends who will stand by you and will be willing to walk you thru even though what ever your life might be in. Friends who are there to encourage and friends who will walk the mile for you should be the sets of friends that you should want to keep forever. Friends are really hard to get, especially when you work around them, they will be your family in some way or another. If you really want to see how the CSI work in those 2 episodes for their friend, let me know.

Friday, October 17, 2008

They Are Coming

On Tuesday, the auditors will be coming. So since I havent finish some of the task I will have to work even harder on Monday. Not only that, on the 28th there will be another set of auditors coming too. Just when I thought I am done with 1 set of people, now there is another set of people coming. I really need to work into all my documentations so that I won't kantoi myself. I really want to work really hard for the PCI cert so there will be something for me to be proud off.

Meeting Which Is Boring

The other day I went for a meeting in 1U. Crap man the meeting got NOTHING GOT TO DO WITH ME. So in the end in the meeting I end up playing my HP Uno once again. This time computer whack me up the wall by playing 4 games. The score that he got each game is MADNESS. Anyway if I didn't go 4 the meeting I will be more productive as I have quite a few things to clear as my dear auditors are coming really soon. Hope that this friday, Everything will be smooth and by end of the month I will / my company will get the PCI Cert :)

Thursday, October 16, 2008

I Don't Sing Like Patrick Leong

Did a little song for my fren the other day over msn. My friend say I sound like Patrick Leong. But to me no I don't even sound near him. He is way a lot better than me. But once last time when Patrick was doing Silent Night as vocals warm up during Christmas, I sang it with him then Uncle Nat told me, hey you sound like Patrick and those who were around me just turn behind and look at me which are older ladies and Young Adults. Then being shy I say 'Yeah coz i train him :P'

I know my weakness as I still have some pitching problems. Still working on it to make it perfect. The other day, baby suddenly appear infront of my computer room and I decided to give her the way Patrick does his Forever on the Chorus and she just look at me and listen to the full chorus before leaving. Wonder she was saying 'wow' or 'what on earth is that noise!'. But one thing for sure, when she could not walk and she was only in months, I did songs for her and she will respond which means its GOOD! *selfpraise* I know that when she is cranky and she is off a little, music from my guitar will calm her down even though it is simple playing and that means God move in all types of worship that you have for him.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Best Man Or Best Women

You Know when you get married you will need to choose who will be your best man or bridesmaid. This is actually a question that hit me when I attended a wedding on Saturday. I was wondering when I get married who will be my best man. For some weddings the best man will be either their primary school friend, sech school friend or even church friends. So now I am starting to wonder who will mine be. If you all wondering if I am getting married, no not yet, but I am just wondering only who will be when the day comes :P

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Pretty Girl

Been into CSI this season and I am actually watching the older season which is season 8. Just notice that there is a pretty girl in Season 8 called Liz Vassey. She is really pretty. Quite sad to watch in S8 that Sara Sidle decided to leave the show. But overall till Episode 14 is quite entertaining for now. I still haven't watch Season 7. I guess once I am done with S8, it will be a back track to S7. So to Liz Vassey you are one pretty Lady!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Rain So Heavy + Wedding

It really rain so heavy yesterday and I wonder where on earth all the water could have come from. Really my house was flooded too as the roof leak like there was no roof at all. It was one of the worst that I ever seen in my life before. I have told my parents many times to get the roof fix but they didn't do anything at all. I don't know why either as they are so free but they don't want to get other things which is more important done. Below are the pictures of all the pail that I used in my house to stop the floor from getting wet but in the end I still didn't have enough pails as it was leaking all over. The Big Red Pail was half full which is a lot of water from the sky. After putting all the water to 1 pail which is the yellow pail, I had another pail full of water from there too.

After the rain I had to rush to church to do ushering and boy not many people came as it was due to the rain. But in the end people started to come in later. Not only that, the people that was suppose to usher for my row didn't even appear. They totally forgot they were ushering. I will usually usher that row with my partner, but my partner didn't turn up yesterday too *sad sad* *cry cry*. So in the end I had to usher that row too when the original plan was I was to be a free position usher. It seems now the usher head is giving me more duties which is to collect the the offering bags and collect the number and then pass it to him. I guess they are trying to shape up new people so that I / others can take the responsibility when the main person is not there. It seems the usher head is trying to pair up people to usher as they will know how to handle / know how others do their task when ushering. But being able to usher with my partner is quite nice too.

Anyway Yesterday I had to attend a wedding in KL after church. It was Concorde which is next to Hard Rock Cafe. Dinner was good. But yeah as I sms some of my friends I was really bored and no I didn't drink nor did I check out other girls. Was bored as I was sitting on the table full of my dad's friends who I know but since they are not my age, I cannot really talk much to them so before the dinner started, I started to play Uno on my HP which in the end I won and I was the champion for the 1st time after so so long. But one thing for sure, the bride and bridegroom are tall people. The girl is as tall as me (unsure with heels or not) but the guy was a few feet taller than me. Anyway was using my handphone to take KLCC pictures as the weather was really good and KLCC can be seen so brightly.

Nearer To Hard Rock Cafe (BKT Nanas Monorail Station)

Picture Taken Outside Dang Wangi LRT Station

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Programmers Are Dumm Ass People

Have to be rude man. I mean yeah you programmers really sucks. Check out the mail that they sound me and my office mates and other mates. Actually all this problems started when their boss didn't provide me with enough information. Not only that, I am facing a lot of issues from other users too who claim they try to access but they cant even access when they didn't even login the system. Check out the mail as below. Actually the problem was never DC problem. It was the main office site which was in 1U.

Yes, due to firewall. Have contacted Kok Wai but he’s not in today. If this is one of the issue that I need to be aware of, I need not have to wait for so long to get this resolve. Should have informed me before hand or urge Kok Wai to look into this.

I suppose Kok Wai should be aware of this since he’s in the recipient loop.

Kok Wai,

Please revert to me when you receive this email.


Please note that this issue has been going on to and fro and will affect the testing delivery. Pending Kok Wai to look into my situation, I guess reports will now mainly comes from Choon Kiat.

Michelle will be back next Tuesday 14/10 to resume testing, and I will hand the task back to her.



Look how nasty they are? They even should know that I don't need their help at all and they are the 1's that need my help. I have receive many stinky mails from programmers and the other day when I had enough I taruh those programmers back nicely. They always love to lie and it seems to lie is the culture of SL programmers to cover their ass. Why they lie? Because they cannot finish their work. Not only that, they expect us to do all miracles for them all the time by doing this and that setup without even sending any forms and they want to do it the short cut way and they try their very best to bypass me all the time as I give them one of the most torrid time of their life. So programmers, like Angeline, Peter, Tan Jee Wang, Ang Kee Lim, Peggy, get a life. If you guys cannot finish your work. I guess it is about time you work even harder and don't play around so much. I don't know why when you guys cannot finish your work we in the DC will always kena shoot. But one day I PROMISE you that our work will be so freaking efficient that you will have no more grounds to shoot anyone of us.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

My Blue Car

I drive a blue proton wira to work everyday. This year it self my car took in around 3k of fixing up. It was 1.5K, 1K and one more round was around 300+. SO with this type of money use 2 do up the car, I am really hoping that the car will really be ok for the next couple of years or so. I will do my very best to take care or the car and make sure it is fed well with what ever is needed by the car from black oil, brake oil, battery water and etc so that it will last longer and that I don't have 2 keep on sending it to the workshop. Now my car after the tweaking of the distributor it has more power which is good and not good. Good in terms of when you speed you can sort of get the top speed and when you climb up any hill you don't really need to lower the gear that much. Acceleration wise is good.

But the side effects of tweaking the distributor is it will consume more petrol. Most of the time I take it easy on the car and try not to step on the paddle so hard. I just let the car drive as it wants and not put pressure on the car at all times. After filling up my car petrol last week with rm50 which is equal to 20.48 liters, ,my car has already travel 100km on my last top up and I believe I can drive at least another week (next week) with that amount of petrol. I am really trying to see if diff petrol can give me different mileage. I know Shell can, so let me finish my tank before I refill and give you guys the result once again on how many km I can drive.

But guess what? Today when I drove the car, the temp went up like normal and I notice that my radiator fan didn't spin. But I didn't panic as I have driven in this type of conditions before. I manage to reach church without the thing over heating but it did go up more than half. On Friday the car was fine and on Saturday the car decided to be nuts? Could it be the rain that was so heavy that cause my car to see stars? I really don't know but one thing I know, I need to send it for repairs once again. But if I can get it to work back then I guess I will not need to send for it to be repaired. I know it is either the motor that is gone or the switch is gone. It seems my car always have the same problem and I guess it is really time to change a new car really soon.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Very True

The other my car was tease again and in the conversation was this. 'why you don't want to buy new car?' My answer was coz my car is still ok and etc (cant really remember). Next was also Mr Ng saying sayang rite if the car kena scratch (something like that) which is actually very true. When you get new things like car, hp, guitar or other stuff which is COST YOU A BOMB especially when you are paying from your own pocket, you will tend to have more love, more care, more attention for the item. But for a car or even my guitar, there is a 1st time for everything and a 1st scratch will make you sakit hati but in the end after that you wont really care that much and if your car / guitar kena scratch there wont be much effects on you. I guess like they say, there is a need for the 1st step for everything. Actually I havent drop by handphone before till Tuesday Morning when someone called my house like 8am and I reach out to pickup the telephone and after that I drag my hand n next thing I knew, my hp went flying and the case crack and I was like my 1st time dropping the phone, but thank God nothing went wrong with the phone or else *sigh* So there will be a need to 1st time of everything

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Poor Me Again

Since parents are not around AGAIN, I had to eat alone. So since I was quite tired I decided not to buy dinner and ate the bread that I have at home and I found Tiny Teddy in the fridge that belongs to Belle. I have to say Tiny Teddy is really really nice cookie. I have to control myself from eating or else Belle wont have anything to eat but only the box left :P When my parents are not around I always have no idea to eat. It was worst from May till August when most of the time I will just eat indo mee my own style. That was why I was a little thinner. Must thank the stress that I have that time due to all the PnP that was needed to be done.

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Not Worth Eating

Was in The Curve the other day which was the 1st day of Raya. Went to eat at a shop called Just Desserts. All I can say, don't got as the food there is sucky. Thats my opinion. My parents ate their chicken rice and boy their chicken is horrible. It is not fresh and when you eat it you know it is going to be bad really soon. It has that type of not fresh taste. It is not cheap either. I had something like chapfun which u have rice and you have the soyasauce black chicken and that cost rm9+. Not really worth eating. Drinks there extremely expensive. Cheapest was water at 50cents but the rest of the drinks are from rm3.5 and above. So value for money is guarantee a NO. Worth going is a NO.

I guess now I will need to come out with some bench mark for the food that I eat :P

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Tummy Ache

Aih today tummy not so well. Don't really know what was the reason. But it was not so serious so its still ok. Today I manage to finish all the documents for PCI. Tomorrow I need to do the prepo on other parts by making sure everything is in place and etc. Still got a lot more to do but I know I can do it. Yesterday I work till 10pm + and manage to clear most of it. But I would like to thank my friends that help me out to do the stuff too. Without you guys, with me alone surely I will die standing. Just the other day I was writing about working OT and etc, but after yesterday till 10pm and today till 830pm, I am feeling extremely tired 2day. I guess doing too much OT is not good for the body as it will just make it tired and weak too. So in the end money is not everything. I believe my s'pore gf will come this Friday and hopefully this time I won't have any grounds to kantoi anything. If I do kantoi thats it man. So still need to do more for the next 2 days to make sure all is in place.

Oh yeah I drop my handphone yesterday morning and my plastic cover crack. So to be the cheapskate way, I had to use the celotape to tape my plastic cover. I know that is the only way as the plastic cover will always crack so there is no need to buy a new plastic cover all the time.

Not only that, yesterday during lunch I met 2 of my friends. One from Aeon who is Goh Mui Cheng and other was my Secondary school mate, Stef. 2 girls at a single day? Yey! hahaha :P

Monday, October 06, 2008

This Week

Guess this week, most of the days I have to do OT. That is a gurantee. I don't have any idea when the PCI dudes are coming to check on us and I have so much documentation to do. Due to my slack on Friday, I guess I got to chase a lot of things this week. Some of the task is done but the task of filling up the HSR, UAR, CR, BRR with their serial numbers is going to take me many hours to do but its like they say "die die also must do". I guess it is really tiring as I have to write the numbers and fill up all the forms in the excel sheet. Not only that, there are other things to be done on the systems which I did but the data is old so need to redo. Not only that got other stuff that I never do before I also need to do which is Snort. A lot of configuration needs to be done and a lot of work to be done this week. So God help me. I need help.

Sunday, October 05, 2008

I Am Back + I Ran 5 Rounds

Came back from Melaka this morning at around 1030am. After I reach home the 1st thing I did was went back to sleep. I was so freaking tired as we left early to beat the jam when there no jam at all. Not only that, the night before all of us slept extremely late. Wedding was quite ok at least something different from the weddings in KL. I slept till 2pm+ and then my aunty and uncle came over till around 5pm + and I went to run and today before running I told myself I am going to run 5 rounds. I did finish 5 rounds and that includes warm up that I ran up most of the place but when it was down hill I decided not to run as the floor was really wet and slippery. Didn't want to end up injured so most of the uphill I ran, down hill I walk. But after that was 5 rounds non stop. But there were many people running that time and it was so cool so thats why I could do a little more. Not only that, it seems girls are more concern of health than guys. So Lixia, in the end I did 5 rounds. Not only that, I added another 34 situp and 10 push up as that time I puncit adi. But I guess there is nothing much to shout about. I guess I really need to continue to run to strengthen back my body. After running, I headed to Pasar Malam to buy soyabean water for my family.

This week I got another wedding to attend in KL to represent my parents. Crap man. I don't want to go as I am alone there. If my sister or someone would follow me surely it will be better. But this week I will be doing ushering so I feel that I will be doing my ushering before leaving mid of church to take the LRT to the wedding. But really I don't feel like going for the wedding unless I got a gf to go with me or if I have a partner to go with me. Any takers? I guess before asking that question, I need to ask my dad how many seats are allocated for my dad. If there is, I don't mind adding on to pay for the next person who will keep me company.

Saturday, October 04, 2008

Congrats Lili

Was in Melaka on Saturday. Want to say congrats to Lili who got married to Bryan. It has been a while since I saw Lili and Bryan. the last time was when all of us including Kevin and my sis went to have breakfast at TTDI. That was the 1st time I met Bryan. He is a good kid and he has a great girl. Anyway my sis, Kevin and I wanted to be there for Lili who came all the way from S'pore for my sisters wedding. Not only that, it is also for support from her as bro&sis in christ and also support from my older CG. Was nice to meet Siok Eng at the wedding too. Dinner was ok but the traffic was madness. From my hotel to dinner place was 45 minutes. It was like the whole world was in Melaka :P After dinner we headed to Lili's room to check out her pictures that she took. Boy she looks GOOD. She is really pretty and she is really photogenic. I wish I was that photogenic too :P

Not their Ring, Just Got It Off The Net

Wine During Dinner

Anyway stayed Avillion hotel and it was quite off from town. It is really hard to find around Melaka as most of the roads there are 1 way street only. It took us so freaking long to find the place and when after dinner it was so hard to find the way back to the hotel and God send us a Motorcycle dude who lead us back to our hotel. We finally reach our hotel at around 1230am and slept off.

Hotel Room

After dinner on the way home, we saw a satay celup shop on the road side and since my sis and Kevin haven't tried it before, we stop and had a couple of sticks before trying to head back to our hotel. It was so so only the food. Nothing to shout about.

Satay Celup

Friday, October 03, 2008

Friday Makan Time

Today is Friday. So once it is Friday it is makan day :P Was at the curve once again and this time we headed towards Thai Express. Decided to try some thai food. Food there was not bad. I had Pineapple fried rice while Mr Ng had Claypot Chicken Rice. Price there is around rm20 a person on a single meal. It is drinks and meal only. Snacks there are quite pricey and it is the same price as your main meal. Food quite ok la in my opinion.

Then went to the Yamaha shop to check on some effects which they don't have and decided to try out the Yamaha guitars which was L series. There are many types of L series there and I just tried the L6 series. Sounds good, easy access for fingers and nice to play with. Wanting to get? Nope. I just don't know why I don't have the love for Yamaha Guitars. They told me this week they will be having a special promotion but I don't think it is time to get an upgrade yet. The guitars I still hoping to get will be Maton, Takamine and Taylors which all 3 are very very pricey but they are one of the best out there.

The part I hate was this. When I was in SS2 coming down towards LDP and there is a junction where people can turn into ss2, to LDP and to other places. I was on the right lane heading down and was not speeding and from a far I saw a van wanting to head towards LDP so I was at the right lane to so call allow her to move go. Suddenly when I was neared towards the junction she shoot out and guess what? Her driving was so freaking bad that when she turn she went into my LANE WHICH WAS RIGHT LANE. I slam my brakes and horn non stop. I nearly crash into her and thanks to her I was so freaking piss. I change my gears and decided to chase that van and honest, I wanted to point middle finger at her. After I manage to level with her I SLOW down and decided to give her a stare and she just look back. Really wanted to point the finger at her but I know all women drivers are just the same. All drive into people lane and cause a lot of accidents (just being honest).

Friday was another lepak day at work. Didn't bother to put in 100% of energy at work as it was like after holiday then back to work once again. But I started to peak after having tea which was at around 5pm. I work till 1030 that night and I manage to get some of the forms to be registered. I guess I will need to work even harder on this coming week as I believe the Auditors are really coming and there will be a need to do up all my documents and etc. Time is always not enough thanks to constant bugging from different people who needs my help. At times I don't know who to help and if I help my work will slow down then cannot perform and bla bla bla. I guess you guys get the story :P

Thursday, October 02, 2008

Good Money Part 2

Heard people saying that a few of us will be getting HP allowance VERY VERY VERY SOON which is actually an equation.

HP Allowance
Keep HP on 24/7

The other day when I was in the server room I asked one of the programmer how much they will get to do phone support a day and they told me it is rm30. Actually it is nothing much as rm30 cannot be paid by taking away ur private life / outing life / own life / own time or the list will just go on. BUT if you really check it out, if rm30x7 means u will get rm210 a week and you will actually get 840 a month which is extra cash which will do your wallet good. But even though the money is good, it is not worth doing the 24/7 support as you are always on call and you must answer. I rather not get this type of money. I am the type of dude that need to sleep at night and when you call me, thats it, I wont be able to sleep anymore. Even yesterday I had every right not to pickup calls but one of the programmer called me and I answered the call (bad move) and I had to go back to office to help them fix the problem. But it was not that long so it was ok. I guess from now, company please don't call me on Holiday or Saturday and Sunday.

Last time Aeon was worst. They only give rm5 a day which is like so cheapskate. With rm5, you cant even get a meal out of it man. Still r'ber Steven Gan telling me it is free angpow while the meaning of angpow is it is free and you don't even need to work on getting rm5. People might even give you more angpow rather than rm5. That rm5 is just a joke but well getting a little more is better than getting nothing at all. But that place a single month you will get rm150 extra.

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Selamat Hari Raya


HaPpY hOlIDaYs!