Monday, October 06, 2008

This Week

Guess this week, most of the days I have to do OT. That is a gurantee. I don't have any idea when the PCI dudes are coming to check on us and I have so much documentation to do. Due to my slack on Friday, I guess I got to chase a lot of things this week. Some of the task is done but the task of filling up the HSR, UAR, CR, BRR with their serial numbers is going to take me many hours to do but its like they say "die die also must do". I guess it is really tiring as I have to write the numbers and fill up all the forms in the excel sheet. Not only that, there are other things to be done on the systems which I did but the data is old so need to redo. Not only that got other stuff that I never do before I also need to do which is Snort. A lot of configuration needs to be done and a lot of work to be done this week. So God help me. I need help.


Blogger Lizard said...

*grumble grumble* tch announce extra class for exam dy *sob sob* why like tat wanz?? T.T why principle announce tch have to do OT and students have to come for extra class??

Lol.. jokes aside..take care of health too k! happy working =)

11:59 AM  
Blogger Jason said...

happy working? working is not happy wan ler esp if there is no pretty girls here...

3:39 PM  

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