Friday, October 10, 2008

Very True

The other my car was tease again and in the conversation was this. 'why you don't want to buy new car?' My answer was coz my car is still ok and etc (cant really remember). Next was also Mr Ng saying sayang rite if the car kena scratch (something like that) which is actually very true. When you get new things like car, hp, guitar or other stuff which is COST YOU A BOMB especially when you are paying from your own pocket, you will tend to have more love, more care, more attention for the item. But for a car or even my guitar, there is a 1st time for everything and a 1st scratch will make you sakit hati but in the end after that you wont really care that much and if your car / guitar kena scratch there wont be much effects on you. I guess like they say, there is a need for the 1st step for everything. Actually I havent drop by handphone before till Tuesday Morning when someone called my house like 8am and I reach out to pickup the telephone and after that I drag my hand n next thing I knew, my hp went flying and the case crack and I was like my 1st time dropping the phone, but thank God nothing went wrong with the phone or else *sigh* So there will be a need to 1st time of everything


Blogger Lizard said...

me worse ler, my hp was dropped for 3 times but I am still very sakit hati but cant do anything.. Don't sad over it dy k! take care=)

10:55 PM  
Blogger Jason said...

nolar not sad adi.coz after 1st time then its nvm :P

9:17 AM  

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