Sunday, October 26, 2008

My Car Jimat Petrol & Kittens & Work

Since last Wednesday I pump rm30 on my car and till today I still have a little bit of petrol left. I guess the trick is you got to not ram your car and let your car move and don't over push it. Then try not to speed too much as speeding will cause your car to take more petrol. My car can hit more than 120km on rm30. But my petrol is finishing at the same time. So need to refill it really soon.

Had to work again today for another 6 hours as I want to clear as much work as I can if not I won't have the enough time to prepare for the audit which is scheduled on Wednesday. But I manage to finish and file up most of the things. I guess if I didn't work on Saturday and Sunday, I will surely feel it on Tuesday as I have more things to do. 2days I work nearly 9 hours which is equal to 1 day but yet I still have some more things to do *sigh*

Today the contractor came and fix my house roof and they found 2 dead kittens on my roof. Shows that some mother cat is not doing her job to take care of her kids. I guess the reason why the kittens are there is because it has been raining really heavy and it is really hard to find a place to stay that will not have any sunshine and also water. But if they stay at the roof, it will be freaking hot as roof will get direct sun light when it is in the afternoon. Anyway they have been remove, but there is a need to fix the roof to make sure the cats don't go up there to have a siesta during the morning, noon or night.


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