Monday, October 13, 2008

Rain So Heavy + Wedding

It really rain so heavy yesterday and I wonder where on earth all the water could have come from. Really my house was flooded too as the roof leak like there was no roof at all. It was one of the worst that I ever seen in my life before. I have told my parents many times to get the roof fix but they didn't do anything at all. I don't know why either as they are so free but they don't want to get other things which is more important done. Below are the pictures of all the pail that I used in my house to stop the floor from getting wet but in the end I still didn't have enough pails as it was leaking all over. The Big Red Pail was half full which is a lot of water from the sky. After putting all the water to 1 pail which is the yellow pail, I had another pail full of water from there too.

After the rain I had to rush to church to do ushering and boy not many people came as it was due to the rain. But in the end people started to come in later. Not only that, the people that was suppose to usher for my row didn't even appear. They totally forgot they were ushering. I will usually usher that row with my partner, but my partner didn't turn up yesterday too *sad sad* *cry cry*. So in the end I had to usher that row too when the original plan was I was to be a free position usher. It seems now the usher head is giving me more duties which is to collect the the offering bags and collect the number and then pass it to him. I guess they are trying to shape up new people so that I / others can take the responsibility when the main person is not there. It seems the usher head is trying to pair up people to usher as they will know how to handle / know how others do their task when ushering. But being able to usher with my partner is quite nice too.

Anyway Yesterday I had to attend a wedding in KL after church. It was Concorde which is next to Hard Rock Cafe. Dinner was good. But yeah as I sms some of my friends I was really bored and no I didn't drink nor did I check out other girls. Was bored as I was sitting on the table full of my dad's friends who I know but since they are not my age, I cannot really talk much to them so before the dinner started, I started to play Uno on my HP which in the end I won and I was the champion for the 1st time after so so long. But one thing for sure, the bride and bridegroom are tall people. The girl is as tall as me (unsure with heels or not) but the guy was a few feet taller than me. Anyway was using my handphone to take KLCC pictures as the weather was really good and KLCC can be seen so brightly.

Nearer To Hard Rock Cafe (BKT Nanas Monorail Station)

Picture Taken Outside Dang Wangi LRT Station


Anonymous Anonymous said...'s really flood in your house. Can't imagine what I'll do if my house will happens to be like yours :p

Still, u're acting like a child in the wedding..hai...

10:20 PM  
Blogger Jason said...

pls la uno game is my fav game and it rocks.if u play surely u wont give me back my hp so ur the same la hahahahahahah

yeah my hse really flood.the rain was the WORST I EVER SEEN IN MY LIFE.i mean i ack that my hse leaks but this was really bad la..shud have record it and let every 1 see how much suffering i had to go thru :P

10:55 PM  

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