Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Petrol Down, Food Down?

Read newspapers and according to them, hypermarkets will lower their prices as petrol prices are down. How far or will there be any truth in it? Since things will be cheaper, will food that we eat daily be cheaper? I don't think so. After the petrol is lowered by 15cents, I believe I get extra 1 liter. I remembered I once told my friend even with extra litter I cannot even reach space. So how much millage does 1liter takes you? Don't really know either :P One thing for sure, if I pump Shell, I really can get the extra millage and I really can stretch my car to the limit. I really need to check out how far I can go with RM60 as I promise Mr Ng I will try it out. I guess I will try it really really soon. I am still hoping that petrol will continue to go down even further as the petrol around the world is dropping. Wish that the petrol price would come back to rm1.92 a litter. If it is less even better still. If it drops till rm1.52 a litter I can nearly get 19.73 litters over which is equal to rm50 on todays price. So faster drop petrol :P


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