Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Effort = Time

In life everything takes effort. That includes relationships, playing the guitar (to be good), work and etc. Most of the time we take the effort to be good in stuff that we do. I guess I am hitting a round a bout talking about the same thing. Anyway what I wanted to say is by putting effort in means sowing a lot of time on it.

Example like me when now I start to wanting to peak in playing the guitar once again. I spend time practicing it nearly an hour or 1 1/2 hours a day if time permits me to do so. I watch youtube or try to do something that I cannot do which is play chords which are weird and not comfy for my fingers (fingers a little short here and cannot stretch that far).

Was having lunchy with Mr Ng yesterday and was talking about gf (am I attach? Stay tune for more) a little. As we were exchanging views, the word effort came out of me and he agreed with me. Its all about time to work things out, getting to know the person better and etc. So now I wonder if I have a gf, will my guitars get affected and cry out for lack of attention? Surely :P

Monday, September 29, 2008

Guitar Effects

I am starting to wanting to play even better and I am not that good yet, but I believe with the amount of time I spend on my guitar everyday, I will be there ONE DAY. But how long does it take to be that day? Very Long. I guess I just need to practice everyday to be there. But I guess it will be worth it coz being able to play something is better than being able not to play anything. Nope I am not trying to be Super Guitarist. Anyway starting to want to try my hands on guitar effects. like below. But I know to have guitar effects, I will need an preamp. All will cost money. Heard that AD8 is around 1.5K, GT10 is around 2K and GT8 is no longer in the market. But I hope to get some 2nd hand stuff which wont cost a bomb into my pocket. AD is more for acoustic but I know that using GT8 or GT10 you can plug in the acoustic guitar too which will sound sweet. Should I or should I not buy? I really don't know :P

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Good Money?

Actually as I work in SL, if lets say everyday I can work till 930pm I will be able to get rm40 on meal allowance. And if lets say I work 5days means I will get extra rm200 for food. And if I work for 1 month I will get extra rm800. With this extra boy I can be able to use the money for other things and also my savings. Ok lets say I only do 4 days which is rm160 and a month I can get rm640.

But the question now is, is it worth it to work till 930 everyday when actually I have too coz the amount of work that I have is madness. This week I have to redo all the forms and put them into order, put all reference numbers on all forms, prepare my PCI (PnP, documentations and etc) ready before my S'pore gf come and check me out once again, office work and many others that are still pending. I guess when my parents were away, I should have stayed in office more till I finish my work and from there I believe I can have a higher salary for that month. But I didn't. Now regret a little but as my friend told me, don't regret. I guess our life is not only about work but about other things which is people's life (not talking bf/gf) and doing the things that we like (hobby). So should I stay back and work really hard to get the extra or should I just come back at 530pm? I guess like I always say, stay tune for more answers.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Church & Series

Was at church yesterday and was doing ushering and before church started, it poured really really A LOT. It was like long time never rain and I was happy coz it will cool the weather around PJ. But while it rain really heavy, the roof of the church started to leak. I was really shocked as before it was leaking I was sitting down to talk to uncle Nat, then I was wondering who spit some water on me and when I look up it was leaking A LOT. I straight inform the head usher, Pr Daniel was inform and we had to close the section. Anyway was with my partner for ushering again yest. When partner saw me, partner smiled and told me it is nice to see you again. It was really nice to hear those words from partner. I guess I need to learn how to put in nice words when speaking to people too. I had to do a little more responsibility yesterday too as one of the 2nd man usher was not there, so I had to take over his role but it was cool.

Time for series. I thank God Smallville S8, Night Rider S1, Prison Break S4 and Heroes S3 is now out. With all these shows I will be fully entertain. I am actually still watching CSI S8. I did a back to back 4 episodes of Prison Break yesterday and boy it is really interesting show. Watch 2 e of Smallville and so far is so so only. Night Rider is quite ok, but the car that they use is a Mustang which can transform into a pickup truck and another version of Mustang. Girls are pretty there too. Didn't get to watch Heroes yet but stay tune for updates

Friday, September 26, 2008


Since every Friday we want to eat something different, we headed to Curve for lunchy. It has been nearly every Friday that we will eat something better as Mon - Thrs we will eat chapfun or cheaper food.

So far, we had taken Kim Gary, Some chinese restuarant (cannot remember name) and yesterday was some type of Indonesian food. I have to say it taste quite good at an affordable price. So our work is to eat in all the shops in Curve except TGIF and Italianese and we will know which is nice to eat.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Not That Well

Today I feel weird. My lips are always dry and I feel once kind since yesterday. I guess health is not really on my side once again. Guess I am really weak. Guess without my running partner I am weak. Cannot cannot still must run even without Lixia. The reason why I am sick is also when I go out for lunchy, it is extremely hot and when I go back to work it is extremely cold and it is extreme of both worlds. So that is why surely I will get chilled and get sick. Guess need to pump more iron into me already. Superman give me some health please!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

I Ate So Much

On Sunday I decided to try some puasa food and I know that during this time they have a lot of choices of food to eat. So I headed down to TTDI pasar malam and boy that time so many people are already there. Was there and was walking 1 round to make up my mind what I should eat for the night. I had 2 packet drinks which was soyabean and air mata kuching. I then bought 2 roti John and 1 ayam percik. That was what I eat for the whole night till I could not walk :P Greedy? Yeah I was.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

What On Earth Is Happening?

It is quite sad to hear about news that really makes you wonder why it happens and breaks your heart. Not only does it break our heart but it really breaks God's heart too. Its like the song that says 'break my heart what break yours'. The other day I receive an sms telling me that churches and pastors are being killed.It is just so sad to hear what is really happening. Lord I pray that you will free them and that you will spare all of them from being killed.

Not only that, weather is extremely bad now. It can rain 1 min then the next minute it can be really hot. People will surely fall sick if the weather is so freaking weird all the time. I know it is global warming but not many people are taking it for serious. But I am, but at times I am not. I just do what I can which is water my house plants and hope it will grow bigger to make more oxygen and that it will be able to make the weather cooler and I know 1 person cannot do much as I don't have so much land too. Since my dad is back, I cannot use the dead leaves to let it decompose to make the soil better. I think that is the best way as if we throw the leaves into the bag and the bag is pickup by tong sampah man, it will be thrown to some rubbish area which will add to extra rubbish. Ok getting out of topic already :P

Monday, September 22, 2008

My Guitars

Attach are my 2 guitars taken together. Had nothing to do the other day so I thought I wanted to play ""One Way" on different frets and the only guitar I could do that on was my Hofma. I manage to modify the Neck a little and it is now not so hard to play. But I got to change all the strings as the tone has flown away. Tone is really awful man. Both these guitars have been brought and use for many stuff in their life with me. Hofma went to many mission trips and also at times to Carey Island. The other guitar has been used for Christmas Presentation and also the latest was Street Ministry Merdeka Celebration. Which guitar I like? Still my A&L guitar as it has the tone that is really sweet. But Hofma has a normal sound but you can play more Chords on it as I can reach nearly to the end of the frets. Anyway both guitars are Semi A's

Forgive the background which is messy :P

Sunday, September 21, 2008

110% or 150%?

The other day I saw my Joshua's MSN stating that he should learn how not to work at 110% and I straight away PM him telling him not too. It was actually my statement last time that @ times I work 150% in Aeon and working so hard brings no benefit to me at times. When I work so hard when I get back home I feel piss and burn out and I will always grumble because I feel that I was ill threated. Actually looking back, the more that you hold, the more responsibility that you will have and you will be search all the time.

I guess it is simple. Don't force to work too hard. Yes I agree that you must work hard to get your promotion, better increment and bonus but if you work till too hard you will feel really burn out and the last thing you would want to do is go back home and start complaining or even when you are driving you will feel so freaking piss off in the road and you will do things that you will @ times regret.

So I guess bottom line is when you work hard, you will need to find some time out for yourself. It is good to go for a drink during extremely peak times so that you will not feel the heat when working too hard. Final words as below equation

Work Hard + Work Smart

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Please Be Smart When Lying

To all my friends. I know this is a weird subject to have but let me tell you something. If you would like to lie to cover up for something, make sure your lies don't kantoi you back. Really. I mean if you pandai pandai your lies wont hit you back. It is worst to lie especially when you cannot finish your work nicely and you try to blame others and try to exaggerate the time and etc. Come on just grow up and stop lying. I mean if you continue to lie so much, no one will even trust you and if your friends do trust you (numerous times of lies), I guess your friends are just too stupid or could be the same like you.

Friday, September 19, 2008

I Am Goin To Miss....

Every Saturday I will go for my run with my friend called Lixia. Since she went back yesterday, I have already lost a running partner. This girl is fun to be with and fun to talk too all the time. I know I didn't make you the Bolt you want to be Lixia :P

Thursday, September 18, 2008


Since Mr Ng was in Bangkok be return with chocolates for us today. Thanks Mr Ng. I haven't eaten any of them yet though, will keep in the fridge and chill it then I will start eating it really soon. I guess most of you know I am a sweet tooth kid so yeah I love chocos, ice cream, coke, cakes and you name it I love it :P I even ate banana split for dessert today :P

The other day when I was having lunch with my friend and I ordered icecream, my friend said this to me 'you really love ice cream' and my friend started to giggle and I say yeah still small boy so what to do?


Choco Wrapper

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Yey today is holiday. But the sad case thing is even though it is a holiday I still need to go KL site to fix all their pc and make sure all of the stuff is working nicely before I leave. I really made sure all is done before I went home. While at the same time they still were having some ATM issues which I had to look into coz most of the time my friends will call me for help.

Anyway after work as I was walking to the LRT station, I notice a guy who looks like extremely blur but I didn't bother and next thing he was on my side and said this "excuse me I would like to go Kelana Jaya Lrt which way should I go" (originally in Mandrin). So since my mandrin is quite bad so I told him "follow me" and we headed to the LRT station and even started talking. He is Jason too and he is currently studying in IMU and he asked me where I was studying and I just laugh and told him that I am working for 2 years.

I even waited for him as he top up his touch and go at the counter as I was not rushing and had to make sure he boarded the right train to KL Sentral. On the way we were still talking about a few small things and as the train reach KL Sentral, I told him it was his stop and he thank me and said this "without you I believe I will be really lost" and my reply to him "your most welcome and all the best"

At least I manage to assist someone who appreciate it well. Thanks Bro, all the best in your studies and do your best!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

AAM is Hopeless

Honest AAM is a hopeless company. Today (saturday) when my car could not start in front of tv3, I called them and ask them to help me out and they told me my car is not even registered in their system. I was like what on earth? My dad has been an AAM member for so many years which could be even more than 10years and they don't even have my car registered in their system? So I was really piss off with them as they told me they wont even send someone to check my car out. So I started blasting them up the wall and whacking their system and etc and questioning them till they have no answers for me at all.

My dad was there too and he called another guy and my dad which is a cool guy talk nicely to the other guy and the other guy didn't want to be any help either. So I know since if you are nice to them, they will take advantage of you. So I knew I had to call them up and started to blast them all the way. They actually still have my old car number plate which I no longer own the car. The car is sold for nearly 2 years already. So base on that I continued to whack them and told them to get the fella over to fix my car.

Anyway in I could not wait for them, I went to get another mechanic to come and fix the car. AAM could not do anything as I guess, they didn't even know what is the problem with the car. So AAM you guys really sucks. I thought you guys were good but I guess you guys are not up the mark. So if you guys wonder if AAM is good, read this out 1st to be aware.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Cancer Update from Johns Hopkins

1. Every person has cancer cells in the body. These cancer cells do not show up in the standard tests until they have multiplied to a few billion. When doctors tell cancer patients that there are no more cancer cells in their bodies after treatment , it just means the tests are unable to detect the cancer cells because they have not reached the detectable size.

2. Cancer cells occur between 6 to more than 10 times in a person's lifetime

3. When the person's immune system is strong the cancer cells will be destroyed and prevented from multiplying and forming tumors.

4. When a person has cancer it indicates the person has multiple nutritional deficiencies. These could be due to genetic , environmental , food and lifestyle factors.

5. To overcome the multiple nutritional deficiencies , changing diet and including supplements will strengthen the immune system.

6. Chemotherapy involves poisoning the rapidly-growing cancer cells and also destroys rapidly-growing healthy cells in the bone marrow , gastro-intestinal tract etc , and can cause organ damage , like liver , kidneys , heart , lungs etc.

7. Radiation while destroying cancer cells also burns , scars and damages healthy cells , tissues and organs.

8. Initial treatment with chemotherapy and radiation will often reduce tumor size. However prolonged use of chemotherapy and radiation do not result in more tumor destruction.

9 When the body has too much toxic burden from chemotherapy and radiation the immune system is either compromised or destroyed , hence the person can succumb to various kinds of infections and complications.

10. Chemotherapy and radiation can cause cancer cells to mutate and become resistant and difficult to destroy. Surgery can also cause cancer cells to spread to other sites.

11. An effective way to battle cancer is to starve the cancer cells by not feeding it with the foods it needs to multiply.


a. Sugar is a cancer-feeder. By cutting off sugar it cuts off one important food supply to the cancer cells. Sugar substitutes like NutraSweet , Equal , Spoonful , etc are made with Aspartame and it is harmful. A better natural substitute would be Manuka honey or molasses but only in very small amounts. Table salt has a chemical added to make it white in color. Better alternative is Bragg's aminos or sea salt.

b. Milk causes the body to produce mucus , especially in the gastro-intestinal tract. Cancer feeds on mucus. By cutting off milk and substituting with unsweetened soya milk cancer cells are being starved.

c. Cancer cells thrive in an acid environment. A meat-based diet is acidic and it is best to eat fish , and a little chicken rather than beef or pork. Meat also contains livestock antibiotics , growth hormones and parasites , which are all harmful , especially to people with cancer.

d. A diet made of 80% fresh vegetables and juice , whole grains , seeds , nuts and a little fruits help put the body into an alkaline environment. About 20% can be from cooked food including beans. Fresh vegetable juices provide live enzymes that are easily absorbed and reach down to cellular levels within 15 minutes to nourish and enhance growth of healthy cells. To obtain live enzymes for building healthy cells try and drink fresh vegetable juice (most vegetables including bean sprouts)and eat some raw vegetables 2 or 3 times a day. Enzymes are destroyed at temperatures of 104 degrees F (40 degrees)

e. Avoid coffee , tea , and chocolate , which have high caffeine.Green tea is a better alternative and has cancer-fighting properties. Water-best to drink purified water , or filtered , to avoid known toxins and heavy metals in tap water. Distilled water is acidic , avoid it.

12. Meat protein is difficult to digest and requires a lot of digestive enzymes. Undigested meat remaining in the intestines become putrified and leads to more toxic buildup.

13. Cancer cell walls have a tough protein covering. By refraining from or eating less meat it frees more enzymes to attack the protein walls of cancer cells and allows the body's killer cells to destroy the cancer cells.
14. Some supplements build up the immune system (IP6 , Flor-ssence , Essiac , anti-oxidants , vitamins , minerals , EFAs etc.) to enable the body's own killer cells to destroy cancer cells. Other supplements like vitamin E are known to cause apoptosis , or programmed cell death , the body's normal method of disposing of damaged , unwanted , or unneeded cells.

15. Cancer is a disease of the mind , body , and spirit. A proactive and positive spirit will help the cancer warrior be a survivor. Anger , unforgiveness and bitterness put the body into a stressful and acidic environment. Learn to have a loving and forgiving spirit. Learn to relax and enjoy life.

16. Cancer cells cannot thrive in an oxygenated environment. Exercising daily , and deep breathing help to get more oxygen down to the cellular level. Oxygen therapy is another means employed to destroy cancer cells.



1. No plastic containers in micro.

2. No water bottles in freezer.

3. No plastic wrap in microwave.

Johns Hopkins has recently sent this out in its newsletters. This information is being circulated at WalterReed Army Medical Center as well.

Dioxin chemicals causes cancer , especially breast cancer.

Dioxins are highly poisonous to the cells of our bodies.

Don't freeze your plastic bottles with water in them as this releases dioxins from the plastic.
Recently , Dr. Edward Fujimoto , Wellness Program Manager at Castle Hospital , was on a TV program to explain this health hazard. He talked about dioxins and how bad they are for us.. He said that we should not be heating our food in the microwave using plastic containers.

This especially applies to foods that contain fat. He said that the combination of fat , high heat , and plastics releases dioxin into the food and ultimately into the cells of the body. Instead , he recommends using glass , such as Corning Ware , Pyrex or ceramic containers for heating food. You get the same results , only without the dioxin. So such things as TV dinners , instant ramen and soups , etc. , should be removed from the container and heated in something else.

Paper isn't bad but you don't know what is in the paper. It's just safer to use tempered glass , Corning Ware , etc. He reminded us that a while ago some of the fast food restaurants moved away from the foam containers to paper. The dioxin problem is one of the reasons.

Also , he pointed out that plastic wrap , such as Saran , is just as dangerous when placed over foods to be cooked in the microwave. As the food is nuked , the high heat causes poisonous toxins to actually melt out of the plastic wrap and drip into the food. Cover food with a paper towel instead.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Happy Moon Cake Festival


Saturday, September 13, 2008

Just A Bunch Of Liars

Peggy FROM SILVERLAKE. I would appreciate if you stop lying about we are not helping you out and if you have problem reading numbers which is on the clock I believe you should go back to school and relearn 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9

I can't believe that yesterday that I went home at around 8pm, she dare to tell my boss that she chase me till 930pm. I mean I was not even there to be chase. I was already back home eating my dinner. So what is there to chase? Maybe you were being chase by a ghost and you didn't even realize that.

Honest You programmers sucks. I see your system boy its really bad and it always cause so much problems all the time. And since you cannot finish your program on time you blame the DC that we cause you to be kick out of your system? Please get your facts right. I don't even do anything to you guys yet. I can if I want to which is totally ban you out of the system. So please don't try my patients. I know at the same time your english boy is it just too easy to understand. Please attend some classes to improve to do you just good so that you can send nicer mails.

Credit Card?

The other day or was it a month ago, a bank called me to take their credit card but I decided to think about it and I told the bank to give me a call back the next day and they never did return my call back.

About a couple of weeks ago my cousin was telling me that I should have a credit card and if I can control my spending I will be fine. But the question back is 'how much do I spend' and how often do I buy expensive things? I hardly even shop and most of the time if i need to buy something I will buy it with cash. Nope I'm not loaded but really I just pay things off.

But some of my friends say stuff which is true, like when there is a need to go hosp and the min to be inside the hosp is 5k, you will really need your credit card to really pay up in advance. Not only that but when you go overseas you can swipe your card and pay stuff later when u get back.

So do I really need a Credit Card? Well the questions I guess I will have to ask my self and you guys can ponder if you really need a credit card (my view, please add on if you want too).

  1. What is my spending rate a month?
  2. Must I use my CC when ever I go for my outing?
  3. Will I be going overseas for a long period?
  4. Will I be out of control if I get my CC?
  5. How will I use my CC?

Friday, September 12, 2008

Comments / Words That You Will Remember

I guess most of you know words bring life and death to a person? Just when I was leaving my mind idle a little while. Suddenly a comment came into my mind that I guess I will remember forever. That comment actually brought death to myself. Even though that person was not at a right mind but I believe that person should never have said that to me as next time when I am angry back I am afraid that I will use back that comment against that person as a reminder that those words of death was spoken to me. I believe those types of words are actually curses too (thats my opinion).

Anyway I believe to let people remember you, just you simple comments and don't speak death to a person. Let those comments be comments / words of encouragement, life and not death. All I can say is speak with wisdom and don't simply speak that you will regret later. At times after regret is no use (my opinion).

Lord Help Me To Forget The Words OF Death That
Was Spoken To Me Last Time.
Help Me Just Erase It Out
And Not To Hold Any Grudge Against That Person

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Canadian Pizza

Was In church on Saturday and after church my mum said she don't know what to eat and since the other day when I was sick a flyer of Canadian Pizza was in my post box and I decided that we should try Canadian Pizza.

Went there and found no 1 eating there but most of the orders were take away. Honest my pizza really cost extra rm5 by eating there alone. Pizza was at rm36.50 and with all tax included it was already at RM44. But its ok, since I haven't tried it out before, I didn't mind paying that sum.

Pizza tasted different from Pizza Hut Hawaiian Supreme. Best garlic bread I will stick to Pizza Hut and Lasagna (haven't eaten yet). So was it worth it all? Well all I can say since I haven't tried it before, it is ok la. But one thing is if u get 1 large pizza you will get 1 more large pizza which is quite worth it.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Things Are Very Uncertain Now

Things are really uncertain for me for now. Thats a 100% gurantee. After getting unnecessary remarks thru my my boss by ANDY NG, it seems my future in Silverlake is starting to get thinner by the day. I cannot imagine even though I put my level best or in a rude way is I put my ass on the line but no 1 really cares. So the question now is why must I bother so much after getting such negative remarks? The best part is the MD thought that we don't have anything to do in DC and thinking that every day its a playground where we just sit on the swing and see saw and play around the whole day.

He does not know much crap that we have to endure every single day especially 3 people but actually most of the time is back to 2 people which is Mr Ng and I. Honest when Mr Ng is not around, I will have to so call as take over his job which I honestly try my level best to do it but at times due to lack of skill I just really cannot do it especially in as400. Most of you know I am a Wintel Boy + Other Application person as thats so called my strength. I know that I can learn but time is always the constraint in my place.

Since now, after getting such remarks you just wonder why bother to do so much at times. The best part is the PROGRAMMERS CALLED PEGGY + GANG instruct me to do their work at a certain time hour which is at 9pm is so called crap. WHO THE WORLD DO YOU THINK YOU ARE to tell me to do my work at YOUR TIME? Not only that your communication skills is BAD! You cant even get normal stuff thru which a small kid can even get thru. Nope I am not saying my English is OXFORD level but I believe what I say people can understand (hopefully). So don't come throwing your weight around because I don't need your help but you need mine. Please understand 1 more thing. I AM NOT REPORTING TO YOU!

Even as I type this, I am wishing that a company overseas will give me a call to become their SE. I would rather leave Siverlake since my work is never been appreciated and my boss don't even cover for me. Since he don't cover for me, I guess I don't really have to bother and like what Mr Ng say today, I got to start fighting for my own rights and be stern and not allow people to bully me. So what can I say about my future now? It is really shaky. Stay tune for more if I will be leaving or not.

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

How Men Change (True / Untrue)

The Love Word:
After 6 weeks: I looo-ve you, I love you, I love you!
After 6 months: Of course, I love you.
After 6 years: GOD, if I didn't love you, then why did I marry you?

Back from Work:
After 6 weeks: Honey, I'm home!
After 6 months: I'm BACK!!
After 6 years: Have you cooked yet?

Phone Ringing:
After 6 weeks: Baby, somebody wants you on the phone.
After 6 months: Here, it's for you.
After 6 years: ANSWER THE PHONE DAM*T!!

After 6 weeks: I never knew food could taste so good!
After 6 months: What are we having for dinner tonight?
After 6 years: DUMPLING AGAIN??

New Dress:
After 6 weeks: Wow, you look like an angel in that dress.
After 6 months: You bought a new dress again?
After 6 years: How much did THAT cost me?

After 6 weeks: Baby, what would you like us to watch tonight?
After 6 months: I like this movie.
After 6 years: I'm going to watch PIRATES play, if you're not in the mood, go to bed, I can stay up by myself!

Making Love:
After 6 weeks: Baby, I want you tonight?
After 6 months: Lets make another baby, my mother just called!!!
After 6 years: Please MOVE over to your side, I'm suffocating here!!!!

Monday, September 08, 2008

A Day Without You

Mr Ng, honest without you today was really hard for me man esp when it came to as400. The whole day I was just doing that green machine! I don't know why as400 is so hard! Its like got some bug in the system. Refuse to let me do this and that! So irritating!

Anyway story of what happen today. Went to office and had my mind set to do 1 thing and clear it up by today which was PCI but in the end I was in the server room @ 10am starting to do all the as400 stuff. Worst was I really don't understand what on earth they were trying to tell me since I am not all knowing of as400 (very very basic I know only ler). So I had to send back the email to the programmers to ask them for help and LUCKY got some programmer there that could help me. In the process I got Tia, Guok Yan, Christine to help me out. After that came Nazrul and also Jason Hew and Mr Ng. Shows that as400 don't like me lor. I manage to get the easier parts sorted out but that took me hours also.

Anyway in the end after some experimenting on the system by Nazrul, Jack and I, we manage to change that stuff that we got stuck with and everyone told us we need to change it file by file! If I really do that, I won't be back home even now. Inside all the Library there are so many kids file inside and some can be as much as 400+ files. So I was stuck inside the server room the whole day and after coming out Boss called me and ask me the IP address of the projects and Suddenly I total Blur I could not remember what are the octets. Gave him wrong IP address and Had to call him back to give him back the correct 1. Really tiring day today. Tomorrow will be the same I guess as it will be another long day of suffering :(

Sunday, September 07, 2008

Yesterday Run + So Cold

Woke up early in the morning to run in the park with Lixia. It was really worth the run as it was not hot at all. In my sms to her the night before, I told her that I wish that it was cloudy and well guess what? Actually I didn't pray about it but I HOPE IT WILL BE. But I guess at times God say 'oklar this request can' (I think So only). When we ran yesterday it was not hot at all and we can run 2 half rounds before we stop. This is because my partner was hungry. Yeah I was hungry too. So we walk 1 more round before we went to the nearest mamak stall for breakfast.

Last night before I slept I thought to myself a fan at number 2 will do me fine. But when I covered myself it was still so freaking cold. So I decided to off my fan and the whole night I just slept without fan and still with my covers on.

What is happening to the weather? I still remember during this time of the year there will be a lot of haze and etc due to burnings from our neighbors. Weather now is getting really really weird. I guess this is part of Global warming and I guess we really have to do our part to really plant trees and hopefully it will lessen the warming around the place we stay.

Saturday, September 06, 2008

Peter Tsukahira

Peter was at my church last Saturday. He is really good preacher. As I was doing ushering for that day I knew that many people will come to church to listen to what he has to say. But it started to rain in the evening at around 4pm and it was really heavy and I knew at the moment people will be late for church. Not only that, I was there at 4pm, I could not get a parking inside church so I had to park outside.

Anyway someone took my umbrella :( so sad. Wish that person will return the umbrella to me.

Anyway back to ushering story, it was Holy Communion that day too. So we had to stop people from walking into church to find seats to respect the time others who are early to confess their sins and etc. When I look back at the entrance, so many people were standing there. I was really wondering is it due to the rain they are late or are they purely late? There was a really a huge crowd behind. So I started to check out the availability of seats every where as I knew I need to slot a lot of late comers in some where. When a couple came and seat at the place where I brought them, they ask me if there are any more seats behind which is a guarantee none. Then only I notice they actually have guest with them as they ask them to stand up for 1st time comers. Inside my heart was this, if you can get your guest to come early, why didn't you come early too (just wondering not judgmental.) If it is due to the rain you could have left your house earlier or etc. Church was really full and worship was really good too.

It was then time for Peter to speak. He spoke about God's promises that will never end and he will nv cut off any promises that he makes. So its really a reminder for all of us that ONCE God promises us something, he will bring it to pass. But at times when we got to wait as HE knows when the best time to execute his promise for us (example family salvation, business success and etc) as he knows BEST. So be encourage to those who God have already promise you something that God will bring it thru.

Friday, September 05, 2008

No Water

If I am not wrong, since the start of the month I have been out of water a couple of times. There is no water for the whole day today. This morning I thought I could boil some water to pour for my oats and when I wanted to collect the water, there is none to be collected.

When I came back today my parents told me there is still no water. I don't know why there is no news of water being cut off from people's house for the whole day. I don't know why they are so free to cut my water and let people suffer so much.

Fish & Chip

Do you eat this frozen fish called Pangas? ( Pangasius, Vietnamese River Cobbler, White Catfish, Gray Sole )

Industrially farmed in Vietnam along the Mekong River , Pangas or whatever they're calling it, has only been recently introduced to the French market. However , in a very short amount of time, it has grown in popularity in France . The French are slurping up Pangas like it's their last meal of soup noodles. They are very, very affordable (cheap), are sold in filets with no bones and they have a neutral (bland) flavor and texture; many would compare it to cod and sole, only much cheaper. But as tasty as some people may find it, there's, in fact, something hugely unsavory about it. I hope the information provided here will serve as very important information for you and your future choices. Here's why I think it is better left in the shops (and not on your dinner plates):

1. Pangas are teeming with high levels of poisons and bacteria. ( industrial effluents, arsenic, and toxic and hazardous by-products of the growing indu strial sector, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), DDT and its metabolites (DDTs), metal contaminants, chlordane-related compounds (CHLs), hexachlorocyclohexane isomers (HCHs), and hexachlorobenzene (HCB) ).

The reasons are that the Mekong River is one of the most polluted rivers on the planet and this is where pangas are farmed and industries along the river dump chemicals and industrial waste directly into it. To Note: a friend lab tests these fish and tells us to avoid eating them due to high amounts of contamination . Regardless of the reports and recommendations against selling them, the supermarkets still sell them to the general public knowing they are contaminated.

2. They freeze Pangas in contaminated river water.

3. Pangas are not environmentally sustainable, a most unsustainable food you could possibly eat - 'Buy local' means creating the least amount of environmental harm as possible. This is the very opposite end of the spectrum of sustainable consumerism. Pangas are raised in Vietnam . Pangas are fed food that comes from Peru ( more on that below ), their hormones ( which are injected into the female Pangas ) come from China . ( More about that below ) and finally, they are transported from Vietnam to France . That's not just a giant carbon foot print, that's a carbon continent of a foot print.

4. There's nothing natural about Pangas - They're fed dead fish remnants and bones, dried and ground into a flour, from South America , manioc ( cassava ) and residue from soy and grains. This kind of nourishment doesn't even remotely resemble what they eat in nature. But what it does resemble is the method of feeding mad cows ( cows were fed cows, remember? ). What they feed pangas is completely unregulated so there are most likely other dangerous substances and hormones thrown into the mix. The pangas grow at a speed light ( practically! ) : 4 times faster than in natureā€¦so it makes you wonder what exactly is in their food? Your guess is as good as mine.

5. Pangas are Injected with Hormones Derived from Urine - I don't know how someone came up with this one out but they've discovered that if they inject female Pangas with hormones made from the dehydrated urine of pregnant women, the female Pangas grow much quicker and produce eggs faster ( one Panga can lay approximately 500,000 eggs at one time ). Essentially, they're injecting fish with hormones ( they come all of the way from a pharmaceutical company in China ) to speed up the process of growth and reproduction. That isn't good. Some of you might not mind eating fish injected with dehydrated pee, so if you don't, good for you, but just consider the rest of the reasons to NOT eat it..

6. You get what you pay for - and then some. Don't be lured in by insanely cheap price of Pangas. Is it worth risking your health and the health of your family?

7. Buying Pangas supports unscrupulous, greedy evil corporat ions and food conglomerates that don't care about the health and well-being of human beings. They only are concerned about selling as many pangas as possible to unsuspecting consumers. These corporations only care about selling and making more money at whatever cost to the public.

8. Pangas will make you sick - If ( for reasons in #1 above ) you don't get immediately ill with vomiting, diarrhea and effects from severe food poisoning, congratulations, you have an iron stomach! But you're still ingesting POISON not poisson.

Final important note: Because of the prodigious amount of availability of Pangas, be warned that they will certainly find their way into other foods: surimi ( those pressed fish things, imitation crab sticks ), fish sticks, fish terrines, and probably in some pet foods. ( Warn your dogs and cats and hamsters and gerbils and even your pet fish! ) So, when you do your next round of shopping of frozen fish, or eating out at cafes / food stalls by choosing fish-&-chips, think twice !!

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Catchy Meaningful Phrases

3 Easy Ways to Die :
Take a Cigar daily - You will die 10 years early.
Drink Rum daily - You will die 30 years early.
Love Someone Truly - You will die daily.

1. A foolish man tells a woman to STOP talking, but a WISE man tells her that she looks extremely BEAUTIFUL when her LIPS are CLOSED.

2.. One GOOD way to REDUCE Alcohol consumption :
Before Marriage - Drink whenever you are SAD
After Marriage - Drink whenever you are HAPPY

3. Three FASTEST means of Communication :
1. Tele-Phone
2. Tele-Vision
3. Tell to Woman
Need still FASTER - Tell her NOT to tell ANYONE.

4.. Love your friends not their sisters.. Love your sisters not their friends.

5. A man got 2 wishes from GOD. He asked for the Best wine and Best Woman. Next moment, he had the Best Wine and Mother Teresa next to him.


6. If you do NOT have a Girl Friend - You are missing SOME thing in your life. If you HAVE a Girl Friend - You are missing EVERY thing in your life.

7.. Question : When do you CONGRATULATE someone for their MISTAKE.

Answer : On their MARRIAGE..

8. When your LIFE is in DARKNESS, PRAY to GOD and ask him to free you from Darkness. Even after you pray, if you are still in Darkness - Please PAY the ELECTRICITY BILL.

9. Why Government does NOT allow a Man to MARRY 2 Women.
Because per Constitution, you can NOT BE PUNISHED TWICE for the same Mistake.

Today A Lot Better

Well today I am a lot better after there is not much problems from the programmers. Today was like peace in office and I manage to focus on my work, actually not really though, still need to do phone support and there are programmers who kept on calling me and I just didn't bother to answer the call and when people are looking for me, I just told my friend to say I am not there which was good so that I can focus on my work.

All I know I manage to get nearly 80% of my PCI done, did some uar, installation of ALDON was a success and troubleshooting some problems that is actually not really a problem. Anyway when I was in office, I went to youtube and started to search for some of my favourite songs and played it over and over again which was Through It All, King Of Majesty, All The Heavens and One Way. The best was One Way as there are so many ways to do the intro of the song and the way they played was so cool. Their clips are really good too and sounded really good. So I kept on hearing (without watching) and doing my work at the same time. And I kept on looking on how they do intros for songs which was actually quite easy if your fingers can really move really fast.

Anyway, that does not stop me from modifying my resume for a job in Singapore. If God willing then I might just go there and start working for a new company over there. But 1st things 1st, need to send resume and see if they will call me or not. The post is as an SE for an antivirus company. Not really sure how good the benefits are, but hope it is better that what I am getting right now.

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Thats It!!!!!!!!!!!!

Honest if there is really a good job offer surely I will leave SILVERLAKE. I am starting to feel the heat and my boss dare to ask me why my face so pucat? I am trying to get ur DAMM PCI done ok. Not only that, I have to still do normal support and etc and with extra people bugging me like dogs I really don't know what I should do. Even though I work so hard, time is always against me. Nope I don't play around when I work, yeah I do but when it comes to focus I put my level best in and yet there is still not enough level best. They know I / we got so much to handle yet they still don't want to hire more people to help out.

Sometimes I feel I am more worth that my current pay. At least one thing for sure when people ask me what I am doing, I don't tell them I DON'T KNOW. The best joke is really on programmers. I really have enough of them. I guess every 1 there know I am not that easy to handle and I dare to challenge them. I don't know why at times I help them but I get myself into trouble. But guess what programmers? Your nice time with me has just ended today and if you don't perform what I want by FRIDAY, you guys are total fried. All access that you will stop straight away. Challenge me and see you will truly suffer. I don't care if you complain about me to the MD, as I am just executing my work.

Jokes (Taken From Email)

Boss said to Secretary: For a week we will go abroad, so make arrangement.

Secretary makes call to Husband: For a week my boss and I will be going abroad, you look after yourself.

Husband makes call to secret lover: My wife is going abroad for a week, so lets spend the week together.

Secret lover makes call to small boy whom she is giving private tution: I have work for a week, so you need not come for class.

Small boy makes call to his grandfather: Grandpa, for a week I don't have class 'coz my teacher is busy. Lets spend the week together.

Grandpa (the 1st boss) makes call to his secretary: This week I am spending my time with my grandson. We cannot attend that meeting.

Secretary makes call to her husband: This week my boss has some work, we cancelled our trip.

Husband makes call to secret lover: We cannot spend this week together, my wife has cancelled her trip.

Secret lover makes call to small boy whom she is giving private tution: This week we will have class as usual.

Small boy makes call to his grandfather: Grandpa, my teacher said this week I have to attend class. Sorry I can't give you company.

Grandpa makes call to his secretary: Don't worry this week we will attend that meeting, so make arrangement.

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Bonuslink & Real Rewards

I guess most of you have both of the cards I mention on the title. I pump 2 types of petrol which is petronas and also shell and also use the cards to get some points for some of the purchases made in selected stores. But one thing I found out. Bonuslink card when you pump at shell, at times they don't really take in the transaction or shall I say some of the transaction will go lost. I notice that quite often when I pump shell petrol station.

Well it does not really matter as I don't pump that much and I don't really get that many points. As you all know I just need around rm30 of petrol for a single week for work (thats minus sat+sun,4 work purposes only). So means the max I need for a month is only rm150 (count a little extra).

Even though the drop of petrol price by 15cents, I get only a little bit extra which is 0.6litters more which is equal to a bottle of kickapoo (600ml). I mean come on with that how far can I go? Anyway to get back the 15+ litters that I can get last time I need rm40, but I don't bother to pump that much. I just pump when I am running out.

Ooops running out of topic, anyway back to the points, I hope next time when I pump none of my points will go missing :P

Monday, September 01, 2008

Weird Dream

As I was sleeping so nicely today, I had a weird dream which actually shows me a place which will get flooded due to much rain. I know I was there and I was trying to talk to the people about drains and etc. I was actually finding a source I can drain the water out. I saw that the drains were filled up with sand that is why the water is flooded at other places.

I was actually trying to find a way to open the drains and take out the sand so more water can go into the drains. Next thing I knew I woke up and PJ was raining. Even now as I write this title, Hurricane Gustav is hitting US now. So means it is a sign that we got to even pray for them that they wont get hit by the flood.

Drop In Center

Was In Drop In Center yesterday to help them out with their Merdeka Event. Was there around 3pm+ and started out by helping to fix the tents. After the tents was time to prac some guitar with my leader as I was doing worship. This time around we have 10 people from our cg to help out while another 5 was from another cg. We thank the 5 who decided to turn out to help for this event.

So here goes the start of the event, we played welcome, then it was worship by me and a little sharing and it was makan time. But worship 1st song I was strong but after on the 2nd song, I crash as I cannot remember the chords. Best part was I was plug up to the amp. So I tried my level best to remember what I could and still continue to strum when I can. Really paiseh, shows that I really need to prac more songs now. Not only that I want to make my guitar sound even nicer so I guess everyday I have to spend time strumming it often to make it really mellow.

Then it was dinner time we all went for bak kut teh near by drop in center. And after that it was time to go home. But the thing I wanted to share is that it drizzle when we were under the tents while waiting to hit 5pm. Then as I led in prayer, the drizzle then suddenly stop instantly. I was great cause God knows with rain susah lor!

Next thing I have to say, I took all the pics with my hp cam. When it is bright there isnt any problem but when it is darker with flash, it it still dark! I guess I really need to read the manual about how to get the picture to be brighter. Or is this standard to be dark? If it is *sigh*

Kay Yeow Sharing

Some Tree in Drop In Center

Lucky Draw Prizes

Makan Time

Tapau Of Extra Food

Dinner Time (My Table)

Dinner Time (Other Table)