Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Things Are Very Uncertain Now

Things are really uncertain for me for now. Thats a 100% gurantee. After getting unnecessary remarks thru my my boss by ANDY NG, it seems my future in Silverlake is starting to get thinner by the day. I cannot imagine even though I put my level best or in a rude way is I put my ass on the line but no 1 really cares. So the question now is why must I bother so much after getting such negative remarks? The best part is the MD thought that we don't have anything to do in DC and thinking that every day its a playground where we just sit on the swing and see saw and play around the whole day.

He does not know much crap that we have to endure every single day especially 3 people but actually most of the time is back to 2 people which is Mr Ng and I. Honest when Mr Ng is not around, I will have to so call as take over his job which I honestly try my level best to do it but at times due to lack of skill I just really cannot do it especially in as400. Most of you know I am a Wintel Boy + Other Application person as thats so called my strength. I know that I can learn but time is always the constraint in my place.

Since now, after getting such remarks you just wonder why bother to do so much at times. The best part is the PROGRAMMERS CALLED PEGGY + GANG instruct me to do their work at a certain time hour which is at 9pm is so called crap. WHO THE WORLD DO YOU THINK YOU ARE to tell me to do my work at YOUR TIME? Not only that your communication skills is BAD! You cant even get normal stuff thru which a small kid can even get thru. Nope I am not saying my English is OXFORD level but I believe what I say people can understand (hopefully). So don't come throwing your weight around because I don't need your help but you need mine. Please understand 1 more thing. I AM NOT REPORTING TO YOU!

Even as I type this, I am wishing that a company overseas will give me a call to become their SE. I would rather leave Siverlake since my work is never been appreciated and my boss don't even cover for me. Since he don't cover for me, I guess I don't really have to bother and like what Mr Ng say today, I got to start fighting for my own rights and be stern and not allow people to bully me. So what can I say about my future now? It is really shaky. Stay tune for more if I will be leaving or not.


Blogger Lizard said...

hang on there..

God bless :)

4:02 PM  
Blogger Jason said...

thanks lady

4:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Too bad we all need to work in order to live, but in our living, we might face turbulances and troubles. One thing you have that others' don't have, you have Christ in You. Hopefully below verses will give you some hint how you should bring yourself as a shinning star among your bosses and colleagues:

(i) 2 Corinthians 6:4
Rather, as servants of God we commend ourselves in every way: in great endurance; in troubles, hardships and distresses;

(ii) Colossians 1:11
being strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience, and joyfully

(iii) Romans 15:5
May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you a spirit of unity

2:21 PM  
Blogger Jason said...

my dear sister can be pastor already.really u working on ur bible verse and bro is really proud of u.thanks for ur encouragement sis!

*hugz sis*

10:21 PM  

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