Saturday, September 06, 2008

Peter Tsukahira

Peter was at my church last Saturday. He is really good preacher. As I was doing ushering for that day I knew that many people will come to church to listen to what he has to say. But it started to rain in the evening at around 4pm and it was really heavy and I knew at the moment people will be late for church. Not only that, I was there at 4pm, I could not get a parking inside church so I had to park outside.

Anyway someone took my umbrella :( so sad. Wish that person will return the umbrella to me.

Anyway back to ushering story, it was Holy Communion that day too. So we had to stop people from walking into church to find seats to respect the time others who are early to confess their sins and etc. When I look back at the entrance, so many people were standing there. I was really wondering is it due to the rain they are late or are they purely late? There was a really a huge crowd behind. So I started to check out the availability of seats every where as I knew I need to slot a lot of late comers in some where. When a couple came and seat at the place where I brought them, they ask me if there are any more seats behind which is a guarantee none. Then only I notice they actually have guest with them as they ask them to stand up for 1st time comers. Inside my heart was this, if you can get your guest to come early, why didn't you come early too (just wondering not judgmental.) If it is due to the rain you could have left your house earlier or etc. Church was really full and worship was really good too.

It was then time for Peter to speak. He spoke about God's promises that will never end and he will nv cut off any promises that he makes. So its really a reminder for all of us that ONCE God promises us something, he will bring it to pass. But at times when we got to wait as HE knows when the best time to execute his promise for us (example family salvation, business success and etc) as he knows BEST. So be encourage to those who God have already promise you something that God will bring it thru.


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