Tuesday, September 23, 2008

What On Earth Is Happening?

It is quite sad to hear about news that really makes you wonder why it happens and breaks your heart. Not only does it break our heart but it really breaks God's heart too. Its like the song that says 'break my heart what break yours'. The other day I receive an sms telling me that churches and pastors are being killed.It is just so sad to hear what is really happening. Lord I pray that you will free them and that you will spare all of them from being killed.

Not only that, weather is extremely bad now. It can rain 1 min then the next minute it can be really hot. People will surely fall sick if the weather is so freaking weird all the time. I know it is global warming but not many people are taking it for serious. But I am, but at times I am not. I just do what I can which is water my house plants and hope it will grow bigger to make more oxygen and that it will be able to make the weather cooler and I know 1 person cannot do much as I don't have so much land too. Since my dad is back, I cannot use the dead leaves to let it decompose to make the soil better. I think that is the best way as if we throw the leaves into the bag and the bag is pickup by tong sampah man, it will be thrown to some rubbish area which will add to extra rubbish. Ok getting out of topic already :P


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