Friday, September 12, 2008

Comments / Words That You Will Remember

I guess most of you know words bring life and death to a person? Just when I was leaving my mind idle a little while. Suddenly a comment came into my mind that I guess I will remember forever. That comment actually brought death to myself. Even though that person was not at a right mind but I believe that person should never have said that to me as next time when I am angry back I am afraid that I will use back that comment against that person as a reminder that those words of death was spoken to me. I believe those types of words are actually curses too (thats my opinion).

Anyway I believe to let people remember you, just you simple comments and don't speak death to a person. Let those comments be comments / words of encouragement, life and not death. All I can say is speak with wisdom and don't simply speak that you will regret later. At times after regret is no use (my opinion).

Lord Help Me To Forget The Words OF Death That
Was Spoken To Me Last Time.
Help Me Just Erase It Out
And Not To Hold Any Grudge Against That Person


Blogger Huis said...

Forgive the person and

Forget those comments..

Remember our Heavenly Father is the one who understand us deeply.. chin up k!! *hugs*

8:13 PM  
Blogger Jason said...

But some of the comments u will nv forget even though u have at times play in your head esp when your mind is idle...

10:26 PM  

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