Saturday, September 13, 2008

Credit Card?

The other day or was it a month ago, a bank called me to take their credit card but I decided to think about it and I told the bank to give me a call back the next day and they never did return my call back.

About a couple of weeks ago my cousin was telling me that I should have a credit card and if I can control my spending I will be fine. But the question back is 'how much do I spend' and how often do I buy expensive things? I hardly even shop and most of the time if i need to buy something I will buy it with cash. Nope I'm not loaded but really I just pay things off.

But some of my friends say stuff which is true, like when there is a need to go hosp and the min to be inside the hosp is 5k, you will really need your credit card to really pay up in advance. Not only that but when you go overseas you can swipe your card and pay stuff later when u get back.

So do I really need a Credit Card? Well the questions I guess I will have to ask my self and you guys can ponder if you really need a credit card (my view, please add on if you want too).

  1. What is my spending rate a month?
  2. Must I use my CC when ever I go for my outing?
  3. Will I be going overseas for a long period?
  4. Will I be out of control if I get my CC?
  5. How will I use my CC?


Anonymous Anonymous said... you are considering of taking one cards. You don't have to know how much you spend per month to get a card, really. I even use my card when I'm buying RM10.00 of groceries.

Think about the hassle which you need to do when you have to use cash to buy petrol. With credit cards, you just have to swipe at the machine. Plus, with some credit cards, you can enjoy cash rebate. 5% of total petrol consumption is some money, though it's not much.

Well, it still come back to yourself whether you can control your spending. I've seen lots spend more than they can earn per month with credit cards, and I've seen lots get benefit from their credit cards. It's just personal control!

Hai...I can guarantee you won't get one...

4:00 PM  
Blogger Jason said...

nope im not considering to take any card.just writing for the fun of it la sis. if u spend rm10 on groceries means ur POOR!

and 5% is not worth it at all la.i mean u go count after a year is not like they will give u 500 or 5000.that figure can be even diabaikan. im not saying im rich ok :p

as for guarantee i will get 1 or not we have to wait and see in the future lor :P

8:45 PM  

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