Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Monday, March 30, 2009
18th March
I went to office feeling peaceful, really happy too. I decided to hear Christian Music on my handphone most of the time of the day. It really brought good to me as my attitude was always intact and I was always so happy, cranking up jokes to bring the atmosphere to life! Even though there were many programmers that kept on wanting to go into the server room and kept on apologizing I didn't mind as it is my duty to bring them in and to make sure they are able to do their work to their best for their project.
I really want to thank God for that day. It was really special to me. If you are wondering if I fight with programmers everyday, nah I don't. I only will have war with them when they m16 me for something that I didn't do or when they send nasty email to me for no reason.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Monopoly Tycoon
Ku Mohon
Setiap hari ku mohon
Agar Kau sentiasa
Memberiku ketenangan
Dalam hati kekuatan
Menempuhi segala
Dugaan yang mencabar ini
Pasti, punya ertinya
Engkau beriku harapan
Menjawab s'gala persoalan
Hadapi semua dalam tenang
Dengan merasa kesyukuran
Ku doa Kau selalu
Mengawasi gerak-geriku
Berkatilah... ku perlu rahmat darimu
Oh Tuhan, terangkan hati dalam sanubariku
Untuk menempuhi segala
Hidup penuh cabaran ini
Oh Tuhan, ku berserah segalanya kepada Mu
Agar jiwaku tenang
Dalam bimbingan mu, selalu
Verse 2
Adakala ku merasa
Hidup ini seperti kaca
Jikalau tidak bersabar
Hancur berderailah akhirnya
Tabahkanlah hatiku
Melalui semua itu, oh
Kuatkanlah, cekalkanlah diriku
Repeat Chorus
Curahkanlah nikmat Mu
Pada hidupku
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Earth Day Today
Friday, March 27, 2009
Fed Up With Work
Not only that, when the server got any issue, who will troubleshoot or even report and get the engineer to come in? ME! WHY? COZ THE REST WONT KNOW HOW TO DO IT or WONT EVEN DO IT! So this cause me to be down with many hours figuring out how to fix the problem and if it is a repeat problem, I can fix it straight away. I know this is not my job but if I don't do it, I will get m16 like the way it happen during CNY! We have a network guy but he does nothing and when the servers have problem, he don't even give a hand. Worst of all during meeting yesterday, when my boss ask him feedback on how to find out the root of the server problem, he say "Teo is better than me". So end up, all the crap come back to me.
When every few hours is taken from me, I will be back dated in my work. I have so much documents to catch up most of the time as I need to update the excel sheet, register the form (UAR, HSR, CR, IHR, SR) and etc etc. This is all time consuming! Not only that, he told me I should do it once a week! If everyday got around 5 forms, once a week is around 20! But guess what? Most of the time I got more than 20 forms as the programmers in Silverlake everyday need to fix their damm bugs on their application!! Not only that, I need to check and sign on all the forms to say that I allow the job to be done.
Even my boss question if I am in the right field as I am technically strong and I should be doing servers and etc. He then gave me a little hope saying that since I am technically strong and if I could brush up on my security skills, I will get high pay which I totally agree. Since most of the time I need to get the thing done myself as I have no assistant, somethings must wait. I try my very best to give what I can but I cannot! Time is so against me everyday and next thing I know, it is time to go home (lets say 530pm)
I know my increment is coming really soon. I know this will all pull down my increment. Maybe I should start ignoring the whole world and just get my job done. Hell with servers. I will rather give up the servers to others to take care rather than be under my care. I guess I need to learn to become blur in everything and only get my work done. But I can't lie to myself as most of the things will come back to me no matter how I try to avoid it. My boss is one @ss as most of the time he always will back fire me. I will illustrate an example
Boss : You must focus your work and etc etc etc (to me)
JT: No I won't do for you (to Programmers)
Programmers : *calls my boss and complain about me coz not helping them*
Boss : *calls JT and ask him to help them do*
See it always happen like the chat on top! I always get back fire! That is what I hate. I really hate working in Silverlake at times. Even though I put my 100% into work everyday, I still get backfired! Even when I stand to what is right, I am always at the loosing end. Not only that, last Saturday, I had to go back to work as it is programmers problem I had to work too. Damm, if the programmers know how to do their work nicely I won't get into so much crap. My boss told me this just now
Boss: You cannot say its not your problem as you are doing support so you need to help out too
JT : *damm*
Guess what? In my contract it is written from 9-530, MONDAY - FRIDAY and not Saturday and SUNDAY! Now the best part is they have given me a support hp which I REFUSE to activate it. They gave me another hp to carry along which I REFUSE too. I find there is no reason to have 2 handphones at all times. It is damm STUPID! I am not even a bussiness man. Even when I carry 2 handphones, I won't be getting any support allowance, so why the hack I bother? Not only that la, goin to leak out a truth. When people call me for every 3 mins I get 1 point free and with this points I can change for sms or airtime :P
I really have no idea how I am going to survive all this crap. I guess I am damm jealous as most of the time people are so free to do other things that they like. I wish I can just be in a place where I don't need to entertain people, get my work done to the best daily and leave office when it is time to go. I guess I should just leave all the servers to be by itself and just do my task daily. So from now onwards, I bid farewell to all the Dell Servers.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Chat With Adrian
Adrian : That fella (TGS) suddenly come and comment and ask why I am against her. I know la that he and she now very good friend but last time also he against her all the time.
JT : Who is he to come and tell you / question you if you are against her? Its not his problem at all.
Adrian : Correct, if he want to listen, listen but don't come and give comments coz he is not in my shoes.
JT : I agree (this is when it hit me that one of my friend love comment against me when not in my shoes).
Now the thing is this, If you are never in others shoes, don't comment about others situation as you don't have a single clue what the person is going thru. Don't think that you might be superior than others because you are not in our working life yet. When you work then you will know what I truly mean.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Chat About Job
Liz Lee : Would you rather find a job that will pay you a lot or would you find a job that pay you a lot but you cannot do it?
Jason : I would rather it be a balance. I am thankful that I got a job in PJ which is 15mins away from my house, pay is quite acceptable, I love my job and I am able to do it. I have to admit at times when times of implementation, we feel that our salary is not at par with our job task.
Jason : So which will you choose?
Liz Lee : I want both (laugh)
I guess it is quite hard to find both, but its NOT IMPOSSIBLE. But till today, I know even though I went thru tough times in Silverlake, I still thank God for my job as it is near my house, don't have to worry about traffic jams (except rotmans Roundabout), salary is quite ok, I can learn new stuff and put my knowledge to good use from my past experience.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Playing Guitar
Monday, March 23, 2009
Sunday, March 22, 2009
One Way
This is the song that is actually my main song theme. Its called One Way. Didn't know that the video was taken in China. Have to admit this is one of my fav fast songs :) Be Bless.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Pre Project Implementation
Pre Project implementation is never easy. Most of the time is when there are items are needed are not in place / not bought, company will expect miracles for items to drop from heaven or even try to recycle items to make sure things can work for the time and not worrying for the future. But I guess this time the project implementation I will be more in the picture as I really need to know what on earth the programmers are doing or else I will be fried from my boss.
Friday, March 20, 2009
Dell Memang Tak Boleh
Thursday, March 19, 2009
When God Speaks
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Classic Question With Classic Answer
JT : Is it still raining outside? (It was raining very heavy that evening)
Programmer : Because I don't have battery so I can't call him.
JT : (confused and I repeated my question) Is it still raining outside?
Programmer : Yeah it is.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Classic Chat
Soo : JT, when can print on the new printer?
JT : Not sure but I heard the technical dude will come and finalize the settings. Maybe by today or tmr shud be working
Soo : Oh ok
Liew : Teo this printer can photocopy or not?
JT : (At this moment I could not believe what I have jz heard). Nope it cannot, can print only.
All : (Laugh @ Liew)
The machine that came was a photocopier, printer and fax machine. Its so big and you can see that is a photocopy machine too. If it is a printer only, the machine wont be so big but this is a big and tall guy and the programmer ask me such a classic question..
Monday, March 16, 2009
Good Question & No Answers To It
So where shall I find the money to buy my house? I really don't have any answer. I will need to work even harder now to find the money to be able to pay the down payment (as much as I can) before thinking about the rest. At times it is really scary to think about the future on where we will stay, what car I will drive and etc..
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Knight Rider

Saturday, March 14, 2009
Friday, March 13, 2009
Really Busy From Now
I remember the 1st project was launch it was so messy. My work place was like pasar malam and there were not enough seats, people making so much noise and the amount of ppl in and out was really high too. Not only that, I was thrown 46 UAR's to complete in one day and I had to create like 100 user ID's in 3 different system. The best part is the UAR was given to me at around 3pm and by the next day they want it back. Man it is madness. Even though I rush like mad I could not get it done.
I am actually now more worried about the current projects as there are so much uncertainties about who is to do what and who is in charge of what. I am more worried that they will do the same thing to me as what they did to me on the 1st project. I guess from 10th onwards, I will really need to be fully prepared to do the 150% once again with A LOT of help from UPSTAIRS :)
Thursday, March 12, 2009
My Parking, Your Parking Or Whose Parking?
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Replying On Getting Lazy To Chat
But feel free to PM me coz I will still reply. Don't worry. But when it is office time at times I am not there so in advance, if its really slow reply, I say sorry 1st :P
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Stay The Same
Don't you ever wish you were someone else,
You were meant to be the way you are exactly.
Don't you ever say you don't like the way you are.When you learn to love yourself, you�re better off by far.
And I hope you always stay the same,cuz there�s nothin' 'bout you I would change.
I think that you could be whatever you wanted to be
If you could realize, all the dreams you have inside.
Don't be afraid if you've got something to say,
Just open up your heart and let it show you the way.
Believe in yourself.
Reach down inside.
The love you find will set you free.
Believe in yourself, you will come alive.
Have faith in what you do.
You'll make it through.
Monday, March 09, 2009
Long Hours
On Wednesday it took them 4 hours+ as they hit the same error again. Then came out an email frm the programmers thanking the programmers for doing such a good job and etc. Next came Mr Teo replying all the emails telling them how long the installation took and all the PM were really shocked and the TL of programmer need to cover his team and he says that 8 hours is quite an ok time which to me is NOT ACCEPTABLE. Reason is this, they told me half hour can be done. So if 8 hours - half an hour means I Have extra 7 half hours to do my work which I didn't have and I had to stay back to do OT. But its ok, I manage to earn some cash that day :P
Sunday, March 08, 2009
Reason why we went to 1U is because we didn't want to join a lunch celebration that was held at the development side. Lucky we didn't go as there was not enough food for my side. I am not sure why on earth the programmers are always so hungry at all times. Not only that, they whack our share too. As once I face the same issue, I didn't want to kena it twice. So lucky I escape, but the UTAR dudes have to go and eat at 888 as there was no food left for us. Even when my boss went there, there was no food for him too. Sad but true.
Saturday, March 07, 2009
Dell Technical Support Is Not Good
So DELL technical support, if you read this, man you guys have lost one of your customers confidence. Not only that, when I ask your technical support question, he told me he is not sure which is MAJOR MAJOR EMBARRASSING.
Friday, March 06, 2009
Don't Play With Your CV & Experience
What I am trying to say is this, when you work at a place, work really hard, learn as much as you can and be the best that you can be in where ever you are. I know people who are even at 30 + can tell me they don't know what they are doing. Even my friend in office who does network knows nothing as he plays game, read comic, play fantasy football and watch you tube most of the time. When you ask him stuff, he will always ACT to know but when you ask him to show you the results, he cannot show you anything at all. So if your like 30 years old and you don't know anything, I have to say your time will be really limited if you dont take the chance to learn. People will for sure overtake you and if there are younger one's who have the heart to learn, the old 1's can wave good bye at their job.
So my final words are this. If you cannot do programming, don't do. Look to do something that you really like. In my case, I cannot do programming, so I became an Security Administrator (SA) which writes policy, do technical stuff and a lot more. One thing I can say, when you like to do that task, do your really best.
Thursday, March 05, 2009
Getting Lazy To Chat
One thing I learn is, must not slack in work as once you slack, the more you will have to do when the time comes. It is worst for Security Admin like me as I really need to check my work, people's work to make sure they are following the policy to the max. My work is like a guru besar making sure people follow rules, but I don't carry rotan la. If I do, I would have whack all the programmers up the wall everyday :P I wish I will have that chance one day.
Wednesday, March 04, 2009
Dell Server Tak Boleh
Back to my story, 27 April was not so good day for the servers in my work place. I configured 3 servers and out of 3 servers 1 went DOWN THE DRAIN. All I did was change the server name AND THAT'S IT!. I restarted the server and tried to troubleshoot and I knew the server went NUTS already. So I had to log a call to DELL straight away for support as I thought it might be hardware issue. But in the end till 1230am, we found out it is SQL problem.
I went back to office on the 1st of March to fix the server. I had to reinstall everything once again and it was back to normal. One thing for sure, even though the server is pack up with ram and CPU, its still so slow like turtle. If you guys remember the story of the hare and the turtle, my server specs is like the hare BUT the speed of the turtle :P hahahaha
Tuesday, March 03, 2009
Head On With Many Stuff
I guess now I cannot be such a busy body anymore. Other's job will no longer be my job. I need to focus really hard on my side as it is still a lil messy once a while. But I guess cleaning process is a daily process and its hard to always be clean all the time.
This week itself, I have to prepare for 2 more projects. New projects for the year and it will be quite hard especially for me a 1 man show doing ID's, making sure office is ok and a lot more. I guess from now onwards, I need to be more hardworking and if there is a need to always do OT to earn more money and also to make sure my work is up the level. I guess there is no turning back but heading on to a different level all together.
Monday, March 02, 2009
I Really Hate Programmers
What I hate is when there is a policy, the programmers cannot follow and when they know they hit the dead wall against me, they will just run to my boss and cry to him and my boss will ask me to help them. What on earth is this? I mean when I do my work, I do it with NO NONSENSE. I stand with what I know is correct and what is also written in the policy. I know I have challenge quite many programmers in my life in SL. Guess what programmers? While I am still there, I will make sure that your life is so hard till you will never forget me. To me programmers are just like pondan. They write crap emails, they push the blame on others when its all their fault. The best part they love to CC the emails to every one to show that we are the bad people. Guess what? We will get back to you really soon and when we fire our 100% artilary, the damage will be big.