Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Chat About Job

Was chatting with Liz Lee the other day and she asked me this question

Liz Lee : Would you rather find a job that will pay you a lot or would you find a job that pay you a lot but you cannot do it?

Jason : I would rather it be a balance. I am thankful that I got a job in PJ which is 15mins away from my house, pay is quite acceptable, I love my job and I am able to do it. I have to admit at times when times of implementation, we feel that our salary is not at par with our job task.

Jason : So which will you choose?

Liz Lee : I want both (laugh)

I guess it is quite hard to find both, but its NOT IMPOSSIBLE. But till today, I know even though I went thru tough times in Silverlake, I still thank God for my job as it is near my house, don't have to worry about traffic jams (except rotmans Roundabout), salary is quite ok, I can learn new stuff and put my knowledge to good use from my past experience.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Might be missing the point of the hard work
- reliance on God
- growth
- maturity in intellect, emotions

anyway in the time of recession, should be thankful we still have a job. :)

12:13 AM  
Blogger Ellie said...

The bigger picture... :) I guess sometimes we forget and make work the means of an end.. or is it the end of a means? :P

A good reminder.

10:50 AM  
Blogger Jason said...

Yeah at all times we should be thankful (from yesterday cg).

yeah with the work that we have we should always work hard and always trust that God is always in control...

10:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

alllriighhtt.... ahahaha! Just kidding.

Elie, tell you about it later.

8:11 PM  
Blogger Jason said...

alllllrighhtttt Gab :P


8:13 PM  

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