Friday, March 13, 2009

Really Busy From Now

From this week onwards, I will be really busy. Really doing a lot of migration here and there .The best part is that all projects are starting andmospt of the time we are not in the picture. We will suddenly be told we got to do this and that and we just do and we are unsure why is needed. Then later only we will be told it is needed because bla bla bla. The next sad case thing is we are always told the last minute and we are expected to perform magic for the company and most of the time we will be able to do it even though we grumble as everything is not well plan.

I remember the 1st project was launch it was so messy. My work place was like pasar malam and there were not enough seats, people making so much noise and the amount of ppl in and out was really high too. Not only that, I was thrown 46 UAR's to complete in one day and I had to create like 100 user ID's in 3 different system. The best part is the UAR was given to me at around 3pm and by the next day they want it back. Man it is madness. Even though I rush like mad I could not get it done.

I am actually now more worried about the current projects as there are so much uncertainties about who is to do what and who is in charge of what. I am more worried that they will do the same thing to me as what they did to me on the 1st project. I guess from 10th onwards, I will really need to be fully prepared to do the 150% once again with A LOT of help from UPSTAIRS :)


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