Monday, March 09, 2009

Long Hours

The other or shall it be last Tuesday was the day for installation of programs into the server by Mr and Mrs programmers. On Tuesday itself it took 8 hours! Yeah you guys might be wondering why did it take so long? Well we started off at 10am+ and they started to hit errors. Next was lunch time and work start back around 2pm+. Till 8pm only they manage to resolve their problem. I was in the server room most of the time with them. The best part is they wonder what on earth is happening and they ask me to troubleshoot their problem. I cannot do programming so I cannot help them and what they were configuring I cannot do too. The best part is the server is not connected to any firewall and when they hit error, they blame the server. Poor Mr or Mrs server who is still new and yet kena blame. They were not at fault at all. In the end it was the programmers own issue as their own configuration got some issues.

On Wednesday it took them 4 hours+ as they hit the same error again. Then came out an email frm the programmers thanking the programmers for doing such a good job and etc. Next came Mr Teo replying all the emails telling them how long the installation took and all the PM were really shocked and the TL of programmer need to cover his team and he says that 8 hours is quite an ok time which to me is NOT ACCEPTABLE. Reason is this, they told me half hour can be done. So if 8 hours - half an hour means I Have extra 7 half hours to do my work which I didn't have and I had to stay back to do OT. But its ok, I manage to earn some cash that day :P


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