Friday, February 27, 2009

Tiring Week But Worth Every Moment

Friday was the start of Discipleship Conference. Pastor Edmund was good. It was worth the RM20 that my parents paid for me. I wanted to go as I was once in his conference last time. It was back quite some time ago when I last heard h im speak. Friday was pack with people. There were around 1200 people sitted downstairs. I was ushering and ushering was quite fun especially when you see a lot of people coming to listen to God's word. There are quite a lot of stuff that actually caught my attention as he speaks. There were times that I forget to copy my NOTES! :P Its like when your so into him speaking you just forget to do some of the stuff you are to do.

Saturday I had to usher again for the morning celebration but this time it seems less people came. I am not really sure why either. But I guess some people will have to work on Saturday half day. Ushering was a little easier and it was time for the conference. He talk for a session and we had a tea break and we had A LOT TO eat :) I kind of ate 2 packets of nasi lemak and my fav drink MILO! Then it was back to another 2 more session before we departed from DUMC at around 1245pm.

Evening celebration I was ushering again. This time I knew for SURE more people will come and I was so certain that upstairs will be open. I guess you guys wonder how I know? Well simple. From pass experience, Christmas Day, Gift Aniversary or other good speakers that come along DC will be pack. So I had to be really prepared for more duty as some of my team members didnt come that day due to own reasons. But I thank God even though it is pack, we still manage to get everything done the best we could. I believe in one thing, when we serve, serve the best no matter what the situation around us is.

Sunday was in church for the final session of his conference. It was even better than the 2 days. I guess all speakers are like that. Start slow, warm up and the final will be explosive :P Many people turn up once again for the last day and it was really worth it. After celebration, had lunch in Dream Cafe as I had to attend Usher training. One thing I am certain for sure now is this. I am not a Sectional Leader. My parents are sectional leaders too. Dr Tham took my picture on Saturday a couple of times and my face was up the slide during the training :P One thing I notice, I was one of the only young dudes as Sectional Leader. Most of the other teams are those who are older. But its ok, I can do it With God's strength.


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