Thursday, March 05, 2009

Getting Lazy To Chat

Not really sure why, but now a days, I am really lazy to chat. I will just leave my MSN / YM /Gtalk and etc on and leave it as it is. I will only chat with people when need to pass a msg across. I guess now chatting is not so much of my kind of thing anymore. I guess the reason is also coz I come back from office late (now most of the time doing OT) and when I come back or when I am work and I am really rushing, I don't really want to be distracted. Even though I am not distracted, I cannot finish my work on time! I guess productivity level must be higher :P But feel free still to chat with me. I will surely reply, but in office my reply might be extremly fast or on the other extreme is extremely slow.

One thing I learn is, must not slack in work as once you slack, the more you will have to do when the time comes. It is worst for Security Admin like me as I really need to check my work, people's work to make sure they are following the policy to the max. My work is like a guru besar making sure people follow rules, but I don't carry rotan la. If I do, I would have whack all the programmers up the wall everyday :P I wish I will have that chance one day.


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