Saturday, February 28, 2009

Classic Lunch

Was having lunch one day @ aunty chap fun and as usual we love to talk and we love to m16 programmers. Nope we were not piss off but the fact that when programmers always do their backup and restore, their program will gurantee create some problems especially for EOD. And when it comes to the next morning, our team will surely kena even though it is all the programmers fault. Anyway check out the conversation below.

What happen was we sat at a table which can sit 8 people. each table was 2 on 2 but there are 2 tables connected to each other. So the next table was actually beside us. It is actually more funny to see it life but below is the conversation that went on..

JT : Before I begin I would like to say sorry if I really offend anyone. One thing for sure the programmers never see the future. They don't know the issues that will prop up when they do this and that. We as system people we will know if we change values and etc we will know the consequences. What does programmer know? Nothing. They know how to create problem and get away with it.

(At this moment, the connected table was QUIET. They were bz listening to our coversation)

Mates: Agreed with my coments

JT: (Continue to m16 programmer)

But the classic thing is because I said sorry at the 1st place, the other table decided to listen. I decided to say sorry as I am not sure if the table beside me are all programmers. So when we were walking to the car, I explain to my mates why I said sorry and they only understand my act during lunch.


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