Monday, March 30, 2009

18th March

I believe I got the date right. On 18th March it was cloudy and the day was good. But it was even better as I manage to spend more time with God in the morning. I knew for the whole day I will be working with different sets of people / programmers and I prayed to God for strenght and to have a great day ahead.

I went to office feeling peaceful, really happy too. I decided to hear Christian Music on my handphone most of the time of the day. It really brought good to me as my attitude was always intact and I was always so happy, cranking up jokes to bring the atmosphere to life! Even though there were many programmers that kept on wanting to go into the server room and kept on apologizing I didn't mind as it is my duty to bring them in and to make sure they are able to do their work to their best for their project.

I really want to thank God for that day. It was really special to me. If you are wondering if I fight with programmers everyday, nah I don't. I only will have war with them when they m16 me for something that I didn't do or when they send nasty email to me for no reason.


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