Friday, March 27, 2009

Fed Up With Work

Today my boss called me for a talk once again. Today was the day I kena m16 by my boss again as he say I am not focusing on my main job. He was saying that I am always looking at technical stuff most of the time (yeah of course coz its my job too) like from server installation, server troubleshooting and other stuff which is technical. The reason why I look into it is because I am holding the DAMM ADMINISTRATOR ID! Not only that, when programmers come and check their application / do installation I need to be with the programmers. This is my task. And when the programmers come and do installation, my whole day is gone or even few hours! Not only that, as the programs are so damm good, they might call me to check the server to see if their damm application is working!

Not only that, when the server got any issue, who will troubleshoot or even report and get the engineer to come in? ME! WHY? COZ THE REST WONT KNOW HOW TO DO IT or WONT EVEN DO IT! So this cause me to be down with many hours figuring out how to fix the problem and if it is a repeat problem, I can fix it straight away. I know this is not my job but if I don't do it, I will get m16 like the way it happen during CNY! We have a network guy but he does nothing and when the servers have problem, he don't even give a hand. Worst of all during meeting yesterday, when my boss ask him feedback on how to find out the root of the server problem, he say "Teo is better than me". So end up, all the crap come back to me.

When every few hours is taken from me, I will be back dated in my work. I have so much documents to catch up most of the time as I need to update the excel sheet, register the form (UAR, HSR, CR, IHR, SR) and etc etc. This is all time consuming! Not only that, he told me I should do it once a week! If everyday got around 5 forms, once a week is around 20! But guess what? Most of the time I got more than 20 forms as the programmers in Silverlake everyday need to fix their damm bugs on their application!! Not only that, I need to check and sign on all the forms to say that I allow the job to be done.

Even my boss question if I am in the right field as I am technically strong and I should be doing servers and etc. He then gave me a little hope saying that since I am technically strong and if I could brush up on my security skills, I will get high pay which I totally agree. Since most of the time I need to get the thing done myself as I have no assistant, somethings must wait. I try my very best to give what I can but I cannot! Time is so against me everyday and next thing I know, it is time to go home (lets say 530pm)

I know my increment is coming really soon. I know this will all pull down my increment. Maybe I should start ignoring the whole world and just get my job done. Hell with servers. I will rather give up the servers to others to take care rather than be under my care. I guess I need to learn to become blur in everything and only get my work done. But I can't lie to myself as most of the things will come back to me no matter how I try to avoid it. My boss is one @ss as most of the time he always will back fire me. I will illustrate an example

Boss : You must focus your work and etc etc etc (to me)

JT: No I won't do for you (to Programmers)
Programmers : *calls my boss and complain about me coz not helping them*
Boss : *calls JT and ask him to help them do*

See it always happen like the chat on top! I always get back fire! That is what I hate. I really hate working in Silverlake at times. Even though I put my 100% into work everyday, I still get backfired! Even when I stand to what is right, I am always at the loosing end. Not only that, last Saturday, I had to go back to work as it is programmers problem I had to work too. Damm, if the programmers know how to do their work nicely I won't get into so much crap. My boss told me this just now

Boss: You cannot say its not your problem as you are doing support so you need to help out too
JT : *damm*

Guess what? In my contract it is written from 9-530, MONDAY - FRIDAY and not Saturday and SUNDAY! Now the best part is they have given me a support hp which I REFUSE to activate it. They gave me another hp to carry along which I REFUSE too. I find there is no reason to have 2 handphones at all times. It is damm STUPID! I am not even a bussiness man. Even when I carry 2 handphones, I won't be getting any support allowance, so why the hack I bother? Not only that la, goin to leak out a truth. When people call me for every 3 mins I get 1 point free and with this points I can change for sms or airtime :P

I really have no idea how I am going to survive all this crap. I guess I am damm jealous as most of the time people are so free to do other things that they like. I wish I can just be in a place where I don't need to entertain people, get my work done to the best daily and leave office when it is time to go. I guess I should just leave all the servers to be by itself and just do my task daily. So from now onwards, I bid farewell to all the Dell Servers.


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