Saturday, January 31, 2009

Bye Bye Jess

To Jess,

Would like to bid farewell to you as you have already head down under for your bible school. I know you will learn a lot of things there and you will be a great blessing to the people around you. Take care and see you again one day


Friday, January 30, 2009

Kimsiap People With Supporters

I have a friend who is only nice to girls and with girls he can show that he is generous with them. Once a girl who know him told me that he is willing to bring her to eat 'tim sum' while for guys, he is always wanting to take advantage on them. He is hoping that you will pay for all his meals (if that is possible) and will just forget to pay you back. Not only that, the other time that was a Christmas Party, he went EMPTY HANDED while the rest contributed to the food. I mean how can he just go empty handed? Isn't he shy? But we know that his face is so thick and all he wants is to go there and eat. One thing for sure, many guys don't really like him anymore as he is digging his own grave. There was once he replied in the email to a lady (Christmas Event) by saying you should just bring the most expensive food. When I read that email, I knew all he wanted is to enjoy himself.

There was once when Aeon manage to get our renewal ISO cert, we went out to celebrate in a restaurant in KLCC. This friend of mine ate like there is no tomorrow. After being so greedy, he had tummy problems. This is the amount he ate. Main meal, dried wantan, soup wan tan, fish and chips, drink (teh tarik), water and ice kacang. I know it was a moment to celebrate, but dont take it that even dinner is free you feed yourself like there is no tomorrow right?

When I was there with him in Ipoh, we went for dinner after doing test to the Backup system, he drank so much beer (even though free) and I guess he was way off. Not only that, when there is anything free for him, he will go in with 200% to make sure that he gets the full use of it.

I have another friend called MC (a girl) who is a FULL SUPPORTER of my friend. Even during the Christmas event he came empty handed, she thinks he is the best guy and etc etc and when we the guys always hantam him, she will be there to protect him. I mean that's just so stupid. If there are so many people against him, we all have our valid reasons. Its not like we are purposely against him. Even when he works, the way he shows his speed is just a major shame to our kind. Once this girl (if i am not wrong) was saying that many people needed his support everyday which I believe is crap, as he works so slow thats whyt he line is so so long as he takes so much time to attend to everyone.

Why do weird friends support the weird? Is there some under table money being paid to her? I still remember that everyone was against and there was another friend who decided NOT to play office politics also hantam him one day too. I guess work is like that and we will not be able to fully understand this type of special people.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Time Fly So Fast

The other day when I was talking to Liz Hie over dinner, there is something that we mention which was time. Time now really fly so fast that its like the speed of superman flying. When I truly look back at what I am really doing, it is all about work and hanging around, attending cg and church , playing guitar and thats about it.

I guess time management is really important that we will spend our time really nicely and doing the very best of every minute or even second. Its like what Pr Daniel mention the other day, don't serve when we start walking with a tongkat. Do it even now. I guess now we got to really make sure that all of us have better time management.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

True Story

The other day when I was in Cameron Highlands (CH), I really enjoyed myself to the max. I have to say when I was in Camerons last year, it was nice but it was not as nice as this time. During my last year visit, it is more of relaxing and there are adults every where and I am only the YA there. There is not much I can interact with people as there is no 1 with the same frequency as me.

As this recent trip I had my cousins, we manage to talk from the journey (didn't really get to know them more on Tuesday evening) till nearly up CH. We talk about different things, I talk about M'sia while my cousins shared with me about Canada. But when I was there, I manage to talk to both of them (Daniel & Jess) and it was really fun. At least I got someone to talk too.

I will still remember the day that we went walking together to OMF which was really nice as the weather was nice, company was nice and the chat was nice too. Not only that, on the next day when we went visiting the farms and etc, I know I bully you a little, which is the normal me :P but it was fun too. Then we sat outside the warm path at the bungalow and yack on different things while eating chips :P

Even though we have never seen each other before, I will never forget the times that we have together. It was a great honour to be able to see all of you and spend my holidays with you was EVER worth it.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


This is one of my favourite song and it is really catchy. Its all about you Yesus! Song can be found in True Worshippers 'All Things New'

















Monday, January 26, 2009

Blessed Chinese New Year


Sunday, January 25, 2009

Diploma Stories

There are so many stories that I can tell during my diploma days. In the morning I woke up really early to pray as I was so scared, but when I prayed, I kind of have the peace in me that it will be ok. It was then breakfast time and I could not really eat (still panic) but there was a Hillsongs song that was playing at that moment that really caught my ears. I cant really remember the lyrics, but it was about prayer and God will answer our prayer.

I had to attend an interview before I could only start school. I still remember there were MANY people there and everyone from the whole of Malaysia was there to attend the interview. I still remember I was the 2nd person for the interview in a BIG ROOM and there were 3 people interviewing me at the same time. Distance from me to interview Really far too.

But in the end I thank God with his wisdom, I manage to answer all the questions thrown to me. I manage to share some of those questions with another chinese guy from my mum hometown hoping that he will come into the school with me but he didnt end up in JMTI. Anyway that was the 1st time I ever step into Penang :P

Saturday, January 24, 2009

DUMC Aniversary Gift Weekend

DUMC had their gift anniversary weekend about 2 weeks ago and this year pastor up the giving to 2.5. In my heart I was wondering how on earth are we going to touch 2.5? (I am sorry God as your boy here is lack of faith again.). Economy is not so good now and people will GURANTEE tighten their belt. But even today when I was having dinner with my mum, church manage to already touch 2.5. Actually on Saturday, Pastor told us that they have receive 2.4 and needed 10G left. One guy jz gave 10G. There are many reasons why I heard DUMC manage to reach the target. I am really happy and thank God that he has bless so many people that HIS people can give back to the community :)

Friday, January 23, 2009

Chinese New Year Coming

Even as CNY is next week, but due to the slow down in economy, everything is so quiet and slowed down a lot. Chinese New Year is usually a time where ppl spend money like water and will load their houses with cookies, drinks, angpows, food and etc etc. Its the time of celebration. I have to say this year as economy is slowing down, everyone will gurantee spend less. It doesn't matter if you spend less, it is the time when you gather with your family members and cousins is the MOST importand during CNY. Its time to catch up for the many months that all of us have been apart.

Thursday, January 22, 2009


This was taken the other day when I was driving back home from Klang during Mr Ng Wedding. check out the year. It is the same year that I was born. So since it is catchy, I manage to shoot it while waiting at a traffic light

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


OMF in Camerons sort of belong to DUMC. The last time when I was there, I didn't really get to shoot any pictures, but this time I brought along my HP and manage to shoot some pictures of the area. It is really nice. The weather that day was superb and it was when I was walking with Jess, mum, uncle and Dan up to this place and it started to drizzle a lil. Worth while walking as I manage to get to know her more from that walk :P

OMF Building

Weather In The Evening

Flowers In OMF


Rose Again

Lunch On 15 January @ 4pm

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Work Work

My funny boss love to always back fire my work. When ever I do things his way then later he will ask me to change. It is something that I don't really like but since now I have trainee with me, I will ask them to do my work to help me out so that I have more breathing space and that I will be focus a little bit more on my core duty. My task is madness, but I know I can do it and that is spending extra time in office just to earn the OT and also to get as much task done in a short time.

I am not really that well now but I am still surviving as I am really happy that I went for the Camerons trip last week. I thank God that the car was big enough and that I could even go and entertain my cousins who are there. It was a really really good time there. Hope that you didn't have to rush back to S'pore so fast as I would like to spend more time with you all. I guess time really really fly so so fast now. Sad case...

Monday, January 19, 2009

Camerons Highland

Was in Cameron Highland last Wed till Friday. Yeah I had a good time with my cousins up there. Really enjoyed every moment I was with them from eating, visiting, chilling and etc etc. Each meal was cooked by my cousins dad. Thanks uncle for cooking such good food. Each meal we have is minimum at least 5-6 dishes which is mixture of corn, many types of vege, chicken, fish, rendang and fruits. We were really well fed in CH. Just a bit of event on CH.

14 January

10am - Head to CH
1230pm+ - Lunchy In Ipoh
3pm+ - Arrive at Bungalow
4pm - Tea Time
5pm+ -Walk Walk with my cousins (most of the time with Jess)
7pm+ -Dinner
After dinner was TV till midnite

15 January

8am - I wake up already (due to automatic wake up)
9am- Breakfast
10am - Visit tea farm, bee farm (kept on kacau Jess on bees) and went shopping for food.
4pm - Lunch time + tea time
530pm - Hang out with Jess ONLY at bungalow garden chatting and teasing her
After 5pm was lepak till dinner at 8pm
9pm+ - Sat around dinner table with uncle, Jess, dad and I to listen to experience in Canada
10pm+ - TV all the way

16 January
8am - Already Up
10am - Leave for Ipoh
1130am - Breakfast at Ipoh
12pm - Back to Sitiawan
130pm - Lunch time
3pm onwards - Shopping, visit people, go to jetty to show cousin around
530pm - Head back to KL
8pm - Lunch @ Bidor
10pm+ - Reach back PJ

Car Sticker In Smoke House

Cactus Flower That My Cousin Like

Boh Tea Shop

New Renovated Area

Boh Tea Farm

Boh Tea Farm

Lunch On Sunday

Thanks to my cousins that came from Canada. This is my 1st time I am seeing you but I really felt that we were family even though such a short time. Thanks for all the experience that you have shared with me about your life and your journey in Canada. I know I didn't get to say good bye to you due to some communication error, but we will surely keep in touch forever.

Sunday, January 18, 2009


Ever wondered why I always wear Jersey most of the time? Reason is simple coz it is soft and it is really cooling. I don't really like to wear those bajues that is really hot. When you have hot weather plus thick clothes you become very very sweaty and it is not so advisble to smell 'good'. Yeah so trust me wear jersey and you will really find out how it feels.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Eat And Check The Bill

The other day when I gave my parents a treat to dinner (5 people eat), the bill came to a whooping rm85 bucks. I was a little shock on the price even though petrol is lesser but food price is so high. We had 4 dishes (fish, vege, tofu, chicken), chinese tea and rice. My mum in the end ask the person how they calcuate and why is it so expensive. In the end it is actually the mistake of the shop. They charge me extra rm7. They counted wrongly. What I have to say here is, even when you eat and pay make sure you check your bill. This includes shopping for food as sometimes the price on the tag might not be equal to what you are paying for

Friday, January 16, 2009

300 + SMS A DAY

The other day when I was eating dinner with Mark (check my post on 7th Jan), he was actually busy playing sms. As I was the oldest on the table, I told him as a father (me) to stop playing sms during meal time :P

Anyway as he was still busy playing sms while we were eating, I asked him a question which is

Jason : how many sms you send a day?
Mark : about 300 +
Jason : 300 +? How do you do that

Just as I was talking to Mark, the twin's sister nod in agreement that she too send around 300 sms a day. My next question as below

Jason : Do you send sms 1 to many or 1 to 1?
Both Of Them : 1 to many

Honest I don't really know how they can keep up on playing sms chat. If it is for me to send 300+ sms a day, I guess I don't really need to work anymore. My whole time is just to play sms. I actually got Mark to register for Maxis Internet sms, but since he send so many, I guess there is no need for maxis Internet sms :P

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Major Reno For A Guest For The Week

My house so called have to do some major reno as my cousin is here for the week. Actually they are not even staying with me for the whole week. My parents have to get a queen size bed for my room, change my sister room fan and aircond. Even though it is a little bit of stuff, it actually cost money to do all the preparation for my cousin to come. My sister's room aircond have to change as it is more than 10years over. I believe I was in Standard 5 / 6 when they fix that aircond.

New aircond is called elba. Cost is rm760 for 1HP. Fan in my sister's room is free from my sister :P My bed cost my parents rm500. Darn so the price of all is quite high. But never mind, it will be a long term investment so I believe it is worth it. I got a queen size bed to sleep on from now onwards.

I believe my room might be slept by my cousin too :P hahahahahahaha....lalalalala...

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

I Am A Nottie Boy

I have to admit, even at my age, I am still a very nottie boy! I guess those of you who know me will total agree on what I just said. I'm so nottie that I like to bully people, tease people, do nottie remarks and etc. I guess I need to start to behave or else gone lor. People will think I havent grow up yet. Not only that, the other day when Liz Hie called me she say I still sound like a little boy. I have bullied ppl till they are very piss with me too.

Must start to behave already. Big boy already. But how on earth to behave? Some people like me this way. I guess some don't. Oklar try to behave la :P haha

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Programmers Are Pondan

Darn I don't know why the programmers that I meet cannot make decisions and when asked to make the decision they will automatically transform to lady and start have that naggy crap in them. One of them is the Bee Ong that cannot make decision and guess what? He is a Project Manager for his current project. Since he cannot handle he had to pass the call over to ANOTHER Project Manager which gave me the green light to proceed with the request. The request was simple which is to restart the server, but restarting the server created so much issues BETWEEN the OWN PROGRAMMERS.


When I thought SA have problems with Programmers, its now Programmers VS Programmers. I am really starting to see this trend more and more as I work in SL. Last time during my time at Aeon it was not so obvious, but now really got SHOW to watch. I wish I can tape some of the show and sell to hollywood and earn some extra cash :p

Monday, January 12, 2009

Buy New Car Also Dangerous

On Monday, suddenly Mr Ng receive an sms from his friend stating his car is stolen. I was shock myself. The car which is 2 years old was stolen. Now all the stories aside, I have no idea why people are so cruel this days to do harm / make people's life so hard. Even if anything gets stolen, it will be a major impact to the party who is facing the loss.

You know buying a new car is cool but after hearing all this type of stories that people car gets stolen and etc you might even think twice about getting a new car. The other time my parents car mirror also got stolen. I am really not sure whats up with the world now. Really sad.

Looking for a car that is stolen with the number plate as below. If you see the car do let me know

AFY 2172

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Shout To The Lord

The other day when I was going thru youtube, I didn't know that American Idol 2008 sang 'Shout To The Lord'. It sounded really nice as they really can really blend in. But the most important thing is that they sang for God. Watch it. Worth it all. There are more stories here on why they selected the song

Saturday, January 10, 2009

I Am Just Crazy Over Music

Staring to really put my all when I play my guitar. It is really part of my life. There are so many songs that I yet can play, but thanks to youtube, I am starting to pickup strumming technique from the lessons. Really thank God for those who have done the videos for people like me to learn.

Other than that, at times I wish I have another brother or another me to do vocals with me when I play guitar. Its like in GT10 you can record the loops then you can play it over and over again but this I want a real life human to do vocals with me.

Part of my 2k9 is to do better in worship, so I will prepare at least 2 weeks in advance in the songs that I will be singing and will be starting to practice it so that it will be smooth during worship. THE MOST Important thing is God in our midst when we worship. I am really loving what I am doing...

Friday, January 09, 2009

Just The Other Day,

While I was still on my computer and was still playing my guitar when I was suppose to be sleeping, suddenly I receive a call from a weird number. Since I was a little blur, I thought it was my friend from Sabah calling me. Just when I pickup I was so certain that it was my friend then I talk to my friend and called my friend's name but in the end this person say it is not. Then I got this person to talk a little more, I kind of notice that the voice is like Liz Hie voice. So I started to mention where she stay and etc and she started to laugh. Anyway she called me like about 20 over minutes and it was really nice to talk to her after so so long. I haven't talk to her for nearly a year. She is still like a lil kid herself :P We talk about so much things, so many teasing, my work, her assignments and etc etc. Thanks for calling me. It was really nice of you.

Thursday, January 08, 2009

People Love To Debate

I am not sure why people love to debate so much. They love to come out with their points and others will disagree and it will continue and continue and continue. I am not sure at times when people are tired they would love to debate and want to stress their point so much. At times when I hear debate too much, I tend to stay away. It might be nice to listen as each person have their own points, but once you are tired of listening, you will just tend not to listen and you hope they will change topic. I am the other type of person. I debate when I know it is time too, but when its not time to debate, I rather let conversation be the conversation without having to crack your head so much.

I know people read a lot and they will have the knowledge to talk about the topic. But please there are other poor people who might not really want to listen to your opinions the whole time. I wonder if this type of people get married, must their partner be a listener or must they be a debater too? If listener, the word is hampak lor. Will always be force to listen till the cows come home. I guess if one day I might not want to listen anymore, I might be force to move out. Nope I am not talking about parents here.

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Food Food

On the 30th of December, I attended men's prayer group dinner at Perannakan (not sure spelling). I will cut short the whole story. I think there is nearly 40 people that came for the dinner. Food there is nothing to shout about. Each person have to pay at whooping rm30 for a normal dinner. In my table there are only YA, uni students, secondary school and primary school kids which is a total of 9. If 9 people we times rm30 we can eat good chinese food at a good chinese restaurant.

Anyway $ aside, it was more of the fellowship. I decided to leave the adults table and we set up our own Younger Generation table. So since most of the time I can break the ice, I got everyone to intro themselves and what they are currently doing. If I don't talk no 1 will talk. So after dinner I started to talk to the YA and ask them on their work and etc. I guess even though I manage to get them to laugh at my sentences, I still need to find more room to really make the place more lively and chatty. I have to say most of the people I know on the table wont know the rest of the people. The most funny part is when we were doing intro, one of the girls father came and ask what we are talking about and when I told him introduction to self, he straight away ask whats my name *hint hint* I guess you guys know where I am going from there :P

After dinner was tasting of wine in this uncle's house and we sat and talk till midnight. I talk more to Bryan, Bryan's brother and there was this Japanese girl who is doing exchange program. It was quite fun to listen to their stories and laughing and having a really good time. Its more of bonding and getting to know your own usher friends :P

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Getting Married Preparations


While I see all my friends getting married, I am really happy for them. But the thing that is more spookier (not sure got such spelling) thing is the finance that is needed for the day. Like Wan Lee mention this phrase the other day in my car "spend so much and the day just goes like that". I total agree. Wedding preparation is not cheap. The other day when my Malay friend ask me how much do you need to have to get married for Chinese? I roughly gave him the draw down figure which is nearly 70 / 80k. This figure depends a lot on how many tables you will have at night for makan.

Actually there are a lot of things to count in for when you get married. It is from clothes, rings, (engagement ring & wedding ring) rental of place, food after ceremony, car of the day, flowers, decorations, make up for the bride, photographer, video grapher and etc etc. This is only for the morning only (following christian wedding). At night you will still have the cost of per table, hotel for the wedd couple, clothes (guys easier can recycle, girls cant) and other cost that I might have forgotten to add in. Not only that, when you get married, you will need to get a house too which is $ again. If the couple decideds to get a apartment / house, you will need even more $. Even if you buy 2nd hand you might need to do some renovation, fix up the aircond's, fans, lights, furnish the house and etc etc. I have to honestly say here too that wedding depends on girls a lot. It draws down to what they (girls) want. But if you know you (guys) cannot have a lavish wedding don't do it. I am not saying don't get married to the girl but rather you watch the scale. I have seen in my life that people borrow money from banks just to get married and till today they are still paying the banks back the loan.

My advice to those who are getting married and you are currently normal wage earners, save up a lot or as much as you can when you are still single. Don't go and try to spend and buy unnecessary things that will lessen your savings for YOUR day. When it comes to buying a house, the best is to throw in as much down payment as possible even though your account might be back to 0, it is better than paying off the loans that you will need to repay back. I have to say money does matter. It matters most when you are getting married and you will need to get a new car, house and etc. So save up people, you will truly need it.

Unless you are getting married to a rich man daughter / son and their parents are going to help you up then your quite lucky or else life wont be so easy for normal wage earners. So before you get married, please please know what you truly want and if you can truly afford the cost.

Monday, January 05, 2009

I Got Answers Thru Pastor Daniel

On the 3rd I wrote that there were questions playing in my head on what I did for God. But on Sunday I got answers from God thru Pastor Daniel as he mention the same thing I wrote in my blog. He mention that if you don't want to wonder what you have done for God, how much you serve, stand and he started to pray for us. I immediately stood up. I didn't hestitate to do that. I guess now there is no reason why I am going to wonder what I did for God at year 2010 when I do my reflection. It kind of also started the fire to finish up my SOL Level 2. I will give it a shot even though it is quite hard but NOTHING in life is easy. Will I be up on stage to receive my cert again? I will be there after putting all my effort in it.

Sunday, January 04, 2009

A Quote From Smallville

This really caught my ears.

"when the right girl walks in your life you will know"

I guess when I truly found the 1, I will really know and I guess God will have to help me out from now.

Mr Ng Wedding

Yup Mr Ng got married. He is a big boy now :P In the morning I was in the car with HS to reach Klang and I had to drive at 150 as we were running a little late. I believe we manage to reach there quite fast. Then it was about 1 hour journey to Batang Berjuntai to take his wife, half an hour on games and an hour drive back to Klang.

At night was rushing again to Klang as I was suppose to meet different people (unknown names :P ) at the lrt station. 1st to arrive was Ether at my house. It was then HS in the LRT station, Suli and Cherly. After that we went to yumcha as we still have to wait for another 3 more guys to come as they were still in Kl Sentral when I called them. After their arrival we flew in the NKVE once again. Even though we were on wings, it still took us quite long to reach. Anyway some photos of the night.

SM, Allen, Me, HS, KW, Mr Ng, Jacko, Loh, Ether, Jason

SM, Allen, Me, HS, KW, Mr Ng, Jacko, Ether, Jason, CY

Standing - SM, Jason, ALlen, Ether, HS, Me
Sitting - CY, MC, SL, Esther, Jen

Congrats Mr Ng On Your Wedding

Saturday, January 03, 2009

2008 & 2009

I guess in the year 2008, many things might have happen to me. So I am really starting to wonder what did I really got myself into.

2008 Slacky Moments
  1. Failure to read the bible
  2. Failure to keep constant QT
  3. Failure to get dreams and visions
  4. Started to not really do exercise after Lixia went back to UK.
  5. Not behaving like what I should be in office.
  6. M16 my parents
  7. Didn't get best customer service award in Aeon

2008 Highlights
  1. Getting A New Job In Silverlake which is superb as it is so near my house.
  2. The farewells that I receive from AEON people. The whole Month I was book for lunch.
  3. Went for holiday in Camerons a couple of times in a single year. I believe it was in January and October
  4. Improve on Guitar playing.
  5. Got news that I was promoted in ushering.
  6. Mange to pickup some skills when parents were holidaying.
  7. New HP!
  8. Blessing to some people (I guess so).
  9. Friends Weddings (Tat Soon, Dad's friend son, Lili, Ikhwan, Min Ser, Steven & Joanne).
  10. CG Retreat.
  11. BIS gathering (I started it all :) )

2009 Must Do.
  1. Do Better as an Security Administrator
  2. Pray more & constant QT. I really want to see dreams / visions from God once again.
  3. Be better in guitar to lead CG for worship
  4. Practice guitar all the way! Must be better this year.
  5. Want to give my best when ushering.
  6. Must Finish SOL Level 2.
  7. Start to find the other half of my life.

Even when I write this now, there is a strong question that is looping in my head which is 'how much I know God' and 'what have I done for him'. I know God sees what we do in our lives for him. I know God sees our heart, but how come I still have this question that I cannot strongly answer that I have done this and that for you that is convincing for God? I guess I got to pray about it. If I am lacking God, I have to say I am sorry. I will give my best once again.

Friday, January 02, 2009

Its A New Year

I guess when it is the start of the year, everyone will start to think what will be my 2009 resolutions be for the year. I guess most of the times we list like quite a few things that we want to achieve but we might not be able to achieve all. I guess it will be easier if we don't write so many things down in the list as it might even make us more stress when we review ourself in the mid year. All these are back to my own opinion

Even as I led in welcome and worship on the 17th of December, I got everyone to share 1 thing that they really thank God for in 2008 and what they want God to do for them in 2009. I guess it is really good to really reflect back on 2008 and thank God for what he has truly done for us (work, money, etc etc). Everyone even shared what they want God to do for them in 2009. We then prayed for one another on what we want God to do for us this year.

The new year has come, people will continue to tighten their belt as things wont be so easy anymore. I guess the real coming will be in March and that is when our faith will be tested out to the max. But no worries, even as small as a seed can move mountains, that is what it takes for us to believe God will continue to be there.

Thursday, January 01, 2009

Blessed New Year

To Everyone, Have a Blessed 2009

I know times will be hard, but that is when you got to have the higher level of faith to know that God will Walk Us Thru The Seasons. With God everything is still possible from today till forever.