Thursday, January 08, 2009

People Love To Debate

I am not sure why people love to debate so much. They love to come out with their points and others will disagree and it will continue and continue and continue. I am not sure at times when people are tired they would love to debate and want to stress their point so much. At times when I hear debate too much, I tend to stay away. It might be nice to listen as each person have their own points, but once you are tired of listening, you will just tend not to listen and you hope they will change topic. I am the other type of person. I debate when I know it is time too, but when its not time to debate, I rather let conversation be the conversation without having to crack your head so much.

I know people read a lot and they will have the knowledge to talk about the topic. But please there are other poor people who might not really want to listen to your opinions the whole time. I wonder if this type of people get married, must their partner be a listener or must they be a debater too? If listener, the word is hampak lor. Will always be force to listen till the cows come home. I guess if one day I might not want to listen anymore, I might be force to move out. Nope I am not talking about parents here.


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