Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Food Food

On the 30th of December, I attended men's prayer group dinner at Perannakan (not sure spelling). I will cut short the whole story. I think there is nearly 40 people that came for the dinner. Food there is nothing to shout about. Each person have to pay at whooping rm30 for a normal dinner. In my table there are only YA, uni students, secondary school and primary school kids which is a total of 9. If 9 people we times rm30 we can eat good chinese food at a good chinese restaurant.

Anyway $ aside, it was more of the fellowship. I decided to leave the adults table and we set up our own Younger Generation table. So since most of the time I can break the ice, I got everyone to intro themselves and what they are currently doing. If I don't talk no 1 will talk. So after dinner I started to talk to the YA and ask them on their work and etc. I guess even though I manage to get them to laugh at my sentences, I still need to find more room to really make the place more lively and chatty. I have to say most of the people I know on the table wont know the rest of the people. The most funny part is when we were doing intro, one of the girls father came and ask what we are talking about and when I told him introduction to self, he straight away ask whats my name *hint hint* I guess you guys know where I am going from there :P

After dinner was tasting of wine in this uncle's house and we sat and talk till midnight. I talk more to Bryan, Bryan's brother and there was this Japanese girl who is doing exchange program. It was quite fun to listen to their stories and laughing and having a really good time. Its more of bonding and getting to know your own usher friends :P


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