Monday, January 19, 2009

Camerons Highland

Was in Cameron Highland last Wed till Friday. Yeah I had a good time with my cousins up there. Really enjoyed every moment I was with them from eating, visiting, chilling and etc etc. Each meal was cooked by my cousins dad. Thanks uncle for cooking such good food. Each meal we have is minimum at least 5-6 dishes which is mixture of corn, many types of vege, chicken, fish, rendang and fruits. We were really well fed in CH. Just a bit of event on CH.

14 January

10am - Head to CH
1230pm+ - Lunchy In Ipoh
3pm+ - Arrive at Bungalow
4pm - Tea Time
5pm+ -Walk Walk with my cousins (most of the time with Jess)
7pm+ -Dinner
After dinner was TV till midnite

15 January

8am - I wake up already (due to automatic wake up)
9am- Breakfast
10am - Visit tea farm, bee farm (kept on kacau Jess on bees) and went shopping for food.
4pm - Lunch time + tea time
530pm - Hang out with Jess ONLY at bungalow garden chatting and teasing her
After 5pm was lepak till dinner at 8pm
9pm+ - Sat around dinner table with uncle, Jess, dad and I to listen to experience in Canada
10pm+ - TV all the way

16 January
8am - Already Up
10am - Leave for Ipoh
1130am - Breakfast at Ipoh
12pm - Back to Sitiawan
130pm - Lunch time
3pm onwards - Shopping, visit people, go to jetty to show cousin around
530pm - Head back to KL
8pm - Lunch @ Bidor
10pm+ - Reach back PJ

Car Sticker In Smoke House

Cactus Flower That My Cousin Like

Boh Tea Shop

New Renovated Area

Boh Tea Farm

Boh Tea Farm

Lunch On Sunday

Thanks to my cousins that came from Canada. This is my 1st time I am seeing you but I really felt that we were family even though such a short time. Thanks for all the experience that you have shared with me about your life and your journey in Canada. I know I didn't get to say good bye to you due to some communication error, but we will surely keep in touch forever.


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