Wednesday, January 14, 2009

I Am A Nottie Boy

I have to admit, even at my age, I am still a very nottie boy! I guess those of you who know me will total agree on what I just said. I'm so nottie that I like to bully people, tease people, do nottie remarks and etc. I guess I need to start to behave or else gone lor. People will think I havent grow up yet. Not only that, the other day when Liz Hie called me she say I still sound like a little boy. I have bullied ppl till they are very piss with me too.

Must start to behave already. Big boy already. But how on earth to behave? Some people like me this way. I guess some don't. Oklar try to behave la :P haha


Blogger Huis said...


Evil tch not going to bully us!!


12:51 AM  
Blogger Jason said...

not really.we will still bully you to the max. I got bully my DEAR cousin too :P

7:58 AM  

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