Saturday, February 28, 2009

Classic Lunch

Was having lunch one day @ aunty chap fun and as usual we love to talk and we love to m16 programmers. Nope we were not piss off but the fact that when programmers always do their backup and restore, their program will gurantee create some problems especially for EOD. And when it comes to the next morning, our team will surely kena even though it is all the programmers fault. Anyway check out the conversation below.

What happen was we sat at a table which can sit 8 people. each table was 2 on 2 but there are 2 tables connected to each other. So the next table was actually beside us. It is actually more funny to see it life but below is the conversation that went on..

JT : Before I begin I would like to say sorry if I really offend anyone. One thing for sure the programmers never see the future. They don't know the issues that will prop up when they do this and that. We as system people we will know if we change values and etc we will know the consequences. What does programmer know? Nothing. They know how to create problem and get away with it.

(At this moment, the connected table was QUIET. They were bz listening to our coversation)

Mates: Agreed with my coments

JT: (Continue to m16 programmer)

But the classic thing is because I said sorry at the 1st place, the other table decided to listen. I decided to say sorry as I am not sure if the table beside me are all programmers. So when we were walking to the car, I explain to my mates why I said sorry and they only understand my act during lunch.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Tiring Week But Worth Every Moment

Friday was the start of Discipleship Conference. Pastor Edmund was good. It was worth the RM20 that my parents paid for me. I wanted to go as I was once in his conference last time. It was back quite some time ago when I last heard h im speak. Friday was pack with people. There were around 1200 people sitted downstairs. I was ushering and ushering was quite fun especially when you see a lot of people coming to listen to God's word. There are quite a lot of stuff that actually caught my attention as he speaks. There were times that I forget to copy my NOTES! :P Its like when your so into him speaking you just forget to do some of the stuff you are to do.

Saturday I had to usher again for the morning celebration but this time it seems less people came. I am not really sure why either. But I guess some people will have to work on Saturday half day. Ushering was a little easier and it was time for the conference. He talk for a session and we had a tea break and we had A LOT TO eat :) I kind of ate 2 packets of nasi lemak and my fav drink MILO! Then it was back to another 2 more session before we departed from DUMC at around 1245pm.

Evening celebration I was ushering again. This time I knew for SURE more people will come and I was so certain that upstairs will be open. I guess you guys wonder how I know? Well simple. From pass experience, Christmas Day, Gift Aniversary or other good speakers that come along DC will be pack. So I had to be really prepared for more duty as some of my team members didnt come that day due to own reasons. But I thank God even though it is pack, we still manage to get everything done the best we could. I believe in one thing, when we serve, serve the best no matter what the situation around us is.

Sunday was in church for the final session of his conference. It was even better than the 2 days. I guess all speakers are like that. Start slow, warm up and the final will be explosive :P Many people turn up once again for the last day and it was really worth it. After celebration, had lunch in Dream Cafe as I had to attend Usher training. One thing I am certain for sure now is this. I am not a Sectional Leader. My parents are sectional leaders too. Dr Tham took my picture on Saturday a couple of times and my face was up the slide during the training :P One thing I notice, I was one of the only young dudes as Sectional Leader. Most of the other teams are those who are older. But its ok, I can do it With God's strength.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Work Work

Work is getting harder by the day. It becomes worst when you are back dated in the things that you do. I admit that I am one of them. I am really working asap to catch up with all those back dated stuff that I am facing. Work is busy and when there are multiple projcets coming at ONE GO with other problems, you will not know where to start and what to do. I have been doing a couple of OT to try my level best to clear my task but with the OT it helps a little but not to the fullest.

Not only that, with people who don't really do their work and people will question me why they don't their work is my number 1 most hated. Not only that, I have to help others to do their work when its not to be my work. That is why I am always so back dated. Life is not fair but what to do? We can just take it day by day. As in the Bible it says 'let the day worry about itself'. Going to believe and trust that I am able to do all things thru Christ that strengthen me.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Students Must Read This

I have to write this post because of a friend of mine. I would like to actually tell a story. You know when your out of Secondary School and you really wonder what you would like to do in your future. This part in your life is extremely confusing. This I admit. When I was out of secondary school I didn't know where I should head. So I got my uncle to who was an engineer to give me his 2 cents worth. It was either IT engineering or Electronics engineering. In the end I took IT engineering for my diploma.

What I am trying to say is this. When you head into college / uni, your thinking will actually change. You will really need to focus on learning all skill that you have. I can only touch about IT as I am an IT guy now. But I believe it applies to all types of situations in working path. In college I was open to all as I was not expert in anything (till today not expert). But I had to admit when I was in college / uni I didn't like programming at all. So I roughly knew my life would be out of programming.

I went in degree to get a better cert for the better future in life. Now this part you guys got to really pay attention. When you are in your degree, do your best and get the best results you can get as good results will MATTER a lot on your 1st pay. You will get extra 200+ if you have good results. Good results are over 3 cpga or even 3++. But I have to admit if you have good results and also have the little bit of experience you might be able to pocket in more.

When you leave uni, and your age is still young (lets say your out around 22 or 23?), you can still have the time to experiment with your future. What I mean is like if you do IT, you can try 1 year on programming /1 year on hardware / 1 year on sales / 1 year on vendor (all are just as examples but can be used). But you will really need to know what to do as your whole life is not about experimenting on other things. Once you reach the age of 27, time will be ticking against you and it is time to know what you truly want to focus on. It would be better if at a younger age you will know what you want to do and what you really would like to be good at. It will be good to know a little bit of others but there is a need for a STRENGTH in your job that you can demand better wages once you are more experience.

I know that some people thought after doing something for 2 half years they would jump to another field. That is a choice that you will have to make. To me it will be a waste as you might be expert in something and jumping into something that you haven't done for a long time wont be a good choice. It will be a major risk but if your good in it before it wont take that long to learn up once again. But allow me to say this too. During this hard times, people will want to find the experience people and not to try their luck on those who don't really know their work. In the end it is actually up to an individual on what you truly want to do with your life.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Really Tough Day

19 February 2008 is ONE OF THE WORST and MOST Mind taxing for me. I have to admit, It was madness. In the morning we started off with power trip and the generator didn't even kick in. When my friend came and tell me, I thought he was joking as the other side (development side) still had power. So I rush back to find out office was total darkness. Rush in to check the M&E and found there is still TNB power but the UPS were making alot of noise with both UPS having the same warning. But next thing I know power is back up!

After lunch at 230pm, our main system was down! Cut whole story short, it was really tiring to find all ways to get the system up. I had to work really hard with Mr Ng on different sets of ways to find out the issue. In the end at around nearly 630pm everything was back to normal. It was really challenging as even the MD came in and check on what was happening and on that day I really had to put all my knowledge to use. One thing I didn't like was the SOO on the 2nd shift is really hopeless.When people ask him question, he will say yes, then next time u ask again, he will say no. Anyway he was no help in the end.

Since I wasted quite a lot of time on main system, I had to do my OT. At nigth the power went out once again but less than 30 seconds everything came back to normal! I am not really wondering if my company did pay the TNB Bill :P

Monday, February 23, 2009

So Many?

I just added a friend of mine in facebook and he has 2000 friends. I am not really sure how he can have so many but it is really a lot. Even on my friendster I only have around 350+ people. I actually don't really play this stuff but at times when I am bored of working, I will play the typing speed game to let time move on and next thing I know it is time to go home :P

I have to say I now enjoy facebook as I can keep in contact with my cousins and friends from everywhere. I guess this are tools created for us to keep us connected with one another. Nope I am not here to tell you guys to join it or I am paid to say this :P

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Company Annual Dinner

Yup time to write some stuff about my company dinner. Not happening at all! But still thank God that they still have it even though the economy is not so good. Anyway was there with my mates who are trainnee, Jacko & Chon

Food was nothing to shout about. Dish listing as below

  1. Yee Sang
  2. Starter dish
  3. Shark Fin
  4. Cili Fish (not nice)
  5. Cili Chicken (not nice)
  6. Kicap Prawns (worst)
  7. Vege + Mushroom
  8. Rice
  9. Tong Sui

When we were there, we tried to find some place where we can hide from our boss. But to our horror, we had to sit INFRONT! It is the 3rd table from the stage. I have to say to close from comfort. But we have to keep our identity low as we don't want people to know us.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

I Really Can't Do Programming

I had to try out some programming the other day with SQL 2K5. For a extremely short code (its not even a full program), it took me 2 half hours which was a failure too! I WAS really frustrated and in the end I took the trainee to do it for me and they manage to find out how to do it. So bottom line is this, PROGRAMMING AINT MY THING :P

Friday, February 20, 2009

Discipleship Conference

Hi Guys,

Pastor Edmund from Singapore will be in DUMC for Discipleship Conference today, tmr and Sunday. Conference is at RM30 if you walk in and register. For more Information, Click Here.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Le Tour De Langkawi

Alamak, the other day it was a madness day. It was really jam on Friday as the cycling event started off in Curve in Damansara Perdana. When I left from my house and start to enter those roads that I take to office, I was wondering why on earth there are so many cars. When I read the Petronas in PJ, I saw LDP NOT MOVING @ ALL. I was really shocked. 1st thing I thought was a MAJOR ACCIDENT some where. So I turn on my radio, I turn off from LDP and headed to another direction which I know wont be that jam. It was a major gamble but it is really worth it all as I manage to reach ss2, head on to chow yang housing estate and head off to my office area. That was when I heard that the cycling event was in curve. I was then wondering why on earth they didn't notify people the day before or even days before over the news / papers / other type of media? I believe many many people got caught in the jam. At one point, I even heard that Eastin Hotel has been a stand still for nearly an hour! But I thank God I am working in PJ and I manage to find my way out even though I was a little late.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

A Good Show

Watch a show on CNBC on how the world was so caught up with cheap loans / mortgage and etc. I guess without naming the county, you will know which country is it. When I watch that show, I believe that they dont even have a single cent of savings and even they cannot even pay up $14K of their money on the items that they have purchase (swimming pool, renovation to their house and etc). If its me, I will save up my money before spending on the item needed but they were different. They wanted the item, get loans and they could never pay back the loans as the loans came back extremly high. It shows one thing and one words which is GREED. There is no such thing as getting fast cash back and etc. Its like even a daily event in our newspapers that people are cheated with their savings because they wanted some thing big in return. Let me tell you all one thing. Nothing comes easy and there won't be even easy money. If there is the whole world will be rich but guess what? We won't be and dont get yourself caught and don't ever be greedy.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Diamond Ring

I had nothing to do so on Thursday I talk to my mates about diamond ring in Pizza Hut. Audience around that time was Mr Ng, 2 trainee and me. So there I was talking about rings and etc etc. It was really fun to hear Mr Ng feed back as he is already married about giving a diamond ring as a proposal ring. Not only that, the next day I decided to ask another girl about diamond ring and she told me there was no need for it and I again ask another girl and the girl told me the same thing but it will be good to have if the guy can afford. So the question is this, do you girls want a diamond ring for ur engagement ring? Mind you that engagement ring is not the same as wedding ring. So ladies, will be diamond or not???? Would like to hear from you.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Diploma Story (Part 6)

I will be talking about my housemates today. Well those who are in my house is listed as below

  1. Henry
  2. Me
  3. CK
  4. HT
  5. ST
  6. Lee

We lived really well but thanks to Lee, I will always remember him for the bad things. He actually left our house and didn't even give us 1 month notice.I still remembered that he even ask us to pay him back which I refuse. He didn't even pay his rental when he was staying and everyone had to chip in to pay his rental. Reason why he moved out is because he got Politechnic in Ipoh. Ipoh is his own hometown so thats why he left. Better for him to go, as it was a lot better after that.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Not My Problem My Problem (Part 2)

Hi guys,

Just an update to the post. Well in the end I went to check out what was happening and I was so correct. It was not my problem at all. I actually wasted a lot of my time in KL doing nothing and when I came back, I felt time was so against me as the usual task that I will do in the morning, I didn't really get to do till I got back. So was a little back dated but I still manage to do as much as I could. Anyway when I was in KL, I just sat there, reading newspapers and doing nothing at all. It was the programmers fault once again. Their application didnt have any data updated (good work!). Not only that, the users of the program only reported the problem after 1 month (best work)!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentines Day

Hello All


Friday, February 13, 2009

Not My Problem My Problem

Once again our BR friends complain that they cannot really access our system once again. And once again, here come the programmers asking me to follow them to check their network issue. The question is simple, why must I go when I am not doing network? I know I was there once and that doesn't mean I will have to go there again as my side now have a network guy whose job is to read comic, watch youtube, ultraman and etc etc. He is extremely free and most of the time he will only be into action when needed and when he is needed he buat bodoh which is so freaking good. I guess thats the reason why my boss don't really trust his judgement on stuff and he would rather come back to Nazrul, Mr Ng and me.

Anyway I will see if I would like to go. But I BET 100% that it is not my issue. I bet the solution that I gave them last time was not applied by BR yet. One thing for sure it is not for me to follow up either as it is not my work to follow up on other stuff which is NOT related to me. I have too many stuff to handle on my hands and adding extra job will actually just slow me down. Even now I get the trainee to do my work so that I wont be so left behind. I'm actually trying to keep them not so bored too with some task. I don't have the time to teach them either and when I ask them to learn them self, they ask me what is there to learn? Boy in IT there is so much to learn. you just need to find the stuff that you would really want to do. Anyway stay tune to if I did go to BR side again.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Diploma Story (Part 5)

There was once when there was one event by someone (cannot remember who) and it was actually an exercise event which is to walk up the hill. I still remember we train a couple of days before the event and the mistake that I did was after the exercise I took normal water bath and straight away my body felt one kind. I knew I will get sick. Yeah I was sick and I did go to school on Friday and the lecturer brought me to see the doctor for free. Yeah its a goverment clinic and since I am studying in a goverment school, I don't have to pay a single cent even though the minimum is RM1. I really thank God that their medicine is so good that after taking I recovered quite fast but I didn't make it for the walk up the hill. One thing for sure is that when I was there, I hardly fall sick and if I did fall sick, I would go and see doctor for free :P and the medication is really good. Really want to thank God for free treatment and good health when I was studying In Penang

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Im Bad Boy

On 6th Of February I was quite sick with what I saw on the system. 71% of 1.5tera of hdd in size was eaten up by programmers. I was actually keeping watch of the hard disk for 3 days and everyday it went up by 3% which is 45GB. I mean which programmer can take up to 45Gb of HDD by just writing codes? Then my gang and I started to speculate what is inside the hard disk which is movies, comic, mp3 and etc :P Anyway after my email went out, the hdd drop till 48% which is a drop of 23% which is 345GB!

I had no choice but to send out a mail to inform the programmers about the usage of space with quite a little bit of sarcastic questions to the programmers. I guess I manage to piss off the Project Manager and she straight away could reply. I had to be sarcastic if not they will take us for a ride. I still remember when Mr Ng send out the email, they were taking him for a ride. Anyway after I created quite a lot of trouble there was a couple of war of words by the PM and my side and the PM had to CC the MD so that he will have his say. Anyway thank God that the MD supported us a little bit.

Even when the PM asked the TL of Socgen to reply he didn't. I believe he don't have the guts to reply the email at all. He is quite a chicken for a guy who is around 6 feet. I have no respect for him either as he don't know what is happening most of the time. Sad to say for a guy with many years of experience behind his back he is quite pathetic.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

What On Earth

Friday (30th Jan) was one of the worst days man. I had to work till 1230am because some SFTP program didnt work. My friend kept on saying that it is due to some web client service that was down that cause the problem. But when I read the explanation of the webclient I felt that it has nothing got to do with their application problem. Anyway I kept on trying to get the service up with all my knowledge I have but yet I could not. I had Mr Ng supporting me that day too. But in the end when I tried on my pc, it work fine. So it means that the webclient service HAD NOTHING to do with SFTP.

On Saturday my friend really set me up. My boss sms me to check on hardware status and I told him everything was working fine. Then here come my friend (Mr N) sending a sms to my boss WITH MY NAME saying that I WILL FORMAT THE SERVER and he is WAITING FOR ME TO REVERT BACK! I was honestly not happy when I saw the sms and the next thing I knew, my boss called me and m16 me all the way as its like my FAULT! I was honestly v v piss as it was NOT MY PROBLEM AT ALL. My boss then ask me to call Mr C who he puts he is the communication and system fella. This fella even more classic. At the age of 30+ he comes in to office at 930-1030am everyday and his work is to read comic, play fantasy football, complicate his own work till he don't know what he is doing, complicate his work then goes for holiday and ask us to fix his crap. I wanted to sms my boss to tell him that Mr C Know NOTHING.

Anyway I was so piss that I had to call Mr Ng and we agreed to meet at 9pm to fix the issue. I was late a little and when I was there, setup and testing was done and all was fine. But there was a catch for that. When we installed the application and change the config of the application, the DCO didn't tell us anything or question our work. We both as SA (System Admin & Security Admin) won't know how they do their EOD and etc.

Next thing I know on Sunday, I got a sms from different people and the sms is really nasty! I was really piss off too. So I called and question the DCO who was there with us last night and ask him if he knows the file was to put there automatically. As usualy he tells me he don't know. So I switch the question and ask him what he does and he told me the system will put the file at D drive and they will FTP the file to somewhere. I was like what the world! IF he could have told us that the day before NONE OF THIS WILL HAPPEN. It seems like Mr N has made a mistake hiring this type of hopeless people. He is even worried that when 2 of his DCO monkey works together,everything will be upside down. He is so right. Most of the time they will make mistakes even though they have been on the job for nearly 8 months! One thing for sure, I wont poke my nose into others problems anymore. If it is really security Issue, I will look into it. But if it is not my issue, I won't care anymore.

The more I help the more I kena which I don't understand why. But I still manage to pickup 2 pointers in my life that day but I had to learn it the hard way. Sad to work in this type of crap company but no choice, since econs is not good, need to stay back and work even though it is crap.

Monday, February 09, 2009

Chinese New Year

What was CNY for me this year? Nothing much. I didn't even take any off during CNY as I wanted to go back on Wednesday to clear my work but that didn't really work out :P We had our reunion dinner on Saturday at Cambell Complex @ Rainbow Palace. Food there is not bad. This time we had our reunion with different people as we open it up to my mum's boss (the aunty I help with her laptop), 2 church people (Pastor Juludin and Freddy), my sister, kevin and baby. It was really fun to eat together after church.

Sunday reunion dinner was mamak food (yeah really). We didn't really know what to eat so we just ate simple food. Monday was just a normal day with a couple of cousins coming to visit and it was also rest day for me. Tuesday was another lepak day but this time my mum's friends from her CG came and visit in the evening. It was really nice to see them once again after a while. One of the aunty has a very pretty daugther too :P At night we had dinner with Uncle Lam and Aunty Esther, my sister, kevin and baby .

On Wednesday, I spend most of my time in office with a little bit of games, reading newspapers, reading articles and just lazing around. I only started to work at around 5pm + on doing some of the daily task that I will usually do. Thursday and Friday was not much different. On Thursday I work harder. Friday evening was hell. I had to go back to work till 1230am to try to fix a problem which was not my problem.

Sunday, February 08, 2009

Diploma Story (Part 4)

I guess this time I will blog about my friends who were with me during my days in JMTI. I would really thank everyone of them for their friendship that we have till today. My classmates especially KK and HP (not handphone :P )really help me out when I was there in my studies and also my assignments. I still remember there was once when there was some issue between KK and the rest and she really was down, she still help me out and I was really shocked as I thought she didn't want to talk to me too. HP was shock that sh(KK) still help me but she didn't even talk to HP even though they were room mates. We really did a lot of things together. I will still remember the day we went for Penang Half Marahton, we went out to check the throwing of orange into the Penang Sea (we didnt see that though), makan trip to Bkt Tambun and Juru, going to pasar malam, our dinners at different shops in different housing estates,

JMTI 2003 Batch Hall Of Fame
  1. CK
  2. TC
  3. EK
  4. Me
  5. Fatty
  6. ST
  7. HS
  8. TC
  9. KK
  10. HP
  11. PY
  12. HT
  13. Henry

Those Who Didn't Finish
  1. SG
  2. Jason
  3. A Few More, Cannot remember

Saturday, February 07, 2009

Diploma Story (Part 3)

I still remember those days that we have so many subjects which is a minimum of 15 (Practical and Study). I know you guys will be wondering how do we cope with so many subjects a semester. Well in the end we did survive. We really learn a lot from our time there. I guess I will list down some of the subjects that we learn when we are there

  1. Networking (study)
  2. Practice On Networking (set up network, cut network cables, fiber optic cables and etc)
  3. C Programming
  4. Visual Basic
  5. Math
  6. Calculus
  7. Turbo C
  8. Photo shop
  9. Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Access, SQL, Visio)
  10. PC Hardware (Study and Practical)
  11. OS (Windows Desktop, Windows Servers, Linux)
  12. Physics
  13. English
  14. Data Communication 1, 2
  15. Basic Electronics
  16. PLC
  17. Microprocessor
  18. Organization Safety & Health
  19. Japanese 1, 2
  20. Moral
  21. Project Management
I can't really remember the rest of the subjects. But one thing for sure, I manage to learn really a lot there as it was really technical and I rather learn technical and hands on rather than study. Our studies is there is 60% practical and 40% theory. So it is quite easy for us to score for our finals if our practical marks are really good. But was it all A's for me when I am there? Nope not really till the last 3 semesters where I put my 150% to get the best that I could but still I could not get at least a 3 for my cpga. I manage to hit a 2.8* only. I guess the thing is if you want you will need to work really hard from the start and not at the end.

Friday, February 06, 2009

Long Haul

A Friend send this to me. So I want you guys to take a look at it :)

Thursday, February 05, 2009

Help One Another

The other day when my mum's friend came over for dinner at my house, they suddenly ask about wireless and etc. Since I am the IT guy I manage to explain some of the stuff to them and I promise them to take a look on the next day (Wednesday, 3rd day CNY). So as I went there, my mum's friend already bought the hardware and they were really efficient! So I went on and try to setup but after trying so many times I failed. I could not get the thing to connect. So I brought back the thing and tried with my password and it work fine and I knew that it was the password issue.

In the end I went back to her house the same day when she was having dinner with her friends to setup and it work fine and they were so happy. Not only that, I transfer her PC to her new PC which was much faster than her current 1 that she is using. Actually I was there nearly everyday from Wed-Sat for minor minor issues which is setup, installing of programs and etc. In the end on that Saturday itself, I was bless back with dinner from my mum's friend.

But the thing I want to share is this, when you help people and they get things done to make their life easier, it is a joy to see them happy. I know I have help my mum's old boss many times but that didn't really make me happy at all. The reason is because she cause more problems to me in the end even though everything was so straight forward. My final task with my mum's friend is to get her a 19 inch monitor and a pair of speakers so that she can enjoy her music / dvd on her computer.

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Tenderheart & Love A Lot

Found this on the Internet. Its me and....? Stay Tune for more :P

Lovealot & Tenderheart

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Bye Bye Everyone

To Uncle, Aunty & Dan,

Thanks for coming to M'sia. Hope you had a good time here with all the food that we had from PJ to Camerons to Sitiawan to Mamak to Pasar Malam food. I know that I really enjoyed myself being with you all for that nearly 1 week. Wish that you had more time in PJ so that we didn't really have to rush thru everything. Take care and thanks for coming and making this start of the year a memorable 1 for me.


Monday, February 02, 2009

Damm Somone Knock My Parents Car

Aih during Chinese New Year, my parents park the car outside once. Yesterday when I went for my run (yeah after so long only I went for my exercise) I notice that the car bumper came out a little. I went for a closer look and I saw that the car light broke and there is a split at the whole light. Really sad to see that. Then only I remember that there are some broken glass on my road outside my house.

When I went back, it is indeed my parents car light that have been broken. Not really happy about that. I guess it is a really big car that knock the car. The dent was quite high. I guess the replacement of the car light is going to cost a bomb. I have already seen the price before in Brothers. I guess who ever knock my car, God knows who you are! you were not honest and you decided to run and I tell you, your a nottie person :(

Sunday, February 01, 2009

Diploma Story Part 2 (Taman Impian)

After being accepted into JMTI, I was quite happy. Since the hostel was not ready and it will only be ready the next semester, we had to stay outside. So the nearest place that we stayed was in Taman Impian. I rented the house with my school mates. Those who stayed with me is Henry, CK, HT, Lee (that left after 3 months), and ST. We manage to really live in harmony and since it was my 1st time away, I had my door close most of the time. But I was still their friends. It was really nice to have them as house mates. We really had good times going out far to eat dinner (Bkt Tambun, Juru and other places)

Everyday we will go to school together, come back and sleep and then head out for dinner. That is our major activity everyday during our school life. We will eat in this shop nearly everyday (fried rice shop) and that is our main meal for the day. We will take at least 20minutes to walk to the shop and after eating, we will take another 20minutes to walk back to our house and everyday our dinner is at least 1 half hours. After dinner we will walk to the supermarket (thank God 1 open there) and have our window shopping. After window shopping, it will be back to bath and start to do our school homework.

This place flooded once before and for the 1st time in my life I saw flood :P It rain so heavy that even the water manage to go thru the wall and created a small river in my room! Not only that, the drain was not big enough for the amount of water to flow into the big drain.

When it was my 1st time being there, I nearly went nuts as I was a city boy going to live in a so called kampung life. I really could not accept it and I remember I was really going bogus and I had to go for a walk to calm myself down. I didn't have tv, internet and etc and that was a major pain for me. But after a while I manage to adapt to it. But I thank God my friends were there when I was down too as they gave me a lot of major support when I really needed it.