Thursday, February 12, 2009

Diploma Story (Part 5)

There was once when there was one event by someone (cannot remember who) and it was actually an exercise event which is to walk up the hill. I still remember we train a couple of days before the event and the mistake that I did was after the exercise I took normal water bath and straight away my body felt one kind. I knew I will get sick. Yeah I was sick and I did go to school on Friday and the lecturer brought me to see the doctor for free. Yeah its a goverment clinic and since I am studying in a goverment school, I don't have to pay a single cent even though the minimum is RM1. I really thank God that their medicine is so good that after taking I recovered quite fast but I didn't make it for the walk up the hill. One thing for sure is that when I was there, I hardly fall sick and if I did fall sick, I would go and see doctor for free :P and the medication is really good. Really want to thank God for free treatment and good health when I was studying In Penang


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