Thursday, April 30, 2009

Badminton Tournament

DUMC is organizing a mini olympics games which I miss out on the 1st meet as I was working till 930pm. But this time around, I will be joining the games to play badminton with my diploma friend. I guess most of you might know him. He is CK! Since most of the time he keep on asking me to play badminton with him which I never got to till today. But going to make it a difference as I will be playing with him for the olympics. It's more for fun and to get ourself to exe once a while.

Anyway I got whipped 21-11 and 21-8. Boy I had major problems playing as I was not fit at all. Not only that, panic la :P most of the mistakes were my part... *sigh* sorry mate, hope to play better next time round..

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

I Don't Play So Much Games Anymore!!!!!!!


The other day when my mum was praying for me, she prayed that I will stop playing my computer games. I hardly play my games anymore. Most of the time I read newspaper and read other things and even write my blog stories.

Most of the time when I feel like playing is when my mum will turn up and she will start to say "there you go again playing your games" which will make me unhappy. Whats up with playing once a while after a long time?

Not only that, when my friends who are her friends ask if I have a gf and I say no, my mum will say same thing. Example was during Unlocking The Bible conversation.

Julia : Jason got gf adi or not?
Jason: No ler.
Mum: Sure don't have la, he always play computer game
Jason: No I don't
Julia: Oh yeah hor, this type of question cannot ask in front of your mum, must be private
Jason: Yeahlor, but my mum stress mar...
Mum:(She replied something I cannot remember)
Julia: I know a few girls *gave me that smile*
Jason: We will talk another time *laughing*

MAYBE I should put my PC outside to proof that I don't play much computer games. But I guess cannot also, as I on my mp3 quite loud, then they cannot watch TV or do stuff that they want to do. So how? Give me some ideas please......

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

SMS Very Slow On SE

I have been a proud owner of my SEk810i. Till today I don't have much problems with it. I guess it is because I hardly use it too. Even when there are sms that comes in to my hp and its from 012, I will reply back using Internet sms which is faster as I am just typing on a keyboard rather than on the hp. I really have no idea why I type so slow on a SE. Weird!! :P (without dictionary)


The other day I brought my dad to get a handphone as his old phone does not ring when it is in general mode. Got him a new Nokia 3110 classic and it is quite a big phone. Buttons are big and there is a 1.3MP cam on it too. So as usual I will need to experiment on the handphone before teaching my dad and I found that I can sms faster on Nokia (without dictionary).

Why I don't use dictionary? Coz till today, I don't understand how it works! hahaha

Monday, April 27, 2009

Go Home Early

Now as crime rate goes up, I believe when you read the newspapers, you see people getting rob, getting whack up but other people. So when you even want to yumcha dont bother to go out at 12am or even later or forget about going to clubs thatparty till late at night.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Like That Also Can

The other was in SS2 for lunch @ KFC. I was looking for a parking with CK and when I found 1, I saw a car which was in front of me getting a parking 1st. Next I saw another car leaving in front of this car that just got the parking. As this car was leaving, I was really happy as the parking is under the tree.

Next thing I knew, the car which park 1st suddenly took my car park! I was shocked! I was like u got parking already mar. So I had to do reverse parking to take her parking which is behind. Not only that, behind was another car but that car wanted to take my place too. But in the end I got that parking.

That women was driving a Mercedes and yet she is so kiasu. The place that she originally have lesser trees to cover her car. That is why she took my parking. Don't know why people can be so weird in this world.

The Wedding Stuff

How old are you?
26 years old

Are you single?
Yes. Ready to consider a long term relationship next

In what age do you think you'll get married?
Depends on God.

Do you think you'll be marrying the person you are with now?
Not with anyone now

If not, who do you want to marry?

Do you want a garden/beach or a traditional wedding?
Garden cannot as M’sia is hot then got weather problem, beach is hot.

Your ideal motive?
I believe that’s from Father. He knows the best for me. But at the same time must pray hard too.

Where do you plan to go on a honeymoon?
TBA :P Maybe Bali?

How many guests do you think you'll invite?
How many guest huh? Well depends on how many people will be coming which is my cousins, family members and friends and the list goes on. I guess I would love to have friends at my church wedding. It will really be good if they can see me get married there

Do you want an extravagant wedding or a simple wedding?
I want it to be simple wedding, yet something that both I and wife will never forget

Do you want the traditional vows or something you'd make up on your own?
Traditional will do

How many layers of cake do you want?
I think the standard is 3?

Do you prefer having your reception at a hotel or a simple place?
Food must be good. So I guess it will be restaurant for me. Atmosphere must be good too. So I guess I need to find the best combination of both to make everyone happy.

When do you want to get married, morning or evening?
Should be morning, noon is sleep then at nite dinner :P

You'd rather have your reception outdoors or indoors?

Do you like a grand entrance for your groom?
I guess normal entrance is also considered grand entrance right?

Name the song/tune you'd like to play at your wedding?
Toooooo early to think about it. But I guess must start to prepare the song already.

Are you a morning person or a night person?

Do you want a solemn ceremony or a light one?
Joyous and HAPPENING

Describe your ideal husband/wife?

1. God fearing – Love God. She will love me and my parents
2. Loves food and eating. Don’t have to know how to cook well, but someone who enjoy exploring cooking and baking will be best.
3. Servant leadership
4. Loves music and worship – at least know how to play one music instrument or can do vocals with me.
6. Must be fun and happening and lively
7. Live a simple life and be happy with what we have.

Do you prefer fine dining or just the normal spoon & fork/knife?
Anything goes. Fork and spoon also can. Knife more for meat rite?

Champagne or red wine?
I don’t drink so it’s a little hard to answer.

Honeymoon right after the wedding or days after the wedding?
Well it really depends on leave and finance.

Money or household items?
Money I guess. With money comes household items

Who will pay for the bills?
Stay tune for more…But should be the guys I think

Are you ready for married life?
er. I guess 1st thing 1st, which is gf 1st.

Do you think you will still be a virgin until you get married?

Will you always be true to your wife/husband?

How many kids would you like to have?
Stay tune for more

A new house for a newly wed or an old one?
New will be nice, but if finance is an issue, rent 1st, if not old then new later

What kind of cuisine would you like for your wedding?
Chinese food!

Will you record your honeymoon in a CD or DVD?
DVD. Now cd tak main. Thanks videographer and photographer 1st :P

Whose wedding plans would you like to know next?
1. Elizabeth Hie
2. Chong Lixia
3. Tree Sis
4. Anybody who reads this blog and got a blog :P

Saturday, April 25, 2009

We Are The Reason

Was in youtube when I decided to google up Patrick Leong's name and a few results came back. One of the results were We Are The Reason. This is the Christmas song sang by Avalon and this is the original copy. Be bless by it.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Lock Your Car At All Times

Well I guess, most of you when see the topic will say I do. But this time it is different. What I mean is when you get to your car in a parking lot (can be any parking lot) 1st thing you should do is lock your car door. This is to make sure all your doors are lock. This is for your own safety. I know a lot of people don't lock their doors when the drive and this will cause people to be able to open the rest of your doors. But I have to admit, even if you lock your doors, people still can crack your windows if they want to harm you.

Anyway for girls, I know most of the time you girls will carry a handbag and before you get to your car, will be great if you can take out your car keys 1st. This will lessen the time to finding your keys when you are already in a parking lot.

I guess why I came out with this post is because there are too much stuff that is happening around us and without me mentioning it, you know it too. At the rate of the crime here, its just madness. So please lock your car at all times

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Must Turn Off

It is a must when ever it rains to turn off your pc and off your modem and plug off from the phone line and not forgetting the power plug. Why must you do this? This is to make sure that your pc or laptop wont get fried when it rains with thunderstorm.

My PC and modem + 3 in 1 got fried last time when I off my plug but I didn't pull it out. The damage was really high. But that time my PC was still under warranty, so I send the whole thing back to get a board replacement. But I had to fork out money to get replacement of my modem.

The other day my friends LCD got fried due to the thunderstorm and another guy on the same day got his laptop fried. Back in my diploma days, my friends who are heavy download'ers never turn off their pc even though the thunder is at madness level. They told me "nothing wan la, wont kena wan la" and the next thing I knew, they told me their pc got fried.

My mum's friend modem has been friend many times as she never unplug her phone line from the modem. She always unplug AFTER the thunder which is too late to rescue. Not only that, I believe her laptop modem is now fried as she cannot connect to the Internet anymore.

So please dont ever try Mr Thunder. When he strikes, he strikes really hard and he will fry many many thigns on his way.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Project Failure

I guess most of you know that I was working hard for the launch of the Tbank Project, but guess what? It was a major failure not on my part but on the programmers. After nearly a month of the project launch, everyday without fail, the programmers will come to my side to check the system as there are some bugs that needs to be fixed daily.

To cut the whole story short, the program didn't work at all and most of the time there were many errors in some where of the program. Not only that, the customer was really piss off as the project is such a failure. It was such a failure that they had to bring in another team that was not the original team to fix all the bugs in the program. The current Team Leader was demoted to fix Change Request raised by the bank. In my opinion, I will be major embarrassed if I was part of the team that did this project. The whole project was a failure. To add on, this Team Leader have around 10years working experience and yet she failed to live up to expectation. If I am the company, I will tell her to go.

The team leader didn't trust any of her programmers and anything they did, she will check it thru line by line (coding). Not only that, I was really wondering, if they already have a base file, why can the project fail to launch? Not only that, the Project Manager is another guy who DOES NOT KNOW ANYTHING. He says he did visa and mastercard last time but when you talk to him, he doesnt know anything at all. Not only that, he is a 40 year old guy and at 40, I believe you will have a lot of experience behind you but I am just so wrong. Working with this team is major sad case, but now I am really worried for the next project as the Team Leader is just as hopeless as the current project.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

David Pawson - Unlocking The Bible

Was there to listen to what he has to say on Saturday about unlocking the bible. But before that, I have to thank DUMC as they gave me the book last year on a Sunday when Lydia Lim was there visiting the church as someone was going to get baptize. The book was pass to me by Mike Foo as a gift for serving in a ministry. It was actually Unlocking The Bible BOOK! When I got the book, there was so many pages in it and it is like a dictionary. I open to the last page of the book whihc has around 1500+ pages. I even remembered I showed the book to Liz Lee as she was there.


David Pawson teaching on unlocking the bible in DUMC was nearly the same as his book. In the evening, He was preaching on Easter message and boy does he know his facts really well. The way he put his facts and how he explain the stuff to us is really shocking. For a guy who is 80years old, his mind is still very sharp.

In final words, his session was worth going. Not many people turn up for the morning session, but in the evening it was pack. I guess it is due to people from Sunday came over on Saturday to listen to him. Ushering on Saturday was not easy too, but everything was under control

Monday, April 20, 2009

Must Read

Dear All,

Please read this and advise your friends and family! You may save others lives!

Incident One:

A little boy died because surgeons found ants in his brain! Apparently this boy fell asleep with some sweets in his mouth or with some sweet stuff beside him.

Ants soon got to him and some ants in fact crawled into his ear which somehow managed to go to his brain. When he woke up, he did not realize that ants had gone to his head.

After that, he constantly complained about itchiness around his face. His mother brought him to a doctor, but the doctor could not figure out what was wrong with him. He took an X-ray of the boy and to his horror; he found a group of live ants in his skull. Since the ants were still alive, the doctor could not operate on him because the ants were constantly moving around. The boy finally died. So please be careful when leaving food stuff near your bed or when eating in bed. This might attract ants. Most importantly, NEVER you or your child eat sweets before going to bed. You or your child might attract ants while you are asleep. *

Incident Two:

Another similar incident happened in a hospital in Taiwan

This man was warded in the hospital and was constantly warned by the nurses not to leave food stuff by his bedside because there were ants about. He did not heed their advice. Ants finally got to him. His family members said that the man constantly complained about headaches. He died and a postmortem or autopsy was done on him. Doctors found a group of live ants in his head. Apparently, the ants had been eating bits of his brain. So friends, better be safe than sorry. Never leave food stuff beside your bed you when you go to sleep. *

Sunday, April 19, 2009


The song below which is At The Cross, was sang by a girl and supported by guitar by a guy. But I believe this girl have good vocals. But when my mum heard it, she say it was bad! I hereby confirm that my mum don't know how to appreciate different type of vocals. Even she said mine was bad but I think I can do vocals quite well too. I guess depends on the individual ear :P

Saturday, April 18, 2009

At The Cross

Superb Vocals, Superb Playing. Check It Out Here

Friday, April 17, 2009

Shocking News

The other day when I was attending HSM training, Chris suddenly told me this :

Chris : U remember Harun rite?
JT : Yeah of course. He came with u for the 1st meeting and he delivered to me a HSM not long ago
Chris : U know what?
JT : What?
Chris : He pass away already.
JT : What? Really? But he send to me the last HSM not long ago (I tink January). When?
Chris : Last month.

Life is so fragile. Life can be taken away so easily. The other thing that went thru my mind was time really is on the fly now. Especially when you work (in general ppl start at 9am) and when you are bz next thing you know is lunch time and next thing u know its time to go home (around 530 or 6pm)

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Change Like Others

Did a survey on people and after asking people if we should change like to become like others, all my friends told me NO! Further questions asked why we should not become like others and this is their answer

  1. If that fella is serious dude, then the whole world will be serious
  2. If the fella is nutty, then the whole world will go nuts
  3. We all are unique in our own ways
  4. When you get married both girl and guy are different and that's when we learn to accept each other.
I guess in the end we are all uniquely made my God and all of us are special in our own ways to complement with one another.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Feeling Discourage

Came back home at 930pm (14th April) and I am really discourage. Today is actually the so called I work 1 year. And when it touches 1 year you will know what it is like. It is the time to evaluate yourslef if you have done ur work to the best.

I was actually very positive this morning as I was busy clearing my door access logs and I knew I had to do a lot of stuff which I either half way doing or I haven't started. Not only that, I knew I will be seeing CK in office today as he needs to configure the HSM. So it was so called my project too when it is actually not. At the same time of configuring HSM, I have another meeting going on which is about antivirus apps and IPS (this is my work). The thing I wonder is, why people love to cc me into the email even though I am not the expert of the part. Example is HSM = Host Security Module, I know I am doing security, but HSM aint my stuff.

After lunch still work my level best to clear as much as I can and I manage to finalize 1 PnP and next thing I know it was tea time (4pM) and that my friend had to tell me it is tea time. I honestly didnt realize that it was tea time and only I remembered there will be some dudes frm IBM coming for meeting too. Tea time was short and it was back to checking UAR's.

I stop at around 8pm for fast dinner. When I came back, suddenly I remembered my boss wants his PnP listing and suddenly the thought of he wanting to benchmark me with my evaluation really brought me down A LOT! I was acutally suddenly so fearful. I know I didn't really put my best into my PnP but now I am really working hard on it to edit and put in all the stuff that is needed. The thoughts of doing others work is more overwhelming against my work which I am suppose to be good at. After my boss m16 me about 3 weeks ago, I have started to focus on my work, but yet I am still distracted by so much stuff which is nothing got to do with me. I even have to find solutions for programmers whose program is not working nicely which I manage to find and it - 1 day of my original task.

I guess I will need to continue to do OT to make sure my work is all complete. Not only that, I really want to add on as much knowledge as I can so that I will be able to assist / know what I am doing when I leave this company and head to another company. But I guess one thing is for sure, I got to put my work 1st and my learning 2nd. The other day when before I was sleeping a thought or so called words came into my mind and it was this "don't limit yourself to learning. you stop learning when you limit yourself".

I am really not sure if I should stop learning other stuff and only focus at my work. I feel that if I stop learning, everyone will be on top of my head and I cannot compete with others. But there is a twist to this. Know a lot is good forself but can be bad for oneself. So in the end there are extremes of both end which can be really disasterous.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Spoilt With Choices Of Foam Bath

Ever since I was studying in my diploma days, I decided to use foam bath as it was easier to bath. I didn't really like to use soap to bath as after a while the soap will loose its soapiness (bar soap) after some time.

Well back in December, I decided to go shopping for foam bath as I knew that this will be the time to catch on the cheap sale. I manage to buy 2 different type of foam bath from Guardian and when I got back my mum told me the foam bath in the toilet can be used too which is double thumbs up for me. One of the days when I was in Tesco, I saw the foam refill and it was really cheap and I decided to buy another 3 / 4 packets. I guess you guys must be really wondering whats up with this guy and he must be such a freak. Yeah I guess so. I found out I got another bottle of foam bath from my cousin which is orange flavor.

With so many choices, I guess my foam bath will take quite some time to finish and it will take some time before I replenish my stock once again.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Walking And Blur

Was at Amcorp mall the other day and I was walking beside my dad at the entrance when I saw a small group of people (around 6/7, mixture of small kids and I guess YA). jumping up and down. But I was just walking as nothing was in my mind and I thought they were just kidding around which is quite normal in public area. Next thing I know my dad stop walking and he looked. When he stop I stop and look at my dad too. Then I turn and look at the small group and there I saw this other girl jumping again. Thats when I only decided to look up and I saw their balloon was up there.

JT : Allow me,
Girl : Ok,
JT : Jump and caught the balloon by its tail, pull it down and pass it to the girl
Whole Group : *THANK YOU* (quite loud)
JT : 'A little shock with the loud thank you', Welcome, smiled and walk off

I guess moral of story, don't just look the same level where you are walking, need to look up and down :P There was once more I was hit with this same situation in the Masjid Jamek LRT station. I was already @ the platform waiting for a train and I was really tired that day.

Visitor : Excuse me, does this train goes to KL Sentral / KJ (Unsure Which Station)
JT : I actually didnt hear him talking to me, brain was lost dont kwn where!
Visitor: Excuse me, does this train goes to KL Sentral / KJ (Unsure Which Station)
JT : This time I heard the question, then only I turn and look at him and said sorry, and I told him yes.

One more classic, same place in Masjid Jamek LRT Station, but different scene

Visitor : Excuse me do you speak English.
JT : Yeah I do
Visitor : Can this train bring us to KL Sentral?
JT : Yeah its 2 stops from here
Visitor : Thank You.

One more classic, this time with my sister. It took us around 10minutes to find each other

JM : I am waiting for you at the platform.
JT : Ok, came down to Masjid Jamek Platform and tired to find my sister but I could not find her
JT : Where are you sitting?
JM : Down here
JT : Went 2 rounds of the platform but cannot find my sister, so I decided to go upstairs to find her

JM: Why you so slow one *on the phone*
JT : I cannot find you so I went upstairs to find you *this time heading down to platform again*

*at this moment LRT pass by*

JT : Sis tell me what LRT train advert do you see now?
JM : *Told me another advert that was not the same as what I saw*
JT : Huh??? I see another advert. Look up at the sign board and tell me where are you now?
JM : Eh, Alamak Dang Wangi :P

Most of the this happens to me when I am in the lift. When the door opens I don't really look up at the number. I just walk out. So I guess we need to look up at where we are heading all the time.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Earth Hour Part 2

On 28 March 2K9, we observe an hour of darkness which is earth hour from 830-930. But I have to say in PJ people didnt really turn off their lights. I was actually in an restaurant eating when it was earth hour and the restaurant decided to turn off some of their lights.

But now I got a little question. Even with earth hour, we are to plant many trees to make sure that the level of oxygen and etc will be under control. Not only that, with many trees everywhere, the land will be cooler as there will be more shade (in general) to cover cars, block the sun from hitting direct at houses and etc. Global warming is hitting every where and it is really important to plant trees every where (not only in M'sia but the whole world).

The best part is this, the other day when I went to TTDI to YC, and opp the mamak is a very very big padang. The last time I came to YC at this same shop there were still many trees in the padang. But this time the trip was different. There were no more big trees left there, but they replace nearly all those big trees with small trees. I was really shocked. I was of course quite sad to see that happening as I know small trees cannot do as much as big trees can do. Not only that, for a small tree to become a BIG BIG tree will take at least 20 years +? So means if this year is 2K9 I will need to come back at 2029 to see if the tree is already big and health. I am still wondering why they cut down the trees as the trees were not dead / have any sickness on it. I guess it depends a lot on our trees / plants and etc to make sure our weather does not become so whacko and hopefully under control

Saturday, April 11, 2009

HSM Training

Was attending HSM training the other day in KL Sentral. It was my 1st time in KL Sentral and it was really confusing how to get to the hotel. I was 1st lost in KL Sentral itself. Had to walk around to find where is the exit towards the hotel :P After I found the exit, I walk to the hotel and at the signboard, it pointed Meridian + Hilton to head the same place which was the lobby of the hotel. When I went to that place, I didn't see any lobby. I was wondering if the signs were playing tricks on me. There were no people at the place I was standing. Next I saw 2 lifts, so I decided to press to take the lift up. Over there only I saw that I need to go to level then only I will see the lobby :P

When I came out of the lift, that is where they broke down to Hilton Hotel and Meridian Hotel entrance. And when I walk into Hilton I was like "WOW". It was a nice hotel. As I was walking then I saw my fav car at the hotel lobby. It was like a double wow to me on that same day.

Front Logo

Skyline R36

That's Me

1st Session of training was really boring as they were tryin to intro us to all their products. As I was sitting behind, I could see many people yawning and shaking their heads like in disbelieve the session was that bad. I too was bored. Nearly slept as the day before I came back late from work as I knew I will be away from training. At 10am it was tea which was good food and at 1045am class started once again. This time it was more intresting which I really like as it is about configuring HSM. At 11am the best part happen. My friend (CK) came in! I was like so shocked but I was happy coz I have a mate with me for the training.

At 12pm was lunch time and lunch was GOOD! My friend and I started off with the main meal and we went to collect our soup at the same time. But the weird thing is usually soup bowls for people to take the shop was so high! Even at my height I have trouble to see how much soup is left (no kidding). Anyway we were served soup and it tasted quite good. After our main meal, we head back to eat what we didnt have the 1st round which is vegetables..I guess I will list down what I had during lunch.

  1. White Rice
  2. Kuay Teow Mee
  3. Chicken (really soft and no bones)
  4. Lamb (extremely tender)
  5. Salmon Fish (cooked)
  6. Soup
  7. Salmon Fish (raw)
  8. Vegetables
  9. Sotong & Prawns (seafood)
  10. Choco Cake
  11. Strawberry Cake
  12. Tasted a lil of my friends cheese cake
  13. Fruits
  14. Tea

Anyway I bet my friend enjoyed the lunch as much I did. It was really nice and the taste was good. Lamb and chicken was really tender all the way. We ate and talk about different type of things and it was really cool to share our work experience with each other as my friend is a programmer. After lunch(2pm) my friend sat with me and we were really bored when the HSM hit some error that the guy who was invited to teach us could not solve it. Then it was tea time again at 3pm! Then we had tandoori chicken and prawn roll, tea and a fruit kind of cocktail. Then it was back to the hall again and this time was lucky draw for the last 5 prize. As it was not serious time anymore, I kept on mentioning my frineds name for the prize. Check out coversation as below

Giat (Trainer) : *Calls out another name*
JT : CK, CK, CK (another prize)
Giat (Trainer) : *Calls out another name*
JT : CK, CK, CK (another prize)
Giat (Trainer) : Teo Jin Teik
JT : *Looking shocked at my friend*
CK : *SHocked too* *later he laugh*
Giat (Trainer) : Teo Jin Teik (calls Again)
JT : Still in shock but went to get my prize

It was so classic how that happen. But thank God for the experience of HSM training, the lunch, skyline car that I saw, the laptop bag that I got in lucky draw, for a stress ball, diary and most of all that my friend was there :)

Friday, April 10, 2009

Can You Read This

fi yuo cna raed tihs, yuo hvae a sgtrane mnid, too. Cna yuo raed tihs? Olny 55 plepoe tuo fo 100 anc.

i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid,
aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt
tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas
tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt! if you can raed tihs forwrad it.

If you can read this, your brain is 50% faster
than those who can't

Thursday, April 09, 2009

David Pawson

Hi Guys,

Part 2 of DUMC invitation is to come for a course called 'Unlocking The Bible'. He actually wrote a book about this topic which can be found here. For more explanation on David Pawson click on his name. he will be here on 11th Of April from 830-12pm. It is free for all to come. Location is in DUMC main auditorium.

In the evening he will be preaching at 5pm in DUMC again. It is the evening Celebration and it is open to public once again.

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Easter Coming Up This Week

Hi people,

Attach is the Journey To The Cross by DUMC. It is open to everyone. Roughly story about this even is it is there will be 5 rooms and each room will have its own scene of Jesus Last Moments on earth. It is actually a walk thru of what we had to go thru for us. I have heard of the story and it is really to let us ( human) to think thru, imagine the scene, let us feel what HE went thru. Please Come and for it.

Date : 8 - 10 April
Time : 7-10pm Daily
Venue : Room 2001- 2005
Map : DUMC

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Please Be Careful

Please be warned that there is an orange Proton cab with the number plate HWC 244 (name of cab company - Innovasi Timur Sdn Bhd) who is out to get single women drivers, for unknown reasons but we believe potentially to rape and kill. The cab is driven by a fat and bald Malay man (occasionally with two other men in the car who look like Indonesians) who have been going around doing the following (possibly amongst others) to get women to come out of their cars by attempting to create an accident:

1. Cutting into your lane quickly so that you have to swerve to avoid an accident.
2. Braking suddenly on a road where there is just you and them.
3. Driving extremely slowly in front of you and then when you overtake, he will try to knock into you by swerving into your lane.

It is very likely that more than one woman have experienced the attempts of the driver of this cab but it is unknown if he has been successful in raping/murdering any woman yet. Please don't let it happen to you!

Please be very observant and careful to look out for this cab, especially when you are trave ling on a quiet road by yourself. There have been so many rape cases lately (e.g. the one in Centrepoint ) so please warn your loved ones - wives, daughters, mothers, sisters, etc to be extra extra careful and to watch out for cabs and cars like HWC 244 and other similar perpetrators.

Monday, April 06, 2009

Scarry But True

I would like to share with you all something, But click over here. So please be careful

Sunday, April 05, 2009

1st Time In Tropicana City

Tropicana City Open not long ago. But today(Saturday) was my 1st time there. I was there early to buy fish. My mum actually drag me out of the bed to follow her there. I was actually very tired as I had a tiring day on Friday as most of the time I was standing up in office as we were all troubleshooting the servers.

Since it was my 1st time there, I knew roughly how to go but I wasn't that sure. But in the end we manage to find out way there. As usual I was still in Disney Land when I was there. I was still very blur as I was still really tired due to lack of rest. Just in case you guys don't know, Saturday and Sunday is my sleep in day to recover and prepare for the week. As I was in the fish section ,1 Indian kid started to smile at me. I return the smile but I was wondering in my mind, why this kid smile at me? In the end I remembered that I am wearing MU jersey and he was on his Liverpool that whack MU 4-1 about 2/3 weeks ago.

Anyway as I was there early, most of the shops were not open yet but from the look of Carrefour, the place look really compact. I guess this is due to lack of space in the area that's why things are really put side by side each other. Just in case none of you know, this mallthat they build was originally a "hutan". There were a lot of trees around the place that time and it was sealed. And when they started to chop down the trees, the residence there made a lot of noise as the trees there as they love to walk by that place as it was cooling and it provided shade and etc. But I guess this place wll try to provide the easiest shopping for people around.

Saturday, April 04, 2009

Post Project Implementation

Project implement was a success. But it was really tiring. The day I had to do backup from the Dev to Prod on the 17th March was really messy. Original plan was to do the backup and restore in Prod on the 16th didnt work out as the programmers were finalizing all the bugs fixing. While doing backup and restore (this part I am not really sure coz most of the time dont do it) was a refreshing course for me as I cannot remember how to do it as most of the time I don't do it and I only do it when really there is no one to help me. Then I will take out my book and start flipping the page to find the part that I need :P Backup restore nearly took 2 half hours thanks to the programmers who didn't tell me all the libraries that were needed. Not only that, some of the objects could not be restored. Its due to the objects that need another library and that library was not backup at all. It really gave me a lot of headache. Not only that, I had to change the library and object owner, the access to the files and other stuff.

My handphone kept on ringing like I was the telephone operator for the day. It was really tiring trying to assist every single one who were there as all high authority password is held by me. When I enter the server room, ppl will call me to come out again and the cycle goes for a couple of rounds. Even during lunch time people will call me that made me kind of fedup. I know since last time with great powers come great responsibility (like smallville) and since it is my job, I still have to do it and carry out the level best that I can.

Back to project implementation, till today, 20th March, we still have a lot of other problems that the application team is facing. The infrastructure is working terifficaly fine. But the users are having problems logging into the system due to the combination of the password. The keep on sending rude / nasty emails which I don't really care. If other project ppl can do it, why cant you? This is back to the PM who is really not doing his job nicely. Always pushing stuff away as he cannot really handle the project nicely.

Friday, April 03, 2009

Not So Lonely When Playing Guitar

Found the best solution to have someone to play with me and do vocals with me the same time when I am playing. What is my solution? Answer = You Tube . Everything is over there and from there I manage to learn new playing ways. Thanks You Tube :)

Thursday, April 02, 2009

When You Don't Plan

Was having a chat with a couple of friends when a friend suddenly said this. He just do what ever is thrown to him and he is just a do'er. People tell him to do he do. Then he does not believe in planning as its like useless when you dont achieve it.

I honestly was really shocked to hear what he said. If people don't plan, people plan to fail. But I guess this is not his concept. But at times the question he ask which is regarding planning is really weird and he wonders about things not happening.

But to me plan is a framework for a person's life. Even with plans, I honestly am worried if I can even achieve those plans. But at least with a plan we can benchmark our life and we will know if we are heading / doing the right thing at the right age. I feel without a benchmark in life we are living a life which has no purpose and we just let the day go by day without thinking about the future. I feel it will be dreadful when we are at 40 years old people will still tell us do this and that and etc. I believe at a young age we are to be control of our own life and start to make decisions using our own head and we can even get our parents to help us out to make the correct decision as at a younger age we are not all knowing and not with full experience.

So are plans vital? I have to say YES it is. What say you?

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

GT8 Or GT10

Darn I wish I have those multi effects with elec guitar with an amp. I am starting to like to play those intro from Hillsongs. It sounds really nice and if you use accoustic guitar, you cannot get the sound that you want. I guess it will be extremely cool if can even get on those compact effect paddles from boss which is delay, chorus, reverb, distortion, overdrive, wah and etc. But this pedals not cheap. Single pedal can cost from RM700+. I guess what sounds nice will be costly :P