Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Project Failure

I guess most of you know that I was working hard for the launch of the Tbank Project, but guess what? It was a major failure not on my part but on the programmers. After nearly a month of the project launch, everyday without fail, the programmers will come to my side to check the system as there are some bugs that needs to be fixed daily.

To cut the whole story short, the program didn't work at all and most of the time there were many errors in some where of the program. Not only that, the customer was really piss off as the project is such a failure. It was such a failure that they had to bring in another team that was not the original team to fix all the bugs in the program. The current Team Leader was demoted to fix Change Request raised by the bank. In my opinion, I will be major embarrassed if I was part of the team that did this project. The whole project was a failure. To add on, this Team Leader have around 10years working experience and yet she failed to live up to expectation. If I am the company, I will tell her to go.

The team leader didn't trust any of her programmers and anything they did, she will check it thru line by line (coding). Not only that, I was really wondering, if they already have a base file, why can the project fail to launch? Not only that, the Project Manager is another guy who DOES NOT KNOW ANYTHING. He says he did visa and mastercard last time but when you talk to him, he doesnt know anything at all. Not only that, he is a 40 year old guy and at 40, I believe you will have a lot of experience behind you but I am just so wrong. Working with this team is major sad case, but now I am really worried for the next project as the Team Leader is just as hopeless as the current project.


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