Sunday, April 12, 2009

Earth Hour Part 2

On 28 March 2K9, we observe an hour of darkness which is earth hour from 830-930. But I have to say in PJ people didnt really turn off their lights. I was actually in an restaurant eating when it was earth hour and the restaurant decided to turn off some of their lights.

But now I got a little question. Even with earth hour, we are to plant many trees to make sure that the level of oxygen and etc will be under control. Not only that, with many trees everywhere, the land will be cooler as there will be more shade (in general) to cover cars, block the sun from hitting direct at houses and etc. Global warming is hitting every where and it is really important to plant trees every where (not only in M'sia but the whole world).

The best part is this, the other day when I went to TTDI to YC, and opp the mamak is a very very big padang. The last time I came to YC at this same shop there were still many trees in the padang. But this time the trip was different. There were no more big trees left there, but they replace nearly all those big trees with small trees. I was really shocked. I was of course quite sad to see that happening as I know small trees cannot do as much as big trees can do. Not only that, for a small tree to become a BIG BIG tree will take at least 20 years +? So means if this year is 2K9 I will need to come back at 2029 to see if the tree is already big and health. I am still wondering why they cut down the trees as the trees were not dead / have any sickness on it. I guess it depends a lot on our trees / plants and etc to make sure our weather does not become so whacko and hopefully under control


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