Thursday, April 30, 2009

Badminton Tournament

DUMC is organizing a mini olympics games which I miss out on the 1st meet as I was working till 930pm. But this time around, I will be joining the games to play badminton with my diploma friend. I guess most of you might know him. He is CK! Since most of the time he keep on asking me to play badminton with him which I never got to till today. But going to make it a difference as I will be playing with him for the olympics. It's more for fun and to get ourself to exe once a while.

Anyway I got whipped 21-11 and 21-8. Boy I had major problems playing as I was not fit at all. Not only that, panic la :P most of the mistakes were my part... *sigh* sorry mate, hope to play better next time round..


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