Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Don't Be Too Nice To People

I have to admit this, being nice to people will get yourself into trouble. This is truth from me. I will give you my part of my story. When my parents were away in May, I had to take care of everything which is a good experience for me. I manage to learn up new things in my life which is thumbs up for me. Anyway since my aunty followed my parents there, I had to help my aunty to do her payment on some of her stuff. My aunty has a son in KL but she rather have me to help her which I didn't really want to do as I am not her son. Anyway I still help out as I am a good boy :P

I had to pay my aunty CC bill from her account and I even have to take out money 2 give to her son 4 her car road tax. I recorded every transaction that I did for my aunty. But one day, suddenly my aunty mum called me and ask me what happen to her money and I told her I use it for paying the CC bill and car road tax and insurance. It seems even though they trust me they still wonder what happne to the money. Not only that, after passing the money 2 her son 4 road tax payment, my mum still ask me to check with my aunty son if he had paid the road tax. I was honestly very piss off and I did even hantam my mum back over the phone. If you have given the money to her son why must I still do the follow up? Not only that, when my aunty came back, she didnt really want to pay back my mum for some of the expense that was to be paid by her. She even gave my mum some stupid comments. If I was at home, I would have blasted this aunty nicely. I gave this same aunty a piece of my mind a few years ago during lunch. I blasted her in Bali.

So the moral of the story, anything got to do with $, dont help people even though u do it with kind heart, no strings attach and with full honesty. I didn't even take a single cent out of my aunty and yet I was still question. So learn from my mistake, if it has to do with money, don't HELP even though it is your cousin.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Operations Is My Work Too?

Darn came back to office and it seems that my boss is now asking me to do operations work when it is not my work. I don't know why my boss is asking me to focus yet to do the other operations work. Darn like that I will be confuse and I will have major problem trying to focus on my task. My task itself is enough to make me see stars and if I need to do others job then I should be paid even more.

Not only that, some of the people never use their brains. When people ask them to do something they just execute it straight away without checking with the relevant parties if there are any impact. This is back to operations once again. For example is restart server, they will straight away do when the programmer request it to be restarted. They never even think those who are connected to the system and those people might even be in the midst of doing UAT. I guess one thing for sure, I am going to control nearly everything in DC. If I don't control it, then things will be off my hand and I won't know what is happening. My boss know that I am really busy yet he still want me to do others job which is total crap to me. Fedup is a surely a yes. Wanting to quit? If I have a new job why not?

Monday, December 29, 2008

How Did This Happen?

Check out the picture. I know it is not clear but as you can see its my name. And the worst part is I am married with Peggy! Its so ironic. Anyway if you guys wonder who this Peggy is, it is some programmer who I truly dislike in Silverlake. I was really shock when I saw my name with the correct spelling on Elaine wedding on the nigth of Steven & Joanne's wedding. I thank God there is no baby chair on the side if not I wonder whose kid is it and how on earth I got married without me knowing my wife :P

Sunday, December 28, 2008


Steven & Joanne, Congrats on your wedding. They got married on the 27th of December 2008. It was really nice as I manage to serve in the wedding as usher and etc. At night I did the reception in Prince Hotel with my fellow ladies at the counter. Only GUY among 3 wonderful and pretty girls :) The day before which is 26th, we had to deco the hall and with God given wisdom to me, we manage to fix all the covers on the seats really fast. It was like on the fly.

The night was the most classic. I got another SMDJ friend getting married side by side with Steven & Joanne and I manage to see some of my SMDJ friends there. The even came to the wrong wedding. Not only that, I went to the wrong wedding too. I went to my friends wedding and a lady asked me, liz and Wan Lee if I am doing receiption for them and I answered yes! Too certain but actually I was at the wrong wedding :P

I have to say it was really fun serving during the wedding. I did reception, became body guard, saw the bridal suit, become runners for photo taking session and being the driver for the 2 wonderful ladies in my car. It was one good chance to serve my cg friends. I guess like what Pr Daniel say, given a chance, take it and serve your heart out. Not only that, when I was driving home, I manage to entertain the 2 ladies in my car with my fun stories. I believe they were truly entertain as they really laugh a lot. It shows my skills works on every one :P

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Think Before Talking

I have to continue to say that before you talk bad about a person or want to shoot of the person, think about it before lashing it out. I gurantee you once the person hear you say it, pain has already crept into the person. I am one person who always kena from my mum and at times I hate my mum. Even though I have put the item to rest, BUT when my mum continues to shoot me, all the things that I put to rest will be unearth out. One of the comments that I will never forget my mum saying is "I don't want you as son anymore". WTF? If you don't want me as son, why did you even at the first place give birth to me? Seriously I think if you parents want to blast your kids, use the right words and not the words that have already made a hole into the kids heart and even after forgive, the event will still replay in their heart. I guess why she don't want me is because I am useless. If you think I am useless, then like I say, why you bother to give birth to me?

Friday, December 26, 2008

Ushering Was Hard

Ushering on the 25th December was really hard. I have to say it was one of the most challenging time of ushering for me. When I was there in the morning, I thought to myself and even told my other ushers that ushering wont be any sweat at all as there wont be many people and most of the people are on holiday :p But I was so freaking wrong. People came in at 10am and in 10 minutes downstairs was already full. So I thought to myself, they wont reach my place. In 5 Minutes the whole hall was pack full. Persitting in the auditorium is 2.7K and the amount of people that came was more than that. I believe with the Chinese church, Hall 3 and BM church there is at least estimated 3K + people in church that morning itself.

So many people didn't have their seats. I had to get them to wait till worship is over and then try to slot them in. Some of the places had gaps and some people just don't want to move inside. I guess even some of the ushers freak out by seeing so many people. But the sad thing is the ushers still book their seats and sat down which I feel it should not be. Ushers should just let people have their seats and they can even sit at the stair case. I guess to me when I serve I give my best. I didn't mind even to sit on the floor as I believe people come 1st and while I come later. I guess some might not agree with this statement. But I was really happy that I manage to usher in as many as I could on that day.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Blessed Christmas



Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Sacrifice & At Times Not Worth It

The other day when I was driving to Carey Island for the Orang Asli Ministry, I got blased for my mum when driving. I had to reload my T&G at NKVE as I am not sure how much I have left in the card. Then there goes my mum starting to blast me that I should have reloaded earlier and bla bla. Then when I told her to stop complaining, she raise her voice at me and saying I had NO WISDOM in what I was doing and I was stupid. Then she told me I should pay with cash at all the booths. At that time I was damm piss. In my heart, was hey I am already just helping you guys and this is what I get? I could have walk off the car and let her go figure out what to do next. Other people don't have their kids standing beside them or because their kids are too young to drive to transport all the stuff but I was there. The reason I was there, because I am stupid. I agree. I guess one thing for sure, serving is nice, but when it comes to ugly things, things just change and one thing for sure, I am not going to serve next year. They can surely find other drivers to transport the things. The other time a Pastor say, there will be a replacement for everyone that leaves, so no fear there will be someone to replace me next year.

Another reason why I was stupid is because, I might have miss out a golden change to get a gf a single's party last night in my friends house. I might have already gotten to know more girls but thanks to serving and getting blasting the chance has went down the drain. Like I say, sorry I won't be there helping and serving the OA ministry next year. I had enough doing it for 2 years being their driver.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

My Name

You Are Level-Headed and Trustworthy

You are fair, honest, and logical. You are a natural leader, and people respect you.

You never give up, and you will succeed... even if it takes you a hundred tries.

You are rational enough to see every part of a problem. You are great at giving other people advice.

You are usually the best at everything ... you strive for perfection.

You are confident, authoritative, and aggressive.

You have the classic "Type A" personality.

You are the total package - suave, sexy, smart, and strong.

You have the whole world under your spell, and you can influence almost everyone you know.

You don't always resist your urges to crush the weak. Just remember, they don't have as much going for them as you do.

You are well rounded, with a complete perspective on life.

You are solid and dependable. You are loyal, and people can count on you.

At times, you can be a bit too serious. You tend to put too much pressure on yourself.

You are very intuitive and wise. You understand the world better than most people.

You also have a very active imagination. You often get carried away with your thoughts.

You are prone to a little paranoia and jealousy. You sometimes go overboard in interpreting signals.

You are a seeker. You often find yourself restless - and you have a lot of questions about life.

You tend to travel often, to fairly random locations. You're most comfortable when you're far away from home.

You are quite passionate and easily tempted. Your impulses sometimes get you into trouble.

You are friendly, charming, and warm. You get along with almost everyone.

You work hard not to rock the boat. Your easy going attitude brings people together.

At times, you can be a little flaky and irresponsible. But for the important things, you pull it together.

You tend to be pretty tightly wound. It's easy to get you excited... which can be a good or bad thing.

You have a lot of enthusiasm, but it fades rather quickly. You don't stick with any one thing for very long.

You have the drive to accomplish a lot in a short amount of time. Your biggest problem is making sure you finish the projects you start.

You are a seeker of knowledge, and you have learned many things in your life.

You are also a keeper of knowledge - meaning you don't spill secrets or spread gossip.

People sometimes think you're snobby or aloof, but you're just too deep in thought to pay attention to them.

What's Your Name's Hidden Meaning?


Got this website from Gabriel Webbie. Thanks Gabriel. Click on top if you want to find the meaning of your name. Anyway that's the meaning of my name. Find it interesting and true and still finding out the rest :P

Monday, December 22, 2008

Orang Asli Ministry

Yup was there last week and this week. Some photos to share. 1st week was in Bentong and 2nd week in Carey Island. It was a Christmas Party for them. Would like to thank all who came and help and the CG's that came out with a lot of $ to buy and sponsor food /gifts and etc to make the event a success.


Orang Asli Doing A Song


People Getting Baptized

BM Bible


Unloading All Stuff


Sanggul (Not sure spelling)

OA House

Dishing Out Food

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Guitar 4 Christ

Hi guys and girls. Intro you to one website that I go to get song chords and also to chat in forum. Its called Guitar 4 Christ. If you guys are interested to learn about guitar, post questions on guitars and etc, this is the good place to be in. Do join.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Friend After Me?

Darn, I guess I am now being stalk. I guess MAYBE a friend is after me as she called me the other day and talk to me for 40minutes on the phone as she is after work. I did answer her call and we just chat like normal. But there is a part of the conversation that she ask me when I was born. I told her 1984 as I kind of get what we are heading towards. It might be a hint or if I might be a little too much it might be actually nothing. Not only that, my friend told me she bought a house in KL and she wants to look for a job in KL. That is like double hint which is major not that good.

Anyway people will ask why not give it a try? No thanks is the word. I have my own reasons why not. DUMC got many more. My cousin from Canada also coming :P Still got many choices in the world mar :P Anyway just wait for the time and more will be reveal. God knows :)

Friday, December 19, 2008


Was in forum the other day and this guitar actually really caught my attention. It looks really nice and it sounds not bad according to those who tried it. Wondering what guitar is this? It is Custom Acoustic FG93E. I thought of going and try it out really soon if I have the time :P It is very affordable too. Its less than Rm900. It comes with a bag and a guitar tuner too. The guitar really caught my attention. I actually now have a love for Japanese Takamine, but it is really expensive but it is really nice in sounding. Minimum is around 3k which is a going to make a real hole in my pocket :P

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Correction To Piggy Email

Dear She/He/Shim,
I regret to read through your unintention email to me stating on the time spent with flowery words that you have put me in reading. Obviously, as professional, we need to tolerate on working together and understand the process of applying the access card. It will be sure to have turnaround time for me to manage my own duties and to attend your request personally in a more balance way.
I trusted that there's always a form for each individual to fill up for me as record or audit purpose. Time management is one thing everyone need to juggle and not only yourself. I believe for being fair to everyone in here, toleration needed. I'm thankful you have shown it. However, each of us has responsiblities to meet not saying "to argue" but telling the fact that you really need the access.
Lastly, I need to stress that different individual has different authority access which I believe you know what is authority matrix is to ensure the security of the data centre and to abide with it. To add on that, it is also my duty to ensure security in place within the organisation as well as internal customer service focus and to attend request as per TNT which I had mentioned before.
I hereby thank you for your patient and time drafting this email to me personally highlighting matters that we both can improve and not just alone.
Thank you very much.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Programmers Are Dumb

The other day the AS400 was really slow and it was my 1st time that even from the console I cannot login and I had to get others to help me out. When I was trying to login, I notice the HDD was reading and writing like MAD. I have never seen that before and the only time I saw that was when I was changing the file owner and etc. In the end when I notice a weird file name I went to find and catch the culprit as the culprit made problems for everyone who is local and abroad. Those who were doing UAT send email questioning why system so slow. ANYWAY the best part is we told the programmer that they need to check their program as it might be doing infinite loop and causing the system to be slow. Then Brian Ong ask us the best question, How do we check our program? I was like OMG! IF I know then you wont be sitting there anymore. Anyway that culprit tried twice on the single day and the system really slow down damm alot.

The next day which is 11 December happen the same issue. Then the Pig called up DC and started to complain and blame on the network problem and crap. I mean programmers who are not that good will blame other things which is working fine. If once the user terminated the program how come the system will be so fast once again? If simple logic they cannot think, I am sad to say they are not up the mark to become programmers. Best part is some of them are Team Leaders.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

SA Work Is Really Hard

The other day my boss ask me why I set the AS400 Password Minimum to 7 Characters while Windows is at 8 Characters. I was like yeah its the PCI hardening guide. Then he ask me why I never think before doing? I was like what the world? He told me I should set to 8 characters. If I set to 8 characters, my minimum is 8 and maximum is 8? Who on earth is going to be so stupid to put both the same? I guess I have to review back some of my work. I guess it is not really that good. Darn at times I wish it was the best but it is not that good in others eye's. Anyway my boss said that Mr Ng did a really good job at the start. But he don't know I am the behind person passing the info to Mr Ng :P I guess T BOY don't know that I have been working for the company for quite some time back but I was not paid yet :P But I look at the comment in another way, which is I am not up the mark. Damm if I am really not up the mark then I will be doom really really soon.

Not only that, I guess Mr Ng also is damm fedup now. I know how it feels as I have gotten it many many times already. I know that my company has no arah. That I am really sure. I always do something then I will get back fire. Even when I do 2 sets of backup FOR JUST INCASE, my boss just shake his head. I mean play safe man. I don't want to put people hard effort into the drain as they have to come all the way from overseas to do it. I guess the reason why Mr ng & I are really fedup is coz we are tak tentu arah. We actually compliment each other as each of us have our own strenght like Mr Ng (AS400+Firewall) and Me (Wintel & little of everything). Without each other it will be harder to get the job done. But I don't really know why that my boss say I keep on getting others views when I believe I should. I cannot just shut myself out from the world and tell my own self what I am doing is ALWAYS RIGHT. If I do that, I think the word is THATS IT! Well just trying to hang on for a while till I get more skills before I move on. What I want to learn next is ALDON. Once I am good at least I have something to hang on too.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Serve The Best With What We Have

Well I have to say, the other day I was wondering why I told my dad's friend I will help them in the Orang Asli Ministry in Bentong which is on the 14th and Carey Island on the 20th. Without thinking I just said yes as I know they will really need my help over there. I guess I have to thank my parents as they have brought me up with some skills that is really USEFUL in life. Among them is to plan for party and even be able to organize the whole thing. I am the type of guy that can really do a lot of stuff (nope I am not in any way promoting myself). But thats just me.


The other day when I was chatting with Liz Lee, suddenly I was wondering why I bother to help so much and I have to sacrifice my personal time to do other stuff which include the meeting with other girls on the 20th December 2008. I was indeed looking for answers in my life. At night on Tuesday when I went for Prayer in DUMC, Pastor Daniel talk about serving the very best in life and suddenly all my doubts went away. All my question were answered. One part that really got me was this. He said "we should seize EVERY chance given to us to serve" and that God sees it. There was a verse that Pastro was using and IF I AM NOT WRONG it was Psalm 32.

I guess now I know what makes me continue to be an usher is because last time there was a story that a very popular person today and who is used by God in a mighty way was because an usher gave up his seat and let him have his seat and that night the person got saved. That kind of continue to be in me as long as I will live and I will have to LEARN not to complain that other ushers are not so dedicated / never listen to orders / etc etc but I will do my very best to cover all around even though it might be tiring. Like what Liz Lee told me, God sees our small deeds.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Main Guitar

My A&L guitar went up on stage the other day for my sister's wedding. I guess most of my guitars are use for some sort of event. I guess I will mention the events that my guitar been use for.

  1. Orang Asli Trip
  2. Christmas Events
  3. CG (Nearly Weekly)
  4. Street Ministry
  5. Weddings

I really want my guitar to really go further in doing God's work or even practicing on myself. I have to say now I really am into music and I am really trying hard to learn the harmonics which is freaking hard. I guess it will take time and patience to do it but I know I can and I know I will be able to do it one day. I actually thought of getting another guitar which will be switchable between my A&L and unsure of the guitar that I want to buy. I thought of Custom Acoustics (Max $1400), Farida (Max 3K+) and Takamine (Max 2K+) and at the same time I thought of getting elec G but I guess for now is all acoustics for me.

I have to say on 11 December I tried Takamine and it sounded really good. It really caught my attention straight away as the frets are so nice and the neck is really comfy. But the only thing is the guitar didn't have a pickguard and the guitar scratches very easily. I guess IF I AM going to get a new guitar it will be either Farida or Takamine but really I need a pickguard OR ELSE everytime when I play the guitar, my pick will eat my guitar :P

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Giving My Best For Last Worship Of The Year

On the 17th Of December 2008 will be my last worship for the cell group. Nope I am not changing CG, but it is the last one of the year. For my last worship, I want to make it great and since the 7th of Dec I have been selecting my songs and I roughly got all my songs. Will try to fit in 7 songs which I have chosen to celebrate Christmas. I even started to practice the songs already and it really fit nicely as all the songs are same chords. It is a mixture of Christmas song and normal worship songs. I really want it to be great as it is to celebrate our King's birthday (even though it is not really on the 25th). But the most IMPORTANT thing is I am prepared for it for the best blast of the night and with God in our midst. I hope to prac really hard that I won't blunder on that day.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Happy Birthday To You

Sally + Liz Hie,



Thursday, December 11, 2008


Hi Guys + Girls,

Well if you guys know that your time is up / ready to be into a relationship and if you are a Christian seeking another Christian, this is your time to let me know. Nope I am not ready yet, but I was invited to a party by my friend who is actually trying to connect all the singles together. BUT MOST LIKELY I cannot make it as it falls on the 20th which is the day I have to go to Carey Island to do the Christmas project for the Orang Asli. Well guys and girls, if you really want to meet up with great people from God, let me know...

I am not sure if this event is to make sure I get married fast. It seems from my blog you can see a pattern that people are trying to tie me up with other people. I am not really ready to be into relationship yet. Just thinking of getting more friends and then from there decide. But what on earth I am talking about? That party is meant to get new friends *smacks own head* :P


Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Book Again

On the 14th of December I am being book by my dad's friend to help them with Orang Asli Christmas project in Bentong. They ask me yesterday when I was in church. I guess it really seems I'm the only kid willing / wanting to help as the rest are still too young to help. But never mind its ok at least I know my time is well use and wont be put to a waste.

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

PCI Certificate

I am happy. My company manage to get Payment Card Industry Certificate. I havent seen the certificate yet, but I have to say after many hours in putting DAMM A LOT of effort by everyone in the DC, we finally achieve what we target for. I am hoping that BDO will be giving us a certificate too. I have to say, I put my ass on the line for this certification as there was A LOT OF prepo done for his cert. Hope I can at leas photocopy the cert and keep it for a good cause which will really help me once I jump to another job in the future. So thanks to all my gang that made us certified.

Monday, December 08, 2008

Learning Harmonics / Harp On Guitar

I have decided to challenge myself to learn something new which I have never done before in my life. This is learning Harmonics on guitar (like Tommy Emmanuel finger style Playing.). You can check it out at this youtube site. I actually gace up on tapping on guitar coz it only will sound nicer on elec guitar. If you guys want to hear what harmonics are like, I will pass you guys a song which has quite alot of harmonics on it and it is one of my favourite song and I use this song to wake me up in the morning with the beautiful melody :)

Sunday, December 07, 2008

Skyline R36

The other day when I went to have dinner at Section 14, this is the car that I saw. Darn I was like wow. After my friend pass the car, it was a young girl driving the car. Not only that, the car was DIRTY! It was not even shining ok. But still my favorite car and I wish ONE DAY, SOMEONE that I know will buy the car and I will get to sit it at least once. I haven't even sit on a Evo, Subaru or other nicer cars yet. Enjoy the pics below :)

Saturday, December 06, 2008

Superb Outing

Last Thursday I had makan session with many people. Those who attended the so called yumcha sessions as below.

  1. Mr Ng
  2. Vien
  3. Me
  4. Jen
  5. MC
  6. Ether
  7. HS
  8. SM
We had makan in Ming Tien from 7+ - 10pm+. It was really fun as there was full of laughter, jokes hitting one another, learning english, learning chinese, learning how to pronounce our names in chinese, learning how to spell stuff and many more. The best part was it rain while we were yacking so it did make the whole place cooler but it was really noisy too thanks to the rain. But nevertheless the rain was a timely thing needed. Thanks to those who came, it was really great event.

Friday, December 05, 2008

I'm Not Good Enough?

My boss issue me another of his thinker which says it all. I guess the final phrase is I'm not good enough to become a Security Administrator / System Administrator. He told me that I never think about other ways to secure the area (in Job) and that I should make a lot of people's work hard (programmers) which I can if I want too. I know my skills are very technical and I lack knowledge in AS400, ALDON and many other things and I might not be even competitive enough versus other security administrators. This is what I have to say even as I type this now. I am not good enough and I guess I am hopeless. A lot of people thinks I am damm good but actually I am not that good after all. Even though I'm hopeless, I don't know why my boss still want me to do his work which is to prepare for audit. Crap man. I guess at times I am not made for the working world.

I know my task is a lot and it covers a large scope from PnP, meeting auditors, preparing documents for auditors, doing a lot of crap job, security settings for wintel and all the crap in the world. Even back in those days when I was still in AEON, no 1 appreciate m work from HOD till my own AM who after that became a M and after I resign he left AEON too. I guess I am only good in troubleshooting things, but rather slow in thinking outside the box to make things better. I guess I really need to start thinking outside the box and start to implement things that will be useful to my work place rather than doing the routine job DAILY which I AM DAMM SICK OFF at times. Should I continue to be a SA? Is it my best job that I can learn and earn? I am really starting to wonder.............................

Thursday, December 04, 2008

Parents Getting Rid Of Me?

Mum the other day ask me one simple question, who is your girlfriend? I say none. Then she ask me is it the 1 that went jogging with you in TTDI park (Lixia its YOU). Then I say no (*hint on lixia, if your back why not rite :) ). ANYWAY I don't know why my mum keep on asking me the same question about who I like and if I have a bf. It seems they want me to get a bf or is it gf :P ? and they want me out of the house. She even ask me who I like in church. It seems like I know everyone in church and I can choose.

After an incident, I decided not to go into relationship so fast. It was nothing major but suddenly I have to say I lost interest in having relationship. My words are honest here. I know you guys might wonder who partner is, but partner is just a friend of mine who I hardly know and my partner is actually my ushering partner for 2 months before she decided to join Dew Crew. But I have nothing with her or anything with anyone else. I am coming clean.

Mum told me that my cousin that I have never seen is coming to KL too and she ask if I wanted to get married with her. I was like what on earth? Why is it the same topic all the time. But my hats off to my cousin who I have never seen as this cousin of mine is going to Aussie to do Bible study for 6 months. Hope to at least seen you soon cousin that I have never seen before.

Should I or shouldn't I be worried? I am really unsure now. It is a times confusing thanks to parents who love to bring up this topic all the time when I wish it goes to rest.

Wednesday, December 03, 2008


You guys are invited for Heartbeat from the 5-7 December In DUMC. Map is here. Anyone interested to go let me know and I will make arrangements for you guys

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Bye Bye Partner

My partner decided to quit ushering and decided to become Dew Crew. Wish my partner didnt do that as I don't like those older couples under my care. They don't listen to me when I tell them what to do. I guess they might wonder 'what this young punk know?' One thing I know I still respect them but they don't respect me, I think I would transfer to another position to do ushering. I still don't get it why people don't understand simple instructions? I don't know why they just want to sit down so fast after collecting the offering while the rest are still standing around to make sure those who are late will be able to get their seats. I am actually complaining about my own ushers. Is there something wrong with me?

Anyway partner, really miss the way that we work together. Even though it was 2 months but serving was you was the best. It was easier to work with you than those people who are with me. I will always remember your smile that you shown to me. Wish your all the best in Dew Crew.

Monday, December 01, 2008

Mr Weather

Mr Weather is not so well. Sometimes Mr Weather is really hot then suddenly the rain will come. Worst part is lunch time is really hot then from no where the rain will come. Mr weather if your sick better go and see the doctor as your sickness will be pass to us if your not careful. So please help us out here. I guess to the rest of the planet earth, please plant more tress to make sure the weather wont be so hot and there will be a correct ratio of oxygen in the air and that the ice in north and south pole wont melt.