Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Programmers Are Dumb

The other day the AS400 was really slow and it was my 1st time that even from the console I cannot login and I had to get others to help me out. When I was trying to login, I notice the HDD was reading and writing like MAD. I have never seen that before and the only time I saw that was when I was changing the file owner and etc. In the end when I notice a weird file name I went to find and catch the culprit as the culprit made problems for everyone who is local and abroad. Those who were doing UAT send email questioning why system so slow. ANYWAY the best part is we told the programmer that they need to check their program as it might be doing infinite loop and causing the system to be slow. Then Brian Ong ask us the best question, How do we check our program? I was like OMG! IF I know then you wont be sitting there anymore. Anyway that culprit tried twice on the single day and the system really slow down damm alot.

The next day which is 11 December happen the same issue. Then the Pig called up DC and started to complain and blame on the network problem and crap. I mean programmers who are not that good will blame other things which is working fine. If once the user terminated the program how come the system will be so fast once again? If simple logic they cannot think, I am sad to say they are not up the mark to become programmers. Best part is some of them are Team Leaders.


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