Thursday, December 31, 2009

Activities Today

Today, on the 31st Of Decemeber 2009, I will be heading to church. I Will write more later about the whole month of December to show that I was really busy, but every second of it was precious.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

10 Bucks Keyboard

The other day when I was watching 2012, I went to the pc shops in 1U hoping to find a rm10 keyboard to replace my current keyboard as it is about 7 years old and the space bar is already cacat. But when I went to check out the cheapest keyboard, it is around 30+. Man it was so freaking expensive. I guess you guys know that keyboards for even about 10+ can be really comfortable to use too. My preference when buying a keyboard is the feel and also how comfy I am while using it. The keyboard dont need to be branded as all keyboards work the same. But I guess it all comes to an individual preference.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Air Force 1

It was my 1st time watching Air Force 1 on 18 Dec and it was really a good show.I know it is a old show but I am really watching it for the 1st time. A lot of action from it and Harrison Ford was quite good in that movie. The only weird part of the movie was the the back of the plane was open, no 1 flew out of the plane. I thought most of the time when any door or window or anything is open, surely people will fly out of the plane. If you guys know why they didn't fly out, please tell me :P But great show with a lot of action just on the plane itself.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Parents Home E

Parents had their Home E on the 19th. It was quite a big turn out as we had it in my mum's friend house. I guess it if were to happen in my parents house, it will be so jam pack with humans. Anyway I was the photographer for that night and it was trigger happily to anything that I wanted to take. Food was a lot and taste good too. To sum up that night, it was eat, sing song, watch a short clip, eat 2nd round, talk then go home :P

Sunday, December 27, 2009

I Truly Miss..................

What I truly miss is CHOIR! Really. I mean choir was so much fur with different type of people from different age group. It is really fun to be in the choir to sing, laugh, play games and do other things as a group. Some of the activities might not be done in a big group. Those were the days when I had to practice on Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday. But now my days are not hectic anymore. Quite sad but true.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Story From My Friend CG

A friend of mine who I met in punctuation told me stories of her CG which really encourages me. From her stories you can really see that the CG is really united. Not only that, they really do a lot of stuff together as a cell. I wonder how are the other cell's. Wonder if they are just the same like what my friend have already told me..

Friday, December 25, 2009

Blessed Christmas Everyone

To Everyone,


Thursday, December 24, 2009

Orang Asli Christmas Party

It was Orang Asli Christmas Party in Carey Island on Sunday. There were many people that were there. Around 70 people were there. That included kids and adults. The biggest challenge that I have was to drive there with my sister while another 4 more cars follow me from behind. I only been there like 3 times in the last 3 years which is once a year. The best part is my parents brought another group of people there too and they were waiting in NKVE itself. I had to wait for the rest @ shell before NKVE. Anyway we left and I had to call my parents a few times for directions as I only could roughly remember the journey there.

The next challenge was my car. My car last year when I was driving there went up in temperature. But thank God that in the morning I decided to service my own car radiator. Most of the time I just put water into it but this time I yank out the backup tank, and drain the main tank out and replace it with coolant. This time the coolant is red in color. I pour like 60% into the tank and 40% into my backup tank. Everything was ok on the car.

Was there by around 2pm. Was a little slow as I wasn't really sure of the way there. I only go there like once a year. I was then the photographer of the event and I went to trigger happy on any shots that I wanted to take. I have to say it was really messy as the soil was went and the place was muddy. But when we arrive there, it was starting to get hot and the heat manage to dry out some of the wet places around the area.

Overall the trip was good. Thank God to those who sponsored the food and other types of stuff. You have been a blessing to the OA people. God will surely bless all of you back in some way.

Anyway I manage to talk to someone from one of the group that help out

Girl : Hi I am girl (cannot remember name)
Jason : Hi I am Jason
Girl : Are you from CYZ?
Jason : No I am not. I am YA
Girl : Oh because you look so young that's why I thought your from CYZ or XYZ.
Jason : No ler
Girl : Coz I see you walking around in church quite a lot.
Jason : Oh ok *wonder what she mean by walking around church quite often :P *

Man a lot of people is saying I look really young. Even from the choir many of them told me this same thing. I guess I don't look matured enough even though my age is telling me like wise :P

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

DUMC Christmas Celebration

Hi All,

Well it is time for Christmas once again. It is 2 days from today. Information on where you can spend your Christmas Morning is as below.

A Christmas Celebration of song, skit and testimony, with a special message:

“Are We Really Safe Here?”

Also featuring:

Jaclyn Victor (1st Malaysian Idol Winner)

Date: Friday, 25 December 2009

Times: 8.30am & 11.00am

Venue: Dream Centre

Tuesday, December 22, 2009


One of my favourite song during Christmas Presentation was Jerusalem. I truly love doing the solo. Doing parts not so fun as it is really low and for people who have higher pitch, it is hard to sing the lower parts. Anyway the lyrics of the song as below. Youtube is Here


John Saw A City
That cold not be hid
John saw the city,
Oh yes he did
John Caught a glimpse Of The Golden Throne
Tell me all about it
Go Right On
Around The Throne
He Saw A Cyrstal sea
There's got to be more
What will it be
I want to go
To the city he saw,
New Jerusalem

I want to walk
Your strees that are golden
And I want to run
Where the angels have trod
I want to rest
On the banks of your river
In that City
City Of God

John saw the lion
Lay down by the lamb
I want to know everything
About that lamb
John saw the day
But did not see night
The Lamb of God
He must be the light
And he saw the saints
worship the great I am
Crying Worthy,
Worthy is the lamb
I want to go
To that city he saw
New Jerusalem

Monday, December 21, 2009


I watch 2012 on the 14th December. I mean everyone says its a good show so I decided I shall not miss anymore fun as I have been missing many great shows. I went to check it out @ 1U. Even though it was 1st launch, I already have some people telling me how the story went. But trust me, even with story tellers, you wont understand how the show will go. Anyway when I was watching the show and when the roads started to crack up and etc and when many people were dying, I was wondering to myself, if this amount of people can die at this rate, how many of them are saved? Something to really ponder about....

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Respect Please

There are somethings in life we got to respect about other people. Please do respect people no matter what it is. I am no way talking about anyone. This is general for everyone on everything.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Congrats To Suan Mei & Meng Yeo

It was Suan Mei & Meng Yeo wedding on the 5th Of December 2009. I know it is a while since I wrote about it. Just want to say congrats on your wedding. I did contribute a little to my friends wedding which was to do the power point slide (PPS) for her morning wedding.

I have to admit that even though I might have done PPS for my own presentation before, but this is wedding stuff which cannot be played around with. Its like everyone is watching the show and they will wonder what on earth (if the show is screwed). But I guess in the end it was quite ok. I manage to steal a picture from somewhere and added on my friends PPS. It was a really nice picture to start of the PPS.

But the night was special as I was placed in a table that I only know a few who were from CF last time and they were much younger than me. I believe when I was F5 they were only F2 or F3. That night I was also busy entertaining my table. Even though I don't really know them, I manage to click with them. Great wedding and what a night to remember :P

Gift From My Friend

Friday, December 18, 2009


On our supper time after the Presentation, this happen. This is all lebih kurang la.

Unsure Who : The choir was good this year. So when will they sing again?
Aunty HL : Easter is coming in April, so we shall start practicing in January
Jason : *A little shocked, turn my head and look at aunty HL*
Aunty HL : *Aunty HL notice I turn and look at her*Jason, are u eavesdropping on our conversation?
Jason : No no :P *faster turn away but bodoh*

See I always kena wan. On Saturday 2nd day of presentation

Aunty HL : We will be having supper after the presentation today.
Everyone : Yey *coz kids said yey*
Aunty HL : *she said something but cant remember*
Roland : Yey
Aunty HL : Jason you very happy huh?

*everyone laugh coz got my name*

Jason : Ah not me *points at Roland*

But in the end its ok la, if I bring joy to you guys, its great : )

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Worm In My Food

During lunch about a week or 2 ago, I was having Seafood Fried rice for my lunch. And it is quite usual of me to eat my rice 1st then only maybe eat the smaller things later. So after nearly finishing my rice, I decided to eat the vege. I then spotted that the vege is a little black which I thought that the vege already rosak. So I push the black part off and guess what? It started to move! Then I told Mr Ng, that there is a worm in my food and boy its fat. It is about 1cm long. Return the food to the waitor and they minus it from my bill. So beware next time when you eat salad. If you want to know the name of hte shop, please check with me.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Presentation All Done

DUMC's God Came Near ended on the 13th December 2009. Honest this event was really dear to me this year. I came from no where and I only started on the 3rd practice. It was really enjoyable time for me. I honestly have to say this. I rather go for practice than to work. That is what I confessed to Patrick and Mei Yern during our full dress rehearsal.

Anyway this year I met new friends. Friends as below

  1. Mei Yern
  2. Patrick Leong (finally)
  3. Sam
  4. Amy
  5. Janan
  6. Evelyn
  7. Roland
  8. KP (Roland Wife)
  9. Uncle John
  10. Ian
  11. Ed
  12. Colin
  13. Rebekah
  14. etc

There are some who I know but I didn't get their names. There are some that I don't even know too as the choir is too big to know everyone. Actually in choir practice, everyone knows me. I have to admit, I am the most cheeky boy there. I am the only 1 that dare to answer back in my cheeky manner. Not only that, because I can talk to everyone, I have no problems to get to know other people or even talking to people.

Everyday of presentation is like a story of the day. I sat and ate with different people, back stage everyday I sat with different people. It was a really pleasant time being in the choir. Really thank God for giving me a chance to sing even though I was a late comer.

Supper on the last night was great too. We had chicken and beef satay (with rice and cucumber and sauce), curry chicken (without the mee :P ), cake and tongsui and that was enuff to blow us off. Talking about supper :P

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Mamak On The 12th Night

Since a few of my friends came to my presentation and it has been really ages since I last saw them, I was so happy to see them coming for my presentation. It really meant a lot to me even though I was singing in the choir. Thanks JK, Padma & Satish for coming that night. After changing, I went down on stage and my friend was saying from a far "whats up yo". Shaking hands and chatting bring back good memories to me.

After my debriefing, we headed to mamak in Section 17 and had fun talking while drinking and eating. It was from all the topics from if I am attach to a person from my uni which I am not sure where the world my friends pluck it from, to our school mate, to the next reunion. So thanks to my friends who were there on the night of presentation.

Monday, December 14, 2009

I Am Really Cheeky

On the 12th December while briefing, Pr Daniel was saying to the group

Pastor Daniel : I believe your parent will be proud of u.
Jason : My mum is proud of me too (from the place I am sitting)

*My friends around me laugh*

Jason : *faster take my bag cover my face*
Ivy : Jason *softly*
Others : Pastor can hear you wan u know
Jason : oh oooooooooooo

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Friends Who Came For Presentation

During my presentation I invited some of my friends to come for the concert. To those who came thanks. I knew some of you were there, to those who were there me a message on my facebook thanks too. Hope that you guys are blessed by the presentation :)

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Someone Peeping @ Me Part 2

Actually it is proven that this girl peep at me. She is called Ana (to protect person identity) , confirm that she takes some time to curi curi tengok me. Its proven. Coz even my friend told me that this girl is staring at me when I am not noticing. This girl is proven young. When I say young means it is really young. She is less than 20 years old.

But she is really quiet, she don't really talk when people are not around her. Most of the time she will just listen to what is around her or when I am around her I make things really lively :P But I guess I will need to just get to know her. I guess this will at least like build the bridge. Nope I am not after her but being her friend will be great. It is ok to add more friends in your list. Friends wont bring you harm. Will continue to update on this issue soon :)

Watch for a Part 3 to see what will happen....

Friday, December 11, 2009

Just A Few Of Us

The other day when it was full dress rehearsal, I was there early. So I was happily eating my macdees and later I heard Patrick's voice. He was talking to 1 of the Soprano choir members. So after eating, I went and sit with them and talk with them too. Then Patrick went to his website and suddenly say this

Patrick : Who is Jason from our Choir?
Mei Yee : There *pointing at me*
Jason : *put up my hand*

*All 3 started to laugh*

Patrick : Thanks Jason for dropping by our site and saying something. Really encourage by it.
Jason : No problem *put both thumbs up*

After that we were talking and I admitted to Mei Yee that at times the guys are slow in singing.

Mei Yee : Then How?
Jason : Maybe must tell aunty HL adi.
Mei Yee : When? You all nv see HL hand?
Jason : Maybe later today. Got see but still slow.
Patrick : Why whats happening?
Jason : We sometimes very slow in some songs. Like lag. Don't know why.
Patrick : Just come in together.
Jason : Sometimes still lag.

After that we were talking about Sister Act show. Then we all agreed that it was a great show.

Patrick : *Started to sing "O happy day"*
Jason + Mei Yee : *sang some of the parts according to the show*

So in the end the song came out quite nice :P

Thursday, December 10, 2009

DUMC Presentation Tmr

Hi All,

Just a note that DUMC presentation will be held tmr. For more information click here. I will be singing with my good friends.

Wednesday, December 09, 2009

So Many People Getting Married

Topic repeated? Yeah I know. But the thing I want to point out is this. My friends who are 4 years younger than me are getting married. I mean how they can get married? How they get the money? Is it parents are the main contributors to the wedding? I mean if they are at about 24 or even 23 years old, how much savings the can get and how much they can earn from the 1st pay? I guess now the generation is different. People get it easier with their parents and parents now give to their kids easier. Nope I am no way jealous. But if you don't work hard for it, you wont know how difficult life can be. One example that I have told my friend, when I get married, I want to try my best to pay everything myself so that is why I am working as hard to earn money and also to brigthen my own future so I can stand on my 2 feet. So should we or should we not spoil our kids? I guess we should not. They wont appreciate. Trust me. Coz I have been there before.

Tuesday, December 08, 2009


Yesterday was full dress rehearsal practice and I have to say I know this thing so well but its not always you see it happen. The word is dedication. Why I say this. Check it out.

HL : This Wed will be our last practice. Do come for it. one example is patrick whose BD was yesterday *aunty kena interrupted here*

*All Choir members clap and I started to sing Happy BD song and all follow*

HL : and his parents were waiting for him to celebrate with him and he told his parents that he will only be back after he does his part.

HL : So those of you *something like that* thinking of not coming, remember Patrick.


I guess no matter what we do we give our best. Maybe I can give another example that happen to me the other day during my friends wedding. I was actually doing my friends power point slide.

MY : Its ok, dont worry about the power point slides, like this also can
JT : *inside me is cannot, do means do your best no matter what*

In the end I manage to make everything as good as possible and to me the work was done quite nice :)

Monday, December 07, 2009

I Am Naughty In Practice

I have been a naught boy in practice. That is what everyone says. Yeah I agree. My comments always make people laugh. But that is me. This is my speciality. Check it out.

Aunty Fl: Jason you want apple?
Jason : Dowan aunty, trying to slim down.
*everyone laugh*
Aunty FL: I think your brains got problem
Aunty HL : Thanks for reminding me Jason
Another Girl : What la you

There are many times more in practice I crack out jokes that makes everyone laugh. But what I am more worried now is that after some of the aunties that knows me will report me to my mum and I am so fried :P hahaha...

Sunday, December 06, 2009

Choir Is Tiring But Fun

I have to admit. I love singing. And even though that how tired I am, I still can do vocals. Why? I love to do vocals and my passion is so much into it. Really. I have been practicing really hard for the last 2 months. Our practice can be from 2 to 3 times a week. When it was nearer to the event it will be 3 times a week. But it is really nice to be able to sing the solo (when Patrick is not around) or even doing our parts in the choir. I guess the most challenging will be when we are mixed up but it is still fun. When ever we need to mix up, people will tend to ask me to stand beside them. Don't ask me why as I won't know. Maybe the reason is because I am naught in practice and people might want to have a taste of how I am :P But really I have been really naughty in all the practice. Its like without fail. Check out what was talked one day while we were having tea.

James : Meet Jason
Someone : Hi Jason *shake my hand*
Another Uncle : You see this 2 uncle, with both of them its like a connection. They make everyone laugh.
Jason : As you can see this uncle is called James & I Jason. With 2 J, we will bring you JOY :P
James : Yes you are correct....

Saturday, December 05, 2009

God Came Near: What are you looking for?

Hi people. DUMC will be having their Christmas Play on the 11-13th December. For More information Click HERE. I will be singing in the Choir this year again :)

Anyway some Information will be given below.

Place : DUMC
Date : 11-13 December 2009
Time : 8:30PM
Entry : Free

Friday, December 04, 2009

PWC Auditors Not That Good..

PWC audit was rubbish as it seems that their auditors does not know how to write a report! Even with proof that we have shown them, they still wrote things that look bad on us even though we have already pass PCI DSS which is the need for a company who wants to do CC business.

They even pass us a script to run which don't even work but want to challenge us even further. I guess we should never fight or argue with auditors but if your not good, belah la! haha. I guess people who will be good auditors will be those who are from technical background who knows systems really well.

But honestly I was really confident with their audit as there is no major that will look bad on us. What was the reason that it wont look bad on us? I work really hard for it and I took 3 weeks to prepare for that audit. But in the end everything was just medium and low and everything will be fixed by me.

Thursday, December 03, 2009

I Need A Holiday

I really need a holiday. I mean its like working non stop and working so hard and yet I havent had time to breath. Then turn over that made me total off was when in a single week there is 2 audits. I was really burn out in preparing for PWC & PCI DSS audit. On that Monday itself, I decided to rest and chill out rather than taking thing so serious. I still remember that I only started to work nicely again at 4pm and by 530pm I left office. I guess I need to learn to have balance life as it is not all about office work.

Next thing is that programmers that goes back at 530pm and with crap quality they are still getting their increment which is major unfair. As for me I work so hard, passing so many audits which I can even name below (continue below)

  1. PCI DSS 1.1
  2. BOD Audit
  3. EY Audit
  4. BR Audit
  5. PWC Audit
  6. PCI DSS 1.2
I still get nothing. But my boss still can tell me to do OT if I cannot finish my work and etc. Not only that, when there are site visits, he make sure my part is the most up to date which means I need to work on Saturday and Sunday which is not right. But like I say, so much sacrifices, what do I get? NOTHING. But I get experience and with that experience, I hope to leave and get a better pay some where else.

Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Someone Peeping @ Me

Even when I practice in church choir, there will be this girl turning back to have the fast look at me. In another terms it is called curi curi tengok. In 2 hours practice, she can turn back and look at me like 5/6 times.

10years ago which is 1999 and when I was way much younger, there was this girl who likes me too. I was singing for my church Easter choir back them. We will be both up on the cross and she will turn her head backwards and upwards to look at me as I will be standing on higher platform. But in the end I didn't get to know this girl as I didn't even say hi or get to know her.

Back to the topic of this year, even if this girl might be younger than me a lot or a little bit, I would like to know her :)

Tuesday, December 01, 2009

I Am Thinner Now

The other day when I was having my choir practice and we were all standing with different teams, this uncle talk to me.

Nat : * hits me on the back*. What happen to you? Getting Thinner
Jason : stress ler uncle.
Nat : *rubs me back coz he say he hit me too hard*

Yeah I guess that is the truth. I am getting thinner. The reasons are because when my parents are not (as in they go for short holiday) around I simply eat. When I mean simply eat is really simply eat. What I will eat is as below

  1. Burger
  2. Bread
  3. At times don't eat
  4. Biscuits with Milo.
So the food on top is not healthy. Then I loose weight. So the secret to loosing weight? Simply eat and you will know. But it works for me, but not sure for you :P