Sunday, August 31, 2008

Enoki Mushroom-Cancer Curing

Enoki Mushroom Prevents Cancer

Also known as: Velvet Shank Mushrooms

Golden-needle-mushroom (Jin-Gen-Goo) successfully kills 95% of cancer cells ( Taiwan Report) (Hokkien KIM CHIAM KOR)

Research done by Singapore U shows that eating this mushroom can destroy 95% of cancer cells in our body by boosting our immune system.

Professor Phan Hwai Chong of Yang Ming Research Centre in Taiwan told reporter that consuming this kind of mushroom, one of the ingredients in the mushroom can trigger the multiplication of our
healthy 'defensive' cells. By out-numbering the cancers cells, healthy cells help eradicate cancer cells.

American scientists have since run tests on this particular type of mushroom extract with blood, done outside human body. Results show that mushroom extract is able to destroy cancer cells.
According to Taiwan professor, since healthy 'fighting' cells can be multiplied to tens & thousands of times, it can either be used as drip or just by eating mushroom.

The mushroom is most frequently taken with steam boat. Cooking time should be less than 3 minutes, or the healing property would greatly diminish.

Normal eating for Health:-
Preparation, uses, and tips

Before using enoki mushrooms, rinse them thoroughly and trim off the roots at the base of the cluster. Enoki mushrooms can be eaten raw or cooked.. Add them to salads, sandwiches, soups, pasta sauces, and stir-fried rice and vegetable dishes. To retain the delicate flavor of the mushrooms, add them at the end of the cooking process.

Buying and storing tips

When purchasing fresh enoki mushrooms, select mushrooms with firm, white, shiny caps. Avoid purchasing enoki mushrooms with slimy or brownish stalks. Enoki mushrooms keep up to 14 days in the refrigerator if stored in a paper bag. (you should try storing veggies or fruits in those aluminum foil bags that you throw away if you do buy Milo or quaker oats in packages type; it seems they can keep them longer and fresher; test to confirm??? Keep one end open and not seal it tight.)


Most commercially available enoki mushrooms are the pale white cultivated variety.

Nutrition Highlights
Enoki mushroom (raw),
1 large (5g)
Calories: 1.7
Protein: 0.12g
Carbohydrate: 0.35g
Total Fat: 0.02g
Fiber: 0.13g

Good Health To You!

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Prayer For Nation

Was in SIB KL just now and when my 1st contact with the people there, I was like put to ashame. I feel that they are nicer than me in their conduct and all. I was like 'where do I stand if I stand in between them?' This is really sincere. I know at times I can be nice but at times I can be a pain in the @ss. Even they put people to book the lifts and great people at the lifts. Me as usher even at times I don't really greet people (sometimes busy so cannot can excuse a little la). I guess I got a lot of bucking up to do. Little by Little Everyday!

Anyway was prayer for the nation just now. There were so many songs that was sang just now. Yesus Lah Tuhan, Hosanna, True Worshipers Pray For The Nation and Kemuliaan Bagi Tuhan. Was there a little late as we left the house late. Anyway the prayer time was really good. And the sharing was short and sweet. It was my 1st time to SIB KL and honest it is like DUMC DC. The way they build, the stairs on the side , the usher jackets, the seats are nearly all the same. So trust me if you are going to DUMC DC, you will feel at home in SIB KL too. Nope I am not asking you guys to change church yeah :P

Friday, August 29, 2008

I Hate Liars

One thing for sure, I hate those liars frm my current company who are programmers. I don't know why they always like to lie their way out to get their work done. I don't know that if they know that if they continue to lie surely they will go to hell (YES I MEAN IT).

Wonder whats happening? This is the story. On Monday 1 fella called Peggy drop me a main asking me to create the ID and etc. The email was sent to me on Monday 645pm. I did see the mail on Monday evening But I was extremely tired as I was helping the others solve some weird issues over the 1st project. Anyway Tuesday was no better day as the issue from Monday spill over Tuesday and we had a Mastercard Visitor on Tuesday. And Tuesday still have to fix some crap. On Tuesday I was there till 7pm+. After that I went home sick!

Wed I was on MC as I was sick. Then today some of those programmers complain that they send their request LAST WEEK and till today no news. But only once back to work only I created the ID. So When I finish, I came out and told my friend in loud voice not to ask me about their ID anymore as ALL HAS BEEN DONE. I wanted to make it clear to the programmers, if they make my life hard, I promise them they will surely feel it even hotter. Remember programmers, you need US, we DON'T NEED YOU. Just when I thought you all are good, now I know how hopeless you all are.
  4. Who do you think you are when you need help as we need to assist you 1st?
  6. And you guys are so dumb that if we ask you what does your program do and you tell us you don't know?

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Really Burn Out

Work is eating into me more than 100%. I thank God for technical skills and understanding and also conceptual mind set that I have. But at times I don't know why those stupid people like to threaten me or my dudes. Guess what? I don't care if you guys threaten us. We all the time do our best. Even today I didn't have time to do my work as I have to assist so many users and I manage to pickup some skills by doing testing which ate A LOT OF MY TIME. But its my secret now. I kind of know what happen (Boss if your reading its nothing got to do with as400 :P). Anyway after fixing 1 crap another crap came which was the AS400 cannot connect. That was the worst part and I kept on receiving calls from different people. Its like doing support for my own self and at the same time helping others at the same time. Today I have to stay back to do line testing AGAIN. Lets wait and see from now. One thing for sure, Friday got meeting with BOSS.

So equation as below

meeting = cannot go back early liao lor

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Rachel Grey

Was reading Xmen Comic today and I didn't know that Jean Grey got a daughter called Rachel Grey. Wow she is as power as her mum as she is the Phoenix too. So don't piss her off. Anyway been reading comic and it was like the new batch of XMEN is replacing the old XMEN. I know I am a little outdated but well I am getting there. Yeah I love XMEN since I was a little boy. XMEN will always be my favorite cartoon and entertainment. Attach is a XMEN XMAS prezzie that I got around 3/4 Years Ago.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus

If you really read and sing this song, You will know that with Jesus everything is possible but yet we humans at times decide to do things according to our own strength that is when we truly will feel tired. I am not only talking in Christian walk but also our daily life on planet earth. At times I don't turn my eyes upon Jesus but rely on my own strength that is when I grumble at things especially office work. If I know and focus on the perfecter, I will be ok. I guess this week in CG this will be song I will sing.

Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus

Look Full In His Wonderful Face

And The Things Of The Earth Will Grow Strangely Dim

In The Light Of His Glory And Grace

Monday, August 25, 2008

I Guess I Got A Partner

I have been ushering for 2 weeks with a new partner now. Last time I was always ushering with my parents on the same row and after ushering the very best for most of the events and normal church I guess the head usher decided to put me into any position as they know I can usher any where without any problems.

I am the type of usher who will find seats for people even though it is crowded. That is what I always do as I believe as an usher we are here to serve the people by leading them. Anyway 2 weeks ago when I was doing ushering, I had a new partner. I never ushered with this person before but I knew this person existed in the ushering group. Since 2 weeks ago I didn't get a chance to speak to this person, I decided that this week if the usher head put us together and God Says Yes they should be partnering each other, I will speak to this person this week.

I manage to get to know this person a little. When the person arrive, my usher head called me and I was like 'YES' I am ushering with this person once again. So I brought the person to the place of usher and we started talking about other things. Found out that this person has been working for 2 years in Nestle. Did talk a little more and after the church played one of my favorite songs, this person started to do a little of vocals and I just did a little of my vocals too :P Anyway it is quite fun to do ushering with this person. Who is this person? Stay tune to find out more :P

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Yey It Rain

I am really happy today as it rain today. It rain so heavy and it was so nice to sleep that in the noon I slept like nearly 4hours :P After I woke up I started to clean my car a little as my car was in a horrendous state after allowing my cousin to use the car for nearly 3 weeks. Anyway my car is slightly cleaner today. I guess tomorrow I will have to take some time to put in my car mats once again with newspapers below :p

Now I am watching a little bit of closing ceremony of the Olympics while typing this blog at the same time. All I can say China did a very good job in the opening and closing of the Olympics. The best was so many World Records were broken in 2 weeks in all types of events. Great work done on breaking those records you superman and superwomen.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Great Workout & It Will Be Better

Since Lixia is back, I told her that weekly we will go out and do some running on every Saturday morning. Last week run was a failure as I drank too much water. But today it was better. I only drank a mouth full this morning and we manage to finish 3 rounds. I knew I can do more but I decided not too after my friend thought I left her on purpose then she cry then thats it :P

Anyway today we had free soya bean drink thanks to F&N. And since we had drinks we were looking for free nasi lemak. But sad to say there is none. So we headed down to the shop we went last week for pau and drinks :P

SO, I guess next week we have to run more before we can eat a little more :P Anyway thanks Lixia for coming back and also running with me. Compensation for making you suffer and making you the faster runner, you will get free breakfast next week :P BUT before free makan, need to do 5 rounds 1st ok :P

Friday, August 22, 2008


Michael Johnson was one of my favourite runners last time as he holds the 200m and 400m record. But yesterday, his 200m record was broken. Bolt yesterday ran at 19.30seconds. I really don't know how they can ran so fast. Man that guy ran 100m at 9.69 but he took the last few meters really cool. I believe if he really push all out till the finish line, he could have done at least 9.4* seconds.

I love to run and last time I ran both the events. I finish 1st in 100m, but in my 200m I took my time to run and I finish 5th. Quite sad. But it is too late to regret but it don't matter as I got the 100m record with me :P

Thursday, August 21, 2008

If You All Wonder

If you guys wonder if I really hate work, well I have to say well its under control a little. I guess some of you will have those days that you feel want to resign from work and etc. That post b4 was coz I was really not happy. But I guess now all I need to do is to put my level best towards all that I do. As my Singapore GF is coming back to audit us once again. I am starting to prepare all the stuff I can do in advance so that we have to rush the last minute again. Honest when I saw most of the things in the list, we are not haven't comply to their wantings. So now time for me to really work hard as most of the compliance is under my care *smacks head*

Anyway the best part was this, on Wed / Tuesday when I went into work, 1 company called me and wanted to offer me a job. But the job wont have any challenge for me and I wont be able to learn much from the job. So nope I am not moving on for now. Still staying put. So yeah I am ok. Don't worry I will snap out of it.

I Am Starting To Hate Work

Work as a SA (System Administrator + Security Administrator) sucks. At times u feel so called as 'bangga' because you will have the highest Authority and rights in doing things but at the same time it sucks. Thats honest from me. With high authority, people will expect you to do more and its really crappy. The time used to help people or etc is actually really a waste of time. Its time consuming and when the time is consume, your other jobs you cannot do thanks to the programmers who always love to give the SA a lot of crap stuff to do.

Not only I have systems to take care, I have to write and implement Policy & Procedure (PnP) which is from systems, physical access, user access for systems, create forms (UAR, HSR, CR, BR, IR and etc), look into the forms after completion, do support (which was told to me I don't have to do which is now a lie), ALDON (this is the worst crap to do), PCI certification, other projects that have so so so many many many many problems and many more which I don't think I want to think about and write.

Don't really know if I should leave. Its like I am a little unstable today after hearing all the crap. But if I do stay on I will get to learn some stuff. But if I leave, who is going to employ me? But at least I am working in PJ which I like as it is only 15mins away from my house. I don't know what else to say. Help me someone!!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Have To Modify My Wife

Since last time I modified my bridge, I lowered it and it was so much easier to play. But since I lowered the thing, there is always a buzzing sound on the 1E string. I had to modify back my guitar and I had to change back to the original bridge that came with the guitar last time and now the tension is a lot higher. Now it takes extra effort to press the notes. But what to do? With the buzzing sound, the guitar wont sound so nice. But no matter what, the guitar still sounds good and my wife birthday is coming really soon, which is next month and it will be 3 years old.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The Lord Reign

Latest song that I love from Klaus Kuehn. Name of song The Lord Reign. Its fast, catchy and happening song to be sang. Why I like this song? Coz I can do some vocals in it too :P

The Lord Reign

The Lord Reigns, let the people shout

He reigns in righteousness

Let the heavens be glad, let the earth rejoice

The Lord reigns, and the people clap their hands

Angels shout, the redeemed have come to dance

To celebrate, To celebrate He reigns

Chorus 1:

The Lord reigns, The Lord reigns, The Lord reigns

We will sing and shout

That You reign, You reign, You reign

Forever King of all


Let all the people sing of

Your awesome power in all the earth

Let darkness tremble at Your name

Why do the nations rage when

the King is on His throne

Now and forever You will reign

Monday, August 18, 2008

For Fun

I had nothing to do so I decided to paste both the bear's pictures side by side. If you guys don't know the story, Love A Lot actually have a crush on Tenderheart. So yeah I guess both bears will be a great couple together. So now, wonder where I got my blog name? Thanks to both bears below. And if you all wondering if I am attach? No I am not, but hope that the day will come.

Tenderheart & Love A Lot

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Winnie The Pooh & Barkley

Had Nothing to do so I decided to put Barkley on top of Pooh and you will get flying barkley :P

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Peter Tsukahira

People, Peter Tsukahira will be in DUMC this coming Saturday(23rd August) at 5pm. So do come and hear what he has to say.

Place : DUMC
Address : Dream Center
2 Jalan13/1
Time : 5pm

For more information check out Dumc Website


Friday, August 15, 2008

So Hot

Darn it has been so hot last couple of days. Rain on rain where are you? I wish there will be continuous rain so that it will be so much cooler and the plants will get free water to drink and hopefully they will grow bigger and create much more shade for us.

Oh well, I think I am going to melt now.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

So Many Times?

Was reading NST today and they wrote about Hannah Tan and she says she does around 400 SITUPS A DAY! That is her daily routine. Last time when I was a runner I don't even do 400 a day ok :P I guess if I wanted too I can.

This couple of days I am staring to do my push up once again to strengthen my arms and hoping that my wings will grow back once again. How about situps? Well stay tune for more if I will continue to do my situps :P

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


I have been driving my sis car for nearly 2 weeks and boy is their car filthy. It is dusty, a lot of stones and even the car battery don't even have water. Today I really put in a lot of effort to wash the car but I think even though after washing, the car is still dirty on the inside.

My sis hubby never wash car or even take care of the car's. The cars can be without battery water and he still won't fill up the battery. Not only that, he won't even pump the car air tyres. Alamak just when I thought only girls won't take care of their car. But the best thing is this, the car is 1.3 and it really jimat my petrol a lot. I guess with a full tank (lets say without going to KL), my tank can last me at least 1 month (cross fingers).

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

CG Retreat

Was away last Saturday and Sunday for CG retreat. It was a timely retreat that I truly needed from work. The night before I went home around 9pm as there are so many things to do. Our retreat was in Fraser's Hill. This time around, they are really renovating Fraser's hill shops and etc. Most of the shops at the town are now close for renovation. You won't get to see much of the happening stuff there anymore. Some pictures to share.

Morning Breakfast

Frasers Hill Map

Gap Time

Methodist Bungalow

Golf Golf

Methodist Corridor


Games Before Lunch



Tea After Trail

Captain Ball


Night Games

Thats Me


Extra Food

Monday, August 11, 2008

I Found This

Found this while clearing my cupboard. Shows what students do when they are bored in school. Was drawn by my diploma classmate last time. Will show you guys another drawing he did last time and gave it to me. Thanks for the drawing dude.

Saturday, August 09, 2008

Pioneer Workbook

Long Long Time Ago When I was still a kid, I was in the Royal Rangers. I started out in the buckuroos and I actually did quit for quite some time before some of the commanders came to visit my family to check out why I stop attending.

I did go back to the Royal Rangers and started off in the Pioneers. I remember I did graduate from one level and manage to get a badge but I didn't take the badge as I stop attending once again. But I remember that I did went for a camp once with my friends. It was really fun. I still remember it was held in a school and the school has a very very big field. There was a game that we had to catch life chickens on the field as games and there are so many of us running around the field. The night before that was also some Indian Concert in the field which made a lot of noise and we (our group) didn't sleep till like 2am in the morning and we chat with some of the commanders.

Royal Rangers is fun if you can really love to do out door things like camping and etc. There are a lot of badges to be earn from there.

Pioneer Workbook

Friday, August 08, 2008

I hate It

Honest I hate it when people talk to me crap which I hate to hear. I mean crap up to certain level is ok and can be tolerated by me. But if once u come and talk other shits (have to be rude), I will surely hit back. I had some conversation with my cousin yesterday and some of the words that my cousin spoke was really not what I expect to hear.

The worst part is when she hantam one of my cousins in a manner that I didn't like. The words that she use can actually bring death to a person and also fights if my other cousin is here. Even if there is a dislike towards one another, one thing for sure, we are all still cousins no matter you like it or not. That was my final words I told my cousin 'no matter what we are still cousins'. I mean if her husband can say relatives are important then how can 1 person say something and another say the different thing?

There are other things which I had to put up with when I was with them in Ikea. It was more of a trying to learn patients for me but I think I could not that those type of words. Honest cousin, if you have nothing nice to say, don't even say.

Thursday, August 07, 2008

Sick Of Being Nice

I guess down in my post I wrote that I setup a laptop for my mum friends. Honest today I kind of regret helping her. The more I help her the more crap I have to endure. I am so sick when she tells me stupid stuff like before "I think it is a waste of money" and many other quotes that I am quite sick of hearing.

I don't even know why I bother to give her ORIGINAL Vista Ultimate. That cost money but she got it for free and she is so freaking lucky. I mean I should have even given her like XP which is more than enough for her use. A few days ago she called my mum and told my mum when she send email out she has some problems. After checking with me I told her it is the application problem (time net email) she don't want to accept and kept on saying her old pc (which is actually mine) is always ok and after changing to the laptop got problem. I wanted to tell her if she was not happy I would be more than glad to buy over that laptop from her so that she will have no more complains.

Yesterday she came to my house and I set up a new hotmail for her and I had to simulate the email thing for her. Even though most of the emails settings are the same like to delete email you will need to select the mail before clicking delete, she told me she don't have too. Then when she saw then only she say 'oh yeah yeah'. I told her compose = new she also say no. Yesterday teaching session was really hard. Last time when I was in her house to teach her, she know what to do and she didn't have to go All Programs -> Microsoft -> Microsoft Word to run MSWord, but when she came she said I did tell her to do that... OMG!!!!!

Anyway at the end she ended up in my house again today and they could not connect to the Internet as they didn't even plug in the telephone line to the DAMM MODEM. Its like damm stupid of them. I was really impatient today (Wednesday) when I was talking to my dad as in office I was so busy. Lucky Kevin came to the rescue or else I would have m16 someone already.

Wednesday, August 06, 2008


This song is really powerful song. Check out the lyrics and if you need a taste of how it sounds like let me know. We sang it in church once upon a time :P which means quite some time back.


I see The King of glory
Coming on the clouds of fire
The whole earth shakes
The whole earth shakes

I see His Love and mercy
Washing over all our sin
The people sing
The people sing

Hosanna, Hosanna
Hosanna in the Highest
Hosanna, Hosanna
Hosanna in the Highest

I see a generation
Rising up to take their place
With selfless faith
With selfless faith

I see a near revival
Stirring as we pray and seek
We're on our knees
We're on our knees

Heal my heart and make it clean
Open up my eyes to the things unseen
Show me how to love like You have loved me
Break my heart for what brakes yours
Everything I am for your Kingdom's cause
As I walk from earth into Eternity

The part that really touch my part is the bridge. It seems many song's bridge is my favorite. Anyway its really true that if we can really love a person how Jesus loves us it will be great. Not only that, if we take sin seriously we wont be breaking God's heart and what is not right which griefs God's heart will also make us grief.

Lord Let This Song Be A Song Of Revival

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Be Careful While Driving

I am a frequent user of our North-South Expressway and I have this IMPORTANT experience to highlight and share:-

I was driving back to Penang yesterday afternoon (24 June 08) when I saw the unfortunate accident in the opposite direction involving the passenger bus that skidded and overturned at Tanjung Malim. I didn't know that the skidded bus was from hometown Penang until I watched TV3 news later in the evening and was shocked to learn that the accident took two lives.

Now, this is what I need to share:-

I am a building contractor with over twenty years of experience and I have been driving my 5 series BMW (latest generation and a dammed solid road holding car) each time I traveled to KL. Lately, the new extended 3 lanes highway had been opened up for use and since then, I have also been using it quite often.

HOWEVER, when I used it each time it is WET, I can really 'feel' that the new road surface is extremely SLIPPERY! To share with some of you, my car comes with a built-in traction control mechanism (skidding prevention mechanism) and you can feel it each time it is activated. Previously, I don't come across this kind of slippery feel except when I drive over a paddle of water at certain speed.

From my observation as a building contractor, the 'wearing course' of the new road surface could be TOO FINE OR TOO SMOOTH and TOTALLY UNSUITABLE for highway use! The wearing course (top premix layer) mix design for highways should be of minimum 20mm coarse aggregate mix that will give us the required bond between the surface and our tyres. Fine wearing course (14mm coarse aggregate size and below) is only suitable for normal road. (A proper test needs to be carried out to determine the mix design of the wearing course).

Since the opening of the three lanes highway, I had seen cars skidding in front me or in the opposite direction and approximately 2 weeks ago, one of my friends who is also a frequent user of our NSE, came to share with me about his slippery feeling as well as the many skidded cars he had seen lately.

I am highlighting this with the hope that a thorough investigation could be carried out immediately to find out how or what causes the bus to skid. A proper and independent test needs to be carried out urgently to determine the design mix of the wearing course. THIS CAN SAVE LIVES.


Monday, August 04, 2008

My Couz Called Me

Last Monday I was in KL working and as it was lunch time I went out for lunch. Since I had to cross a 5 lane road in Jalan TAR, we had to be very careful. So after I cross suddenly my HP rang and I was shocked to see my cousin's name and she was somewhere (in her car) which I cannot see her. And we yack for at least nothing less than 5 minutes on quite a few areas. She ask me why I so thin and etc etc. Actually this couz of mine is very nice person and the last time I met her was like quite some time back. It shows that we humans are always busy with our own activities in life that we hardly communicate with each other.

Its not only my cousins, but think about my own primary / secondary /diploma / university /ex work place friends / cg members that left (many great 1's left) that I don't really communicate that much with but at times over msn only. Sometimes msn also 'takada' the time to chat with them or when you are around they are not there and when they want to chat with you, you are either busy or even have to go off msn. I guess the thing is that everyone need to put effort into making a r'ship / friendship a success. Its not a 1 man show but it takes EFFORT and also to care for people it is not easy.

After what happen recently, I started to really think about others if they are doing fine and etc and especially to my cg members that I no longer see if they are even ok. I know some of them are doing fine but how about the rest? Well I guess to do some work myself to connect back to my friends once again.

Anyway thanks to my couz who called me up the other day. You Woke Me UP

Sunday, August 03, 2008


On Friday or was it a Thursday? Anyway it does not matter of what day it is, I was getting ready for work and I decided to burn the Blessed Album for my sister's car since she has a CD Player in her car. Got in the car and fast Fwd the song till it reach 'Through It All'. I guess some of you know that this is my favorite song :P

Anyway was singing the song when I was driving to work as I know work will be extremely tiring as it was a tiring day before. And when it reach the bridge which is my all time favorite which is only 1 word 'HALLELUJAH' I started to tear non stop as I know God was in the car with me till I could not sing on. I did try but after the CD Finish the bridge, I played the song again once more.

God was so real to me that day in the morning and all it was the heart of worship. I know that sometimes I tell my friend to sing the bridge which is more than enough and God will come and touch you in a very special way. Really it works coz at a instant, God will come. I have experience this many times in my life when I am alone or inside the computer room I will just sing this song over and over again. Not only God will walk us thru the season but God will walk the nation thru the season.

Through IT All

You Are forever in my life

You see me thru the season

Cover me with your hand

And lead me in your righteous

And I look to you

And I wait on you

I sing to you Lord

A hymn of love

For your faithfulness to me

I’m carried in ever lasting arms

You never let me go

Through it all.


Hallelujah (4x)

Saturday, August 02, 2008

New Cases

(1) Today i passed by a building which has an ATM machine. There was an old man looking at me and suddenly called me. He said he doesn't know how to read, so he gave me an ATM card and asked me to help him take money from the ATM machine. I answered him 'NO!! If you need help, ask the security to help you.' Then he said 'nevermind..' and just continue to find other people to help him...

REMEMBER : ATM machines have CCTV. If you help him, and later he says you have robbed him or stole his ATM card, or even his ATM card wasn't his too. So please be careful for these frauds.

(2) When the house electricity suddenly goes off, seeing from the windows that my neighbors’ still have lights, went out my house to check the Meter Box. But once i open the door, a knife was pointing at the door to stop me from closing it. And they robbed and injured us.

REMEMBER : Even though your electricity suddenly goes off, DO NOT open ur door immediately. Look around to see if there is anything unusual or sounds.

(3) This is another story. You think you had heard it before, but this is slightly different. Its about a girl, she saw a kid by the roadside crying. When she asked the kid, the kid said he was lost and wanted her to take him home. The kid even gave her a paper which he said it was his house address. So she took him home. But when she ring the bell on the door. She was shocked by pressing the door bell with high-voltage electric. Once she woke up, she was naked in an empty room.

REMEMBER : Being such a compassion person might not be a good thing. Pass this on and girls, especially, please be careful.. AND DON'T BE TOO GOOD!!

(4) One day, there was an old lady outside my house holding 2 packets of sweets. At first i thought she was our neighbor and wanted to give us these packs of sweets as a gift. But then when she talk, I can hear that she is a foreigner i guess, because i don't really understand what is she talking about. But i know that she is asking for money. And it just feels that there's something wrong. I immediately closed the door and ignored her.

(5) I was at the ATM machine to take my money. Behind me, there was an old lady asked me whether i'm able to take my money or not, because she said there's a button might be spoiled, and i don't know since when a small girl came beside me. The small girl was squeezing to my side but i didn't notice, i thought she was just naughty and playful. But then, the small girl put her hand at the hole of the ATM machine where the money comes out, ready to take my money. I felt something wrong and immediately push the small girl away. Then i thought, the small girl and the old lady cooperate together to take my money. The old lady distracted me so that the small girl can take my money away.

REMEMBER: Be VERY CAREFUL when you are at an ATM machine and be alert for anyone suspicious around you.

6) My parents are retired and they stay at home. One afternoon, there was a young stranger said his motorcycle has no more petrol and the petrol station is too far, it's hard to push the motorcycle for such a long distance, so he asked my parents for an empty coke bottle to buy petrol. He said he will pay 2, 3 bucks for it. So my mum took one coke bottle for him. He really did took out money from his pocket, but it was a RM 100 note, and even let my mum to find change for him. But luckily my mum was smart, she said just take and go.

REMEMBER : obviously that note is fake!! Who would want to pay for a stupid empty coke bottle!! Its OBVIOUS to know that stranger is a fraud!!

(7) This happened in Bali . A newly married couple were having their honeymoon at the hotel. When both are in the changing room, the wife suddenly gone missing. The husband was very anxious and went around to find her. He asked the hotel staffs to help him find her too. Then he thought his wife was just playing hide and seek or what. So he went back and waited for his wife. After a few hours, he decided to call the police. 3 weeks has passed, there were no news about his missing wife. So he went back and his honeymoon just ended up like that. He was so disappointed and has no mood to work and so he went to travel to other places. Few years later, he came back to Bali , to watch 'FREAK SHOW' in an old house. He saw a dirty and rusty metal cage, there was a lady without limbs, body including the face, full of scars. When she was distorted on the ground, she gives out a sound of a monster-like voice. When he saw her face, he was shocked. He could not recognize the face anymore, her missing wife's face with a red birthmark.

(8) This happened in shanghai. Few yeas ago, a girl reported to the police that her cousin sister was missing in the shopping complex. But after 5 years, one of her friend found her cousin sister begging beside one of the street in Bangkok, Thailand . The worst thing is that her cousin sister has no more limbs and her body is tied to a lamp post with a Shackle (metal chain).

(9) Let's just shorten this story. DO NOT open your house door when you hear some sound of a BABY CRYING!! It might be a trap! Women in the house must be alert in these cases. The police said it will be a murderer using a recorder with de baby crying sound to attract your attention. These normally happen at night and when you are only alone in the house. GIRLS, especially, please be careful.

(10) I read an email that was sent by my friend. Her friend, which is known as A, went to Luo Hu Commercial City with 2 friends, B and C. Luo Hu Commercial City is Shenzhen counterfeit goods distribution center, there are many people there, its also near to the ShenZhen train station and Hong Kong 's Luo Hu Port. Its says, C wants to go to the toilet. So A and B waited outside. But then after they waited for so long, they felt weird and went into the toilet to ask her to hurry up. But once they went in, there were nobody inside there. Both were scared as they called C's phone but no one answered. So they called the police. The police asked them whether they had saw anybody suspicious went into the toilet. Both said there were none and its impossible to bring an alive person with more then 100 kg out of the toilet without them noticing. Then A remember there was a cleaner pushing a trolley in, and then came back out...the police told them this is not the 1st time happening. The police has already suspect a gang of criminals that always attacks the toilet in a complex where many people are. They use cleaners to kidnap or trafficking in human organs.

REMEMBER : please be careful when using the toilet. For anybody, not only girls, boys too!! Do not go to the wash room or toilet ALONE!! Please at least have a partner with you.

Friday, August 01, 2008

Work Is Quite Bad

Work is really bad now. I am an SA and I need to create user IDs but the thing is no 1 tell me which ID I need to create. A simple example is like they send me the user ID creation yesterday evening and I manage to do most of it. Then the best part is they nv tell me to tie the ID to which menu (AS400). So the user kept on rushing me and telling me they want their ID so they can log in and check. Its crap as if u have an ID but no menu you see command line only.

The next thing I know is I need to create application server and I rules ID also. All of this info is not told to me earlier and they told the training will be today. And not only I have to learn, those users kept on pushing me for the as400 ID which I honestly was getting work out and was really tired as everyone wanted a piece of me.

Anyway now still in office while blogging. Waiting for my friend to finish creating the ID then I will collect all the forms then go home and rest. I really need my rest as tomorrow is my cg retreat.

Wow Wow

Joining SL at times have its benefit. Especially when it comes to the new project that we are doing I am able to purchase things at a cheaper rate (MIGHT HAPPEN, MIGHT NOT HAPPEN) and the offer is too GOOD TO BE TRUE. By being able to purchase at a lower rate it will really save a lot of money in a single month. But it is only 4 2 months only but with 2 months combine savings, I can save a lot more. I wish the testing is not only for 2 months but forever for us as SL staff :P