Thursday, August 21, 2008

I Am Starting To Hate Work

Work as a SA (System Administrator + Security Administrator) sucks. At times u feel so called as 'bangga' because you will have the highest Authority and rights in doing things but at the same time it sucks. Thats honest from me. With high authority, people will expect you to do more and its really crappy. The time used to help people or etc is actually really a waste of time. Its time consuming and when the time is consume, your other jobs you cannot do thanks to the programmers who always love to give the SA a lot of crap stuff to do.

Not only I have systems to take care, I have to write and implement Policy & Procedure (PnP) which is from systems, physical access, user access for systems, create forms (UAR, HSR, CR, BR, IR and etc), look into the forms after completion, do support (which was told to me I don't have to do which is now a lie), ALDON (this is the worst crap to do), PCI certification, other projects that have so so so many many many many problems and many more which I don't think I want to think about and write.

Don't really know if I should leave. Its like I am a little unstable today after hearing all the crap. But if I do stay on I will get to learn some stuff. But if I leave, who is going to employ me? But at least I am working in PJ which I like as it is only 15mins away from my house. I don't know what else to say. Help me someone!!


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