Saturday, October 31, 2009

Unfair? Yeah

Well my friends from the other team told me they receive increment. Yeah well good for them but bad for me as my pocket is still the same. Don't really think my friends are doing a good job in their stuff. They create more problems and will eventually say it is my side problem. I mean well done to the those who create crap and send the crap to us. They have even done alot of backup restore that in the end created more problem for us rather than them. They eventually can get away with the crap that they put in.

Actually even after 1 year I believe I have done a lot of stuff which is quite good and it is quite fair to get an increment. Even though my ex place they gave me rm100 increment. Here get 0. Anyway to my dear programmer friends. I will promise you that from today onwards, it wont be so easy with me anymore.

Friday, October 30, 2009

13 October

On 13th October, I receive a call at 3am +. Yeah you must be wondering what? Sure or not the time? Confirm it is that time. Office needed help so my friend called me to go in. But that aint not important. The thing I wanted to tell is this. When I was driving to SS2, thru LDP and into SS2, there was a road block. After the road block I look to my right where Murni is. At that time it was around 4am + and I can say there were quite many cars parked there. So I slowed down to take a look and I was shocked that at that time so many people still drinking tea! Hey its not 4pm+ BUT 4AM +. There was a table with a round 5 girls and many more tables with few guys here and there. I was like this people don't need to sleep meh? But it seems they are uni kids / college kids so if there is no school they can do that. Imagine working people drinking tea at 4am, we will be confirm sleeping in office the next day.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Such A Rip Off

About 2 Saturdays ago, I had dinner in this small coffee shop in Tmn Paramout which is Opp the Caltex Petro station. Anyway just to cut the whole story short. We order 4 ppl eat hokkien mee and 3 ppl eat kungfu noodles. Guess how much it came out to be? RM38.50!

You all must be shocked right? Well this is how they charge. Each person is rm5.50. So the next person also they still charge 5.50. So if you do the math u will get that figure. Not only that, this shop is extremely weird. If 2 people eat at outside my shop is rm9 and I believe if it is 4 it will still be less than the figure we paid. Anyway the boss also don't know how to count how much needed to be paid. In the end we paid rm36 and left. The other time when I went out to eat with my parents, we ate assam fish and ko lo yok and 3 rice it cost us only rm32. That also we eat kau kau full. So Moral of the story, dont go that shop!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

People Ask Me Questions But Answer Not So Much Of Me

Was a driver with my parents and another lady in my car. And since most of the time she was talking to my parents and I have to drive and concentrating while driving, then she suddenly started to QnA with me

Girl : Jason u understand hokkien
JT : Yeah I do. Foo chow also can understand
Girl : Can Speak?
JT : Hokkien can, foo chow understand
Mum : foo chow he understand here there.
Girl : You know how to play guitar?

*dont know how to answer her*

Mum : He still learning. You anytime better than him
Girl : You been to OA before?
JT : Yeah.
Mum : He help out for the christmas events for the past 2 years.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Will He Be OK?

Well my parents always leave me at home and they go berholidaying. Check this conversation with my mum's friend the other day.

Mum : I am going Aussie for 1 half week
Friend : Jason u going too?
Jason : Nope must work ler
Friend : Will you be ok?

*before I can even answer*

Mum: He will be ok wan la. Last time leave him 2 half months also ok mar.I think he even more happy when we are not around
Jason : * Under silent mode :P * yeah will be ok wan.nothing will happen wan...

So moral of the story, got parents around or not around dont make much difference to me. Just that when I get back home, the house will be all quiet. I can wash clothes and do everything myself without any problem. AND @ no way I am hinting that I am very good ok people..

Monday, October 26, 2009

The Kingdom

I believe the name of the show is correct. I watch it on astro the other day and it was really action in the last hour of that show. It is just like Counter Strike game as there is so much types of weapons and so much of shooting and firing of rocket launchers and even the use of grenade. The action was extremely fast and the best part is even though the good guys are shoot at so many times they didnt even get hit a single shoot. Its quite ganas but its really nice to watch it. If you guys got astro, please do check it out.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Yeah What Ever

The other day my friend came back from meeting in KL and he us that this year we might have bonus. To me knowing my big boss who is wanting to be number 1 richest in the whole M'sia will never give us bonus. He can smile from ear to ear as the earnings is going inside his pocket and not ours. Think he is so kind with his money? Guess again! So to the bonus, its like what ever la..dont put so many hopes on things which MIGHT never come thru.

Saturday, October 24, 2009


Yeah shall leak out another secret that I will be singing this year for Christmas once again. But on the 22nd training, aunty Hung Lan told us that we will be going up and sing with different people. I in my life havent done that before. So in the end it is like each group which is Sop, Alto, Tenor and Bass. Since Sop and Alto had the most people (girls) they send 2 reprensentatives while the guys will send 1 from each group.

The 1st time when I went up there I felt the HEAT. Then my friends were cheering for me "go JT and Jason". Some people in church know me as JT and Jason. It was even more scarry when people cheer you on. The reason is this, when the 1st group went up, I started to clap then the rest follow me to give encouragement and when they are done we also clap (dont care correct or not). To me is simple its MORAL SUPPORT. Anyway the rest of my mates didnt get as much cheering as me!

Anyway I was panic then I stood quite far from the alto person then this is what was asked to me

HL : Jason why u stand so far from them?
JT : Scared ler
Alto Aunty : Why?
JT : After I sing wrongly coz I follow u
HL : Nolar go stand closer
JT : Move to stand nearer *inside still dubb dubb dubb* *thats when I focus and it was ok*

On the 2nd round, I was no longer scared. Went up and had fun. It was really nice actually. But the thing is too many eyes looking at us while singing but I guess its normal. At least the song that I had to sing I kind of know it quite well too :P

Friday, October 23, 2009

Question From My Mum From No Where

Mum threw me a question when I was having breakfast with them that day.

Mum : How old are u this year? 27 or.........?

*mouth was still quite full chewing the oats*

JT : ummmmmmmmmmmm *show 7 on my fingers wile still chewing*

Only later at night when I reflected what happen, I was wondering what my mum is up toooo....hahahahaha...Hope no match making...

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Kantoi While Order

One of the nights when I had no dinner, I head out to get burger. Check this out :

JT : Bang ayam benjo 2

Guy : Har ayam benjo?

JT : Yeah

*after that I realize this mistake*

JT : Bukan, benjo 2 *laugh*

Why this happen? Coz I was tired that day :P

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Which Radio Station You Hear?

This is what was the question asked to me on one of the days when we went out for lunch. I guess it was because there was a bus infront of us showing red fm advertisment. I bet all of you know that there are so many radio stations in Malaysia. Anyway a short brief of what happen is below

Mr Ng (If I am Not wrong) : JT which radio station can you reco?
JT : err...I mean those normal like mix fm, hitz fm etc. I dont even listen to redfm.
Someone : Why you don't listen to redfm?
JT : coz my tuning button is lost and it is really hard for me to tune my radio its 94.5 always.

So I g uess I have already leaked out a secret of my car radio button and if your in my car and always listen to mix fm, I am so sorry :P

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

People Younger Are Getting Married

The other day when I went to my friends wedding this is the topic they were talking about in my table.

Someone : I didn't know that she will get married at such a young age
Someone : How old is she?
Someone : 26 years old
Someone : How about that guy?
Someone : I believe it is the same.

I call them someone coz there were a couple of people talking a that time while I just listen.

You know the thing is now many people are getting married at an extremely young age. Like I said before, getting married is something not easy. To get married you will need a lot of $ Unless u telling me that your parents will fork out the whole thing for you to get "rid" of you. Like me, I rather not try to burden my parents but I will try my level best to try MY VERY BEST to pay it up myself which will take a long time of savings. Is that why I am not attach? Nope that's not the answer. I have younger diploma friends who already got married and some even have 2 - 4 kids already! No joke. How they can survive is a very good question to think about.

Monday, October 19, 2009

LCCT Greeting

Was in LCCT on Tuesday and while I was running to the toilet as I needed to pee as I drove from DJ to LCCT, this was the announcement that came on the speakers around the airport.

Caller : Good Morning

JT : *while peeing* *eh what time leh, morning adi meh?*

Caller : Good Evening ladies and gentleman, flight bla bla..

That dude must be sleeping :P

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Worship Songs

I was to do worship on 7th October. And on the 3rd of October, I was in church and while worshipping and it was transitting from fast to slow song, there was a pause a while. My mind was still worshipping when I decided to pause and next thing I know, all the songs to played came into my head. The name of the songs pop out from no where. God knows because b4 I step into church I was thinking of the theme and was wondering what I should sing as I already got my 1st song. Its superb the way God thinks and puts his ideas into us :)

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Left Behind

There is this show left behind that was in the made and launch in the year 2000. This is a show for the end times and when you watch it wil really think about your salvation with God. In the middle of the show there was this guy was going to some where for work and the scene was in the plane. The before scene was many people was on board that plane. The after was some of them were no longer in the plane but their clothes were only left behind. It is already written in the bible that 2 in the field, 1 will be taken and 1 will be left behind. Scarry? Yeah it is. So how? Make sure you are in a good relationship with God

Friday, October 16, 2009

Somethings I Can't Answer

Last Saturday or shall I say it is the 10/10, servers in my company well I can say serentak had problems. Not 1 server but 3! But at the start I only found out 2. Anyway what happen is the logs were so much till only Administrators can login. The rest of the people cannot login. Anyway honest till today, I still cannot give the full concerete answer what it happen. But from my readings and reseach I have the answer which I can say its around 60%. But now the thing is we have to find someone to blame. Now it can be so many things that I can blame. Windows, Antivirus or even system logs.

But the thing is my boss keep on asking me things that I still cannot explain which takes time which makes me damm fedup coz I am not server EXPERT! I can do my best and check the net but not everything can find from the net. So that's when I have to come out with my own theory .I know that my boss is being pressed, but I cannot do it alone man. I guess the only way out is to modify my resume and move out as I can say I am quite sick to fix problems which is not mine.

If you want to really know what does IT security do in other companies (focus). It is like below

  1. IT assets
  2. Security stuff like firewall, IPS, Antivirus
  3. Policy n Procedure (PnP)
  4. Patch Management
  5. Implementing IT Security Projects
  6. ETC

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Run For The Nation

On 10/10/09 was Run for the nation. On the night before, I could not really sleep as my mind was semi awake thinking about the event. I have to say rather it was more of a kancheong situation as I was wondering if I could even finish the event. It was 5KM run and everyday without fail the committee will keep on sending emails on the correct way to run and what to eat and etc. It was kind of freaky for me as I haven't been running or training for the event.

But I have to say that on that day itself, 930am, it was a great weather all the way till we reach SS2 on the way to rothmans roundabout the sun came out. But from there to PJEFC was a breeze for me. It was kind of hard to run thanks to the air that is coming out from busses and cars pipes. Really want to thank God for that great weather that day. I actually didn't have any problems running 5KM even though long time I didn't exercise.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

My Hair

The other day I decided to cut my hair. But this time I don't want it like leave in front long and I wanted it like to be the same across the head. Anyway this are the comments I got after cutting it.

Mum : Why you cut your hair like that? Harder to maintain you know?

Aunty Joyce : I like your new hair style

Uncle Quah : Welcome to the gang!

Soo : Not handsome adi *idiot betul..hahaha*

Chin Ching : Why you cut your hair like that?

I guess I cut my hair ppl make 'noise' don't cut also make 'noise'. So how? Unless someone can give me some fashion tips for my next hair cut. Anyway if you wondering what I cut, I guess it must be 4.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Another Joke Of The Year

The other day when I was in office I was reading an email. But since it is not my problem, I will usually read it on the fly. But this is what my friend pointed out to me. Read as below :

================== 2009-09-28 @ 9.41am **** *** **** ======================

Tissue has been resolved by restoring previous BR objects.

If you can catch, there is something wrong with the msg :P

Monday, October 12, 2009

We Not Greatful People

This was a true situation that I saw happen the other day. There was this person who was in my car who asked me to stop by a shop on the way home to buy food for her partner. But when we reach that person house this was what happen.

Girl : I buy kuay teow soup for u

Boy : Who ask you to buy? I told you no need to buy.

*Inside me was what the hell is wrong with boy?*

The thing is I don't care attach or not attach, at any time when people buy for you things (don't care food or etc), just be thankful coz that person thought about you! Don't like act so macho and give some stupid feedbacks which looks stupid at / on you. I guess at times we need to be grateful no matter how big and small the event is.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Taylors Guitar

I have to say I like Taylors Guitar. If you have the time check out the guitars that is for their 35th Anniversary. It will just blow you off! Check out the Arm Rest guitar...super chun and Super EXPENSIVE!

Friday, October 09, 2009

My Friend Fall Down

I believe it was a Friday that this event happen. It was about around 930am when everyone was working and it was total silent. When my office is really working, we are really quiet and even the pin drop you can hear it so clearly. Anyway this is what roughly happen.

Person A : Can I borrow your ruler
JT : Can, go and take la ( I was not sitting in my place)
Person A : *thanks, person walk to my place and take the ruler*
JT :*still concentrate on how to fix my friend usb problem*



JT : eh eh eh what happen? really confused as I turn behind I didn't see anything. Push my chair saw my friend on the floor*

JT : alamak aunty what happen to u? How come u can fall down wan?

Person A : Slippery la your floor.

JT : Where got? *I didn't help her to get up coz she might be in pain so I let her be*

Anyway on that day we really laugh like hell as she really made our day. NO ONE EVERY fall down in my office before. She was there practically the whole day and who ever came thru the door we asked them what shoes they were wearing and if their shoes had flower or not :P An event I will never forget.


I think I know how she went flying on the floor. Her shoes had flower but she was trying to walk on the side of her foot (another way called drift) which confirm no flower and our floor if you don't have flower you will surely fall. So Moral of the story, don't try to drift on the side of your foot. Danger!

Thursday, October 08, 2009

Jin Nottie

The other day when Mr Ng told me he wanted to go to Tropicana City to pickup his movie tickets, I decided to pop by GSC website to check what are the new movies out. Next thing I know I saw a show called "Jin Nottie". I don't think I will make any link here :P Anyway I was like what? I am nottie? I was like *idiot* how dare they use my name and say I am nottie? Yeah I admit la I am nottie boy :P I was never a good boy but I still am ok. haha. I guess I am writing rubbish. Better stop...

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Su Ann Wedding

On Raya week itself was my friends wedding. The church wedding was somewhere in Bangsar and this church I never knew existed as it is hidden in a housing area! But the way the church is build up is superb. Really. Its an Anglican church. Lunch was Indian food which I least expected but it is something different from any other weddings that you attend that you will eat the same type of food where ever you go.

Dinner was on Sunday night in Tropicana. I have to say the Chinese Restaurant there is no longer the restaurant back then. They have now renovated the whole place to make it look nicer. If your there, you will be shocked. Trust me.

Congrats To Ben & Su Ann

Tuesday, October 06, 2009

G Force

I was given a chance to watch free movie from my friend. Thanks again for the treat! It was a great movie to watch. Those lil guine pig was running around with weapons and are able to do stunts and talk and whack humans up side down. Great show which is quite funny and really a lot of action. Really blessed by 2 free tickets. Thanks you kawan!

The best part is this show got some parts of transformers. Since I havent watch transformers 2, this show kind of showed me a little of it. This time mole can build that big combination of robot which can take things and throw here there like ping pong ball! haha. But darn still need to watch transformers 2 ONE DAY!

Monday, October 05, 2009

Nothing To Do

Since It was Hari Raya not long ago, I decided to do this to finish my so called free sms by maxis by sending all the sms out in a short time to all my friend don't care race. In the end I did get quite a few replies back from my friends. Those who didn't reply me could have not got my sms. Anyway the sms that they replied is as below.

  1. Asking who am I and etc.
  2. Some even was like saying long time no hear from you.
  3. Some even asked me if I am taking vitamin C
  4. Some ask me for job recommendation.
  5. Some telling me about other classmates stories
  6. Some asking me if I am married with kids
  7. Some asking me where am I working
  8. Some asking if if I celebrated Hari Raya.

I guess once a while its ok to sms people to keep in touch just to see if they are doing fine as we as humans are so busy with our own activities. I guess it is good at times we just sit back and take some time off to spend with our friends.

Sunday, October 04, 2009

Question From Mum's Friend

The other day when I was shopping for laptop with my mum's friend, this is what they asked me? It is the normal topic of the year. haha. They asked me again if I got a gf! Not only that they ask me again what type of girl I am looking for which I could not answer at all as I never thought about getting attach yet. One of the reason that I gave is because of work which is taking quite a lot of time or could it be I am a slower worker :P But this is one thing I told them.

JT : My mum very confuse wan la
E : Why?
JT : Coz 1 min she say can have gf, 1 min she say cannot.
LL : Coz she want to check 1st the girl you bring home to see if her type or not.

Now let me say it again. I am still very happy with life. Getting married with 2 rings on 2 hands will only bring sufferings! I know, coz everyone is different on the way we do things and etc. So please dont rush me. So what if I don't get married?

Saturday, October 03, 2009

Who Will You Call

The other day my friend put this msg on his FB. It goes like below

"Who are 3 u will you call if given a chance to speak 1 minute to the person during the earthquake"

Its quite a good statement to reflect. But I have to admit this again like I say below, when during the tremor the cellphone network was down for 1 minute.

Friday, October 02, 2009

DUMC Prayer Conference

DUMC will be having their prayer conference on the 9-11 october. More information can be found here.

Place : DUMC
Date 9 - 11 October 2009 (Friday to Sunday)
Location : DUMC
Speaker : Philip Lyn

Thursday, October 01, 2009

Earthquake Tremor

You know today (30 Sept) there was an earthquake that hit Sumatera. My office building really shook. I at 1st thought my friend was playing a joke about shaking. Check out roughly how it happen in my office.

Nazrul : Can you feel that the building is shaking?

JT : Nolar.. I sick maybe I shaking la. (Decided to stand up)

JT : *Abit shocked* Chin Ching, do you feel it?

CC : Yeah even I sit down can feel it.

*50 Inch TV made some noise, which all of us turn and look and Thiya Said moving*

JT : Everyone evacuate now!

*1st Batch went out 1st then followed by 2nd batch and walk downstairs*

At that instant, I didn't bother about office. I just collected what I can take which is my car keys, both my cellphone and I was off the office. That is what I told the rest to do to. Imagine if the real magnitude of 7.1 was to hit our country, many would have died due to our buildings are not prepared for earthquake resistance. Not only that, just for everyone information, when that happen, the cellphone network was down at least 1 minute. Wonder how I know? I got my friend to call my friends and bosses.