Friday, October 09, 2009

My Friend Fall Down

I believe it was a Friday that this event happen. It was about around 930am when everyone was working and it was total silent. When my office is really working, we are really quiet and even the pin drop you can hear it so clearly. Anyway this is what roughly happen.

Person A : Can I borrow your ruler
JT : Can, go and take la ( I was not sitting in my place)
Person A : *thanks, person walk to my place and take the ruler*
JT :*still concentrate on how to fix my friend usb problem*



JT : eh eh eh what happen? really confused as I turn behind I didn't see anything. Push my chair saw my friend on the floor*

JT : alamak aunty what happen to u? How come u can fall down wan?

Person A : Slippery la your floor.

JT : Where got? *I didn't help her to get up coz she might be in pain so I let her be*

Anyway on that day we really laugh like hell as she really made our day. NO ONE EVERY fall down in my office before. She was there practically the whole day and who ever came thru the door we asked them what shoes they were wearing and if their shoes had flower or not :P An event I will never forget.


I think I know how she went flying on the floor. Her shoes had flower but she was trying to walk on the side of her foot (another way called drift) which confirm no flower and our floor if you don't have flower you will surely fall. So Moral of the story, don't try to drift on the side of your foot. Danger!


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