Sunday, October 04, 2009

Question From Mum's Friend

The other day when I was shopping for laptop with my mum's friend, this is what they asked me? It is the normal topic of the year. haha. They asked me again if I got a gf! Not only that they ask me again what type of girl I am looking for which I could not answer at all as I never thought about getting attach yet. One of the reason that I gave is because of work which is taking quite a lot of time or could it be I am a slower worker :P But this is one thing I told them.

JT : My mum very confuse wan la
E : Why?
JT : Coz 1 min she say can have gf, 1 min she say cannot.
LL : Coz she want to check 1st the girl you bring home to see if her type or not.

Now let me say it again. I am still very happy with life. Getting married with 2 rings on 2 hands will only bring sufferings! I know, coz everyone is different on the way we do things and etc. So please dont rush me. So what if I don't get married?


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