Wednesday, October 14, 2009

My Hair

The other day I decided to cut my hair. But this time I don't want it like leave in front long and I wanted it like to be the same across the head. Anyway this are the comments I got after cutting it.

Mum : Why you cut your hair like that? Harder to maintain you know?

Aunty Joyce : I like your new hair style

Uncle Quah : Welcome to the gang!

Soo : Not handsome adi *idiot betul..hahaha*

Chin Ching : Why you cut your hair like that?

I guess I cut my hair ppl make 'noise' don't cut also make 'noise'. So how? Unless someone can give me some fashion tips for my next hair cut. Anyway if you wondering what I cut, I guess it must be 4.


Blogger Mr.Invisible said...

lol... how does it look like?
post the picture here la...
else, how to give comment?!

4:15 PM  
Blogger Jason said...

that time in uni i cut short rite...something like that..but this time i cut 4 unlike last time i cut 2..

11:34 PM  

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