Saturday, October 24, 2009


Yeah shall leak out another secret that I will be singing this year for Christmas once again. But on the 22nd training, aunty Hung Lan told us that we will be going up and sing with different people. I in my life havent done that before. So in the end it is like each group which is Sop, Alto, Tenor and Bass. Since Sop and Alto had the most people (girls) they send 2 reprensentatives while the guys will send 1 from each group.

The 1st time when I went up there I felt the HEAT. Then my friends were cheering for me "go JT and Jason". Some people in church know me as JT and Jason. It was even more scarry when people cheer you on. The reason is this, when the 1st group went up, I started to clap then the rest follow me to give encouragement and when they are done we also clap (dont care correct or not). To me is simple its MORAL SUPPORT. Anyway the rest of my mates didnt get as much cheering as me!

Anyway I was panic then I stood quite far from the alto person then this is what was asked to me

HL : Jason why u stand so far from them?
JT : Scared ler
Alto Aunty : Why?
JT : After I sing wrongly coz I follow u
HL : Nolar go stand closer
JT : Move to stand nearer *inside still dubb dubb dubb* *thats when I focus and it was ok*

On the 2nd round, I was no longer scared. Went up and had fun. It was really nice actually. But the thing is too many eyes looking at us while singing but I guess its normal. At least the song that I had to sing I kind of know it quite well too :P


Blogger Huis said...

tchno5 going to sing ler!!

4:45 PM  
Blogger Jason said...

but u say tchno5 dont exist!

4:48 PM  

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