Sunday, November 30, 2008

Oh Ooooooooooo

Did ushering yesterday. This time my task was even more. I had to go up on stage to collect offering from the MWM. As it was my 1st time yesterday, I really panic as I have to be up there and stand to face the crowd. When u doing work for the 1st time you really panic. I was that guy. I didn't do it before so I don't really know the timing and etc. I guess I major blunder as I walk up on the stage when Pastor was praying (mum say cannot do that, but I see most people doing that). Mum told me it was attracting unwanted attention (not really sure how, coz when praying ppl eyes to be close). God if I'm wrong, I say sorry 1st, its my 1st time doing that. I will learn from my mistake.

During worship, my mums friend came over to whisper over me about staying back for dinner with Pr Foo and also told me that I will be team lead for my section usher. I was blur on the statement and I told her I heard nothing or didn't receive any letter or anything. IF the statement is really true, I have to give my very best in serving in my ministry. I am wondering why they pick me up to be so called asst leader usher too. I know that there are many other ushers who are already season and they should be the 1 to be pick up to do the task. The only thing is I don't know if those older people will listen to me as I am just a young punk and the rest of the ushers are 40-60+. I know I have told people to give me 1 number but they still give me numbers that are not tally and I will have to do the math. If simple things they don't want to listen to me, what more? Worried? Yes I am. Help me out God that people will listen to simple instructions.

Manage to see my partner yesterday from a far. Was really happy as partner was still the same old same old person. When my partner walk in the church from the side, I manage to wave at her and say hello. Partner said hi and when still walking, partner ask me how I was and I told partner I was still doing good and partner gave me a smile and walk away. Then I know where partner was doing camera and at times while looking for members to walk into church, I will just turn and look at partner a little :P In love? Unsure. But I am sure that when I saw partner I was happy :)

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Picture With Glen Packiam

The other time I attended the Worship Conference in DUMC and manage to get a picture with Glen Packiam with my cg mates.

Me, Glen Packiam, TC, Wan Lee

Friday, November 28, 2008

Tan Min Ser Wedding

22nd November 2008 was the day my friend Tan Min Ser got married to Ng Jen Ling (hope correct spelling). I have to say, this really honest, I really felt happy for my friend and I never felt so happy for quite some time of life. It was like Joy as I was part of my friends marriage. Yeah I was, being his 'heng tai' and going to Jen Ling's house which is so NEAR to my house. We really kena in the girls house and till today I have no idea who are the 'chee muis'. We didn't get to interact with them that much. BUT I have to say they are pretty and they look very matured for 17 year old. ANYWAY, punishment that we had to endure is due to my dear friend who cannot answer the questions. We had to eat wasabi, do push up and wax our legs (I kena, but no effect). But even though it was punishment, it was worth it all for the fun and being able to interact with different people. Then it was church wedding and it was really nice to see back SMDJ students from different year. It was like reunion.

Little Ribbon I Tied On My Car

At night was dinner. Food was good, but the best was the jokes, laughter, time that all of us spend together. We even question why we the 'heng tai' was all sitting behind my friend manage to say this 'because when I enter I want you all to see me 1st'.

MS & Wife

Min Ser wedding actually brought a lot of joy into me that day. I guess I was really happy for my friend and he allowed me to be apart of his wedding by doing the 'heng tai' stuff. I was happy and it seems like it was me getting married.

Congrats Min Ser & Jen Ling

Thursday, November 27, 2008

What Do You Think?

I got a simple question. Heard this question from somewhere. Question is extremely simple. Check it out as below

"Do You Think You Know God More This Year Compared To Last Year"

Just reflect on the question and nope you guys and girls don't have to give me any answers.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

When To Say Its Enough

You know at time when we earn money and lets say we hit our 1st mill and you will think 'hey I have hit my 1st mill, so why not the 2nd mill?' I guess we as humans (I admit too) that we need to know when to say enough is enough. I will give you guys some examples of my own life which is like below.

  1. Want to buy other guitars and guitar effects when I have 2 guitars (not pro, but want to be at a level of my own )
  2. Want to buy car when my current car is still ok, but still want to buy car (greed i guess)
  3. Want to earn my 1st mill then my 2nd and 3rd (not my dream at all, just example)
  4. Want to have something which others have (can be anything).

We as humans we are greedy. we don't really know when to stop at times and we wish that we will be able to earn more than others, be better than others and etc etc. There is no wrong to this but the thing I want to point out is we got to be happy with what we have currently and slowly move on and not move on with a snap of fingers and everything we will have. I guess 1st step is to be thankful with what we have as others might not have what they really need.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

So Many People Getting Married

As the years go by, it seems so many of my classmate (primary, sec, dip, degree) friends are already getting married. Some of my juniors during diploma days are married with KIDS! I don't really know how that happen but I know accidents happen (honest here) especially when you don't know the rights and wrong. Ok that part aside but wow it seems a lot of my friends especially who are younger are getting married really fast. Once I heard of a friend who got married and now with 2/4 kids. I think they really are on the fly.

Some of my friends are getting married to Orang Putih too. Diff nations. Not only that, some of my sec school friends are getting married to my current church friends. I have seen so many wedding pictures of different mates from old time. Really shocking. I am not even there yet as in GF also tak ada. But I guess I don't want to rush. Need to work out on other things before setting my foot into r'ship and also getting married.



Monday, November 24, 2008

After My Piece Of My Mind

After shooting the programmer on my Thursday (Check my Friday Post), I had to go with the LMS and 1 of his seniors to KL on Friday. I guess the reason why his seniors came along was because I might be too hard to handle when I don't like you or can I say when your piss me off. I guess LMS might have reported to Lion and his counter parts which might be his boss who is KW that I am not easy to handle. Anyway I had to drive as they don't want to drive at all. Even can claim they don't want to drive so in the end I had to drive. Not only that, when I was there, the checking was done by me or can I say 95% of the time I was checking the stuff. All the did there was click here and there which was practically no help at all.

But I guess thats me, since I'm the techkie boy, I will have to use my best knowledge to test to find out what are the problems that they are facing and how to solve their problems which is quite fun and honest I enjoy it as it will force you to think even MORE. I feel by thinking more, by being able to solve the problem, I will be able to pickup more pointers in my life. I guess I manage to solve their problem as it was not DC problem as blamed by LMS on the email. In the end it was not our fault but it was back to the customers side.

Actually the reason why I was piss with the email was because he didn't even consult anyone of us and he just blare our the email with 10000000 fingers on my team saying its our fault which I don't like. If I wanted to be nasty, I would have pointed the same amount of fingers to him back on his program that works so well that it can just stop working ANY TIME without ANYONE knowing. Not only that, he went to CC the email to EVERYBODY and that was the part I didn't like most. I know its just for information, but I guess thats how MOST Programmers do things (logic also don't have, write mail also simply write). Anyway I won't be a nice guy to programmers anymore. I will make sure they will suffer under my hands as I won't be that easy boy anymore.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Busy End Of The Year

I Already seen the future and people have started to book my dates off the calender. I am already taken on the 20th, 27 December. On the 20th I have to attend Orang Asli Christmas Party at Carey Island and on the 27th I have to attend my CG member wedding.

I need to take my 3days leave before end of the year too. Now really wondering when I should take my leave. I guess now time is really flying faster by the moment. Next thing you guys will know it is Jan 2009. How time really flies sometimes makes me wonder what I have done the whole year...

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Not So Good

I have to admit, when I stand up and play guitar, it sounds BAD. Its worst when I am playing those bar chords. But the thing is it sounds really nice when I am sitting down. I guess I need to play more often standing Up. If guitarist can play no matter what in what ever posture, I can do it too :P

Friday, November 21, 2008

Aiyo Why La Programmer So Stupid

On Thursday it was a good day. I was a little late to work coz I overslept a little. Anyway it was really nice to do my work today as I had to update some of my listing that I never updated for quite some time. Not only that, I had to do some correction on my work and I was to start on a new PnP which is Performance Monitoring. Had to do some research on that PnP as its quite a wide PnP.

Anyway work was really good till I got a very stupid email from the programmer blaming DC. Then the fire in me started straight away as the way he wrote it was like it is DC problem when it is not even our problem at all. So I called the programmer up and talk nicely and I started to question him on the email and eventually blasting him all the way. I told him that the way he wrote will make us in DC look bad and I kept on whacking him that his program sucks (which always hangs when no one know it hangs and other bugs in the application). I believe he was piss when I whack him and I didn't want to give him anymore face as I know I was nice to you before, but now AFTER YOU OVERSTEP the line, you decided to dig your own grave which is getting lashing from me.

The guy is called Lee Meng Soon. His skills, just like his boss is peanuts. Not only did I whack LMS but the other day I whack his boss which is Kok Wai. Damm his boss and him is just 2 crap people always talking crap and don't even know anything at all. The other day his boss told us to fix the problem, installation of PTF (Program Temp Fix - as400) is needed to be installed on the system. Since development stages, NO ONE from his side told us there is a need for PTF. Our projects have been running live for many many months and it was in development stages when I 1st started working in the company which is in the month of April. So I question him on the logic behind PTF and etc and guess what? NO ANSWERS from any of the programmer. Shows how stupid programmers are. It seems like MOST (some of you I still respect who knows your job well) of the programmers I come face to face don't even have a single logic. Not only that, they can tell you they don't even know what they are doing. If you know what is the problem, talk out and don't tell us I think or I don't even know. Some of you are team Leaders. If team leaders don't know anything, the word is shame shame.

Anyway the other day when I was doing my PnP, and after I pass it to my boss, he told me I did a lot of mistakes. The other day when he ask me to redo, I did redo and check most of it and fix to what he wants. I even got my friend to check on my grammar. Then he told me to be careful. What is there to be careful off when my own boss don't even know what he wants at times? I know my boss is trying to say I am careless, but guess what? what about my office mate that comes to office around 10-11am and goes home sharp? or even at times he comes early but sleeps in the office for around 2 hours then wake up and read comic the whole day? how about his work which is so messy and at times I have to fix it? What crap double standard is this man? At times I just feel fedup working for the company but what is making me stay is coz its near my house and the amount of savings I can save on food coz food is cheaper that area.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

When eating apples

Be Careful when eating apples Please don't eat the skin of the apple because it's coated with wax. Check before you eat many of the fruits. WAX is being used for preservation purposes and cold storage. You might be surprised especially apples from USA and other parts are more than one year old, though it would look fresh. Becox wax is coated, preventing bacteria to enter. So it does not get dry. Please Eat Apples after removing the wax as demonstrated below. Please follow this and let know others...........

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Christmas Song

Please read the song nicely. Don't think I am already in Christmas Mood yeah. I know Christmas is next month but its not time yet people :P

You'd better watch out
You'd better not cry
You'd better keep cash
I'm telling you why:
Recession is coming to town.

It's hitting you once,
It's hitting you twice
It doesn't care if you've been careful and wise
Recession is coming to town

It's worthless if you've got shares
It's worthless if you've got bonds
It's safe when you've got cash in hand
So keep cash for goodness sake, HEY

You'd better watch out
You'd better not cry
You'd better keep cash
I'm telling you why:
Recession is coming to town!

Finance products are confusing
Finance products are so vague
The banks make you bear the cost of risk
So keep out for goodness sake, OH

You'd better watch out
You'd better not cry
You'd better keep cash
I'm telling you why:
Recession is coming to town...

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

My Mini Car

Hi Guys,

This is how small the model of the James Bond car is if you get it from Shell. Its really mini. I guess it will be really mini as the price of it is rm5.50. Worth buying? I guess that depends on the person if they like car models or not.

Monday, November 17, 2008

OT and Auditors Are Coming

After my holiday and I was back to work on Thursday I had to do OT. Crap man. So fast. Had to modify some documents that I did last Saturday. This time the auditors will be coming back to check on some part of our work once again. I have to work OT again I guess on Monday to make sure all things are in place. Anyway when I read some of the mails when I got back to work on Thursday, I was quite shock on seeing again that some of the programmers are really dong dong.

Boy they really don't know their program at all and they don't even know what their program does. The best is now I really have this lack of faith and a little bit of honesty here, I don't respect the programmers that I work with. They don't know anything. They might be working for quite many years yet they still don't know anything. Its really embarrassing as some of the are Team Leaders. I wonder how on earth they became team leaders. Not only that, when it is their program that hits the error, they will send another email out to another programmer to check it out. I have to say the programs that they write don't have ANY QUALITY at all. Some of the projects are live, but still fixing bugs EVERYDAY. One more thing I know is the programmers have spoil my reputation. They don't know that they s*ck at their job, but its ok, let them be as those who don't know anything will be a major laughing stock.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Must Try

I had fish head dinner that day. I had dinner with my mum friends form church. It was really good taste. The fish is fresh and the thing can be quite cheap (depends what other side dish u order). The fish was rm18 and since there were quite a number of us, they decided to order 2 fish, vege, some eggy dish and yam + pork. The bill came out to 70+. But if 2 person was to eat, I believe each person will just have to pay around rm15 or MAX is rm20. The place is giant at Tmn Paramount. So Mr Ng, this week I think we have a place to eat already :P

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Worship God 2008 Conference

This is the conference I have been waiting for. I have always been waiting for a worship conference to happen some where. This time it really happen for the 1st time in DUMC. IT is starting today and it will end on Sunday with the last day which will end with a worship session at 8pm in DUMC. The speaker of the conference is Glen Packiam. He is a PJ boy and was staying in Damansara Utama. He was with the song writer for a few songs which is 'My Savior Lives', 'Your Name', 'Everyone', 'We Lift You Up', 'I Will Stand' and 'God Has Come'. His songs are really good and when you really check out the lyrics, it is good stuff.

I have been there yesterday and today. His teaching is all back to basic. I guess we as humans always forget the basics. If we forget the basic and use our own strength then we surely will be burn out. What ever we do, we need to always fall back on God. One more part that caught me is we need to keep the 7th day to be a rest day. The sabbath day is important to let us to be charge up once again on the 7th day. What Glenn does with his wife is they will turn off their hp and not use their laptop and just take different slots to take care of their kids while 1 of them spend time with God. I guess thats good and IMPORTANT so that we can be recharge and we will be able to tie more with God rather that being busy at all the time for at times its not even important. Anyway I got another CD in church today for RM30. This month itself, I spend quite a lot on CD's. But its ok, had a little more from last month due to the OT that I did.

Counting On God

LASTLY, like I say, the last Worship Evening will be at DUMC tomorrow at 8pm. DUMC map. Click on the link and you will get to see the map of Dream Center. Bring your friends as it will be a night of good worship and also to be able to feel God's presence in the church.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Kena Sound Man

On Wed when I went to a Christian bookshop in PJ and when I went into the shop she ask me if she could help me, but I say I am just checking some stuff out which is finding New Life Worship My Savior Lives and Trueworshippers Presence. So the next person who came in was a couple with a little kid. So the couple were checking on kids songs for their little daughter. While I was still finding both my cd's (one of it was in front of my face but I didn't see it) and I was a little upset as I cannot find My Savior Lives the couple took 1 of the kids CD and ask the person to try it. After that the person asked them this question that shock my ears and I believe when the couple heard that, they were shocked too. This is what she question them "Are you going to buy this? If not I wont test it for you". I was wow. I thought most of the CD's can be tested to see if it suits our ears. I could see the hubby who was carrying the kid could not answer the question and the person ask him again the same question.

This was when the other person came and try to help out things which was better. In the end they manage to try the cd that they took off the shelf. In the end after the sounding I manage to find my favorite CD and I found the 2nd CD and I was wondering on which Trueworshipper to get. But in the end I took Presence. I guess I will go get another some other time or maybe will ask my dad to sponsor me. I know I have pass some of you guys the songs. Hope you guys will be bless by it.

Thursday, November 13, 2008


I guess most of you know that on Friday's lunch is really good for me and your right. Lunch this time was in 1U in Dragon I. Food there is really nice and it is really different. But the food might be a little bit pricey but hey since I work OT that night, I so called as got my food covered that day and if there ain't enough, I still have the OT allowance for last month to cover my expenses.

I tried the little pau with soup inside and the soup inside taste really good. I am not sure what is the name of the food but its on the menu 1st page. We had fried rice and also some chicken dish that is fried with dried chilies. Food was really tasty. Had chinese tea as drink.

All I can say, food there is pricey but the food quality is above medium.

Anyway when we came back from lunch, I kena shoot by boss coz we went out too long :P I guess cannot go out to 1U for lunch anymore :(

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Camerons Highland

I went for a holiday in Cameron Highland. Was up there from Sunday till Tuesday. I drove all the way and for the FIRST TIME in my life I drove up the hill which is a new experience for me but in the end my mum's friend who was in our car vomit coz of my bad driving skills :P Anyway was really fun up there. Most of the time eating, sleeping and walking around. Anyway pictures for all of you to check out.

BNM Bungalow


Yard Looking Into Golf Course

Flowers At Main Entrance

Flowers At Entrance


This is actually where I stayed. Strawberry Park. I just simply shoot some pictures of the place.


My Room

Padang Outside My Place

We Went for Outing nearly the whole day. Visited Bee Farm. There are so many kids there and they are so scared of all the bees. They were blocking the way to the hives. Actually if you don't disturb the bees, the bees wont harm you at all.

Mr Bee

Bee House

After visiting the bee farm, we were on our way down, we drop by Cactus Point. There are so many people there I tell you. There are a lot of flowers, cactus there too. Darn it seems like doing some writing for them. Not even paid for that.

Main Entrance


Strawberry Not Ripe


Cactus On Push Cart




Flowers Again

After Cactus Point, we headed to another flower place. Cannot remember the name of the shop.


Nice Flowers, Same Pot, Cant Grow in KL, Too Hot


I guess most of you heard of OMF before and now OMF so calls belong to DUMC. I didn't take any pictures of the area as it was raining a little. But I use my HP cam to take the photos of the flowers. I guess it turn out quite well.

This was what I ate for dinner yesterday. I ate at Kea Farm. Had Steamboat, chicken chop and Singapore fried bee hoon. Food tasted really good. We ate so much that we cannot even finish the food that was serve.


Steamboat Overlooking Valley

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

People Trying To Set Up A Partner For Me

On Friday when I assisted some of the programmers in the DC, this programmer who is a girl asked me this question from no where....

Programmer : JT, do you have a girlfriend?

JT: What Do You Think?

Programmer : I don't think so

JT: Your right

Programmer : But why?

JT : The time has not come as I still haven't done a lot of things in my life which I want to do.

Programmer : What do you want to do?

JT: Play the best in music, do what I want when I want and etc. (cut some parts out)

Programmer : BTW, our dev side there got 1 very pretty girl who is still single

JT: Who?

Programmer : (A Girls name) Identity protected :P

JT: Oh that 1.

Programmers : How you know her? (A little shock coz i know her)

JT : I created her access card for her

Programmer : So pretty or not

JT : Do your work (had to change topic as I didnt' want to dwell into this topic and it was hitting lunch time)

Programmer : (kept on laughing). Joins Us for lunch today

JT : Do your work! (tryin to keep them focus in work).

Anyway yeah that was in DC and when I went to have a leak at the toilet, I saw the same set of people and the girl was there and the guy ask me this

Programmer : hey you change your mine?

JT: No (I had to whack him, I guess it was a little hard, but no offense bro.)When I whack him all his friends standing there were laughing. I am unsure why but it seems something not right is happening.

*after came out of toilet*

Programmer : You sure you dowan to follow us?

JT : I am really sure.

Anyway when I was in 1u after lunchy with Mr Ng, we were talking about bf gf stuff and it was so funny. I mean when we are alone then we see people with gf / bf then our mind will start to renationalized all the most crappy reasons just to make ourself don't feel so bad. I guess some of you can connect with what I am trying to say.

I guess if I was smaller and people pull this type of trick on me about setting me up, I will be really mad. I still remember last time when I was in std 4 there was this pretty Chinese girl in my class and one day my friend kept teasing me with her then I was quite sad and honestly I cried in school and when I saw that fella I push him behind and wanted to whack him (that time I learn taekwondo already). But in the end I didn't, I went back to my place and continue to cry. I now actually wonder why I cry.

ANYWAY, I am not desperate for gf yet, at times when those things play in my mind, I will just have to know that the time has not arrive yet for me. I actually have to admit this, the girls that I like are now taken, then girls that I ignored back in primary, secondary, uni are also taken. I guess God has a bigger plan in my life for me.

Monday, November 10, 2008

My Partner Where Are You

Searching for Usher Partner.... Where are you? Haven't seen you in ages. Yup I was doing ushering on Saturday but I didn't get to see my partner. Been missing my partner for nearly 1 half months. Maybe need to check it out with the usher head where my partner went too

Sunday, November 09, 2008

Yey Holiday

Yeah I am having my holiday now. I will be off till Wednesday but it will good time to reflect on my life for a little while. Been really busy with work and from April till today I didn't take any holiday. I will be heading somewhere really nice, really can sleep and eat. Not only that, I won't have to answer any weird telephone number calls when I am away. But I will still keep my HP on for the rest of the world to reach me :)

Wonder where I am? Stay tune for the pictures really really soon.

Programmers Are Really Dumb

Just the other day when an application hit some error, one of the programmer called another programmer to ask why the error has not been fix. Next thing I know, the programmer actually tried to blame back my team and send out a very stupid email telling us this and that is needed to be installed. Since all of this stuff was not told to us, he open a hole for me to question him. In my reply to him was questions after questions. I am not trying to be bad but I have to say if you really know your work well, you would have inform the SA on what is really needed. But why on earth when the application hit error then only you notify us? Isn't that too late?

Another programmer who is called Brian Ong is no better. The other day when I question his program logic he told me he don't know. I mean if you don't know your work, why bother working as an programmer? It seems most of the programmers in SL are just fresh out from school even though they have been working in SL for quite some time. Worst part is I feel they are major in nothing and they will be just laugh at when giving stupid or silly remarks.

Saturday, November 08, 2008

Just The Other Day...

When I brought lil belle up to sleep, she was in my arms. I then laid her down the bed and as usual she will always scratch her head, hand and etc before she goes to sleep. As she was really tired, she slept off in 10minutes. Every second that I loook at her I just smiled as she is just so cute. And in instant I know lil baby don't have any worry as she manage to sleep off really fast. I was still awake and only around 20minutes later I manage to get my sleep.

Friday, November 07, 2008

A Blog Posted by Singapore 's Youngest Millionaire

Some of you may already know that I travel around the region pretty frequently, having to visit and conduct seminars at my offices in Malaysia, Indonesia , Thailand and Suzhou ( China ). I am in the airport almost every other week so I get to bump into many people who have attended my seminars or have read my books.

Recently, someone came up to me on a plane to KL and looked rather shocked. He asked, 'How come a millionaire like you is travelling economy?' My reply was, 'That's why I am a millionaire.' He still looked pretty confused. This again confirms that greatest lie ever told about wealth (which I wrote about in my latest book 'Secrets of Self Made
'). Many people have been brainwashed to think that millionaires have to wear Gucci, Hugo Boss, Rolex, and sit on first class in air travel. This is why so many people never become rich because the moment that earn more money, they think that it is only natural that they spend more, putting them back to square one.

The truth is that most self-made millionaires are frugal and only spend on what is necessary and of value. That is why they are able to accumulate and multiply their wealth so much faster. Over the last 7 years, I have saved about 80% of my income while today I save only about 60% (because I have my wife, mother in law, 2 maids, 2 kids, etc. to support). Still, it is way above most people who save 10% of their income (if they are lucky). I refuse to buy a first class ticket or to buy a $300 shirt because I think
that it is a complete waste of money. However, I happily pay $1,300 to send my 2-year old daughter to Julia Gabriel Speech and Drama without thinking twice.

When I joined the YEO (Young Entrepreneur's Organization) a few years back (YEO is an exclusive club open to those who are under 40 and make over $1m a year in their own business) I discovered that those who were self-made thought like me. Many of them with net worths well over $5m, travelled economy class and some even drove Toyota 's and Nissans (not Audis, Mercs, BMWs).

I noticed that it was only those who never had to work hard to build their own wealth (there were also a few ministers' and tycoons' sons in the club) who spent like there was no tomorrow. Somehow, when you did not have to build everything from scratch, you do not really value money. This is precisely the reason why a family's wealth (no matter how much) rarely lasts past the third generation. Thank God my rich dad (oh no! I sound
like Kiyosaki) foresaw this terrible possibility and refused to give me a cent to start my business.

Then some people ask me, 'What is the point in making so much money if you don't enjoy it?' The thing is that I don't really find happiness in buying branded clothes, jewellery or sitting first class. Even if buying something makes me happy it is only for a while, it does not last. Material happiness never lasts, it just give you a quick fix. After a
while you feel lousy again and have to buy the next thing which you think will make you happy. I always think that if you need material things to make you happy, then you live a pretty sad and unfulfilled life.

Instead, what make ME happy is when I see my children laughing and playing and learning so fast. What makes me happy is when I see by companies and trainers reaching more and more people every year in so many more countries. What makes me really happy is when I read all the emails about how my books and seminars have touched and inspired someone's life. What makes me really happy is reading all your wonderful posts about how this BLOG is inspiring you. This happiness makes me feel really good for a long time, much much more than what a Rolex would do for me.

I think the point I want to put across is that happiness must come from doing your life's work (be in teaching, building homes, designing, trading, winning tournaments etc.) and the money that comes is only a by-product. If you hate what you are doing and rely on the money you earn to make you happy by buying stuff, then I think that you are living a life of meaningless.

Thursday, November 06, 2008

The Pink Dress

There was this little girl sitting by herself in the park.
Everyone passed by her and never stopped to see why she looked so sad.

Dressed in a worn pink dress, barefoot and dirty, the girl just sat and watched the people go by.

She never tried to speak.

She never said a word.

Many people passed by her, but no one would stop.

The next day I decided to go back to the park in curiosity to see if the little girl would still be there.

Yes, she was there, right in the very spot where she was yesterday, and still with the same sad look in her eyes.

Today I was to make my own move and walk over to the little girl.

For as we all know, a park full of strange people is not a place for young children to play alone.

As I got closer I could see the back of the little girl's dress.

It was grotesquely shaped.

I figured that was the reason people just passed by and made no effort to speak to her.

Deformities are a low blow to our society and, heaven forbid if you make a step toward assisting someone who is different.

As I got closer, the little girl lowered her eyes slightly to avoid my intent stare.

As I approached her, I could see the shape of her back more clearly.

She was grotesquely shaped in a humped over form.

I smiled to let her know it was OK; I was there to help, to talk.

I sat down beside her and opened with a simple, 'Hello.'

The little girl acted shocked, and stammered a 'Hi ' after a long stare into my eyes.

I smiled and she shyly smiled back.

We talked until darkness fell and the park was completely empty.

I asked the girl why she was so sad.

The little girl looked at me with a sad face said, 'Because, I'm different.'

I immediately said, 'That you are,' and smiled.

The little girl acted even sadder and said, 'I know.'

'Little girl,' I said, 'you remind me of an angel, sweet and innocent.'

She looked at me and smiled, then slowly she got to her feet and said,
'Yes, you're like a little Guardian Angel sent to watch over all the people walking by.'

She nodded her head yes, and smiled.

With that she opened the back of her pink dress and allowed her Wings to spread, then she said 'I am.'

'I'm your Guardian Angel,' with a twinkle in her eye.

I was speechless -- sure I was seeing things.

She said, 'For once you thought of someone other than yourself. My job here is done'.

I got to my feet and said, ' Wait, why did no one stop to help an Angel?'

She looked at me, smiled, and said, 'You're the only one that could see me,' and then she was gone.

And with that, my life was changed dramatically.

So, when you think you're all you have, remember, your angel is always watching over you.

Pass this to everyone that means anything at all to you.

Make sure you send it back to the person who sent it to you, to let them know you're glad they care about you.

Like the story says, we all need someone.

And, every one of your friends is an Angel in their own way

The value of a friend is measured in the heart.

I hope your Guardian Angel watches over you always.

Pass this message to as many people. You will receive a miracle tomorrow.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Change My Strings

Since I was quite free the other day I decided to give my wife's a change of strings. I down graded my main guitar strings to my backup guitar and feed my main guitar a new set. Sounds different as the strings are still new and the buzzing sound. But I guess I have to be patient and just wait on the strings to season and I guess that includes me playing every single day. I got no choice to change the strings as the backup guitar strings really sound off tone. Even it might be tune correctly it is *pai tiah* or in English it is really bad to the ears especially when played. Still need to modify the saddle of my backup guitar to make sure it is easy to play but I am really lazy to modify it :(

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

My Wrist

Last time when I was carrying lil belle, I put her down on the bed and I guess I silap budget to put her down and I believe I might have injured my left wrist now. I am not sure if something is broken (bone or etc) or muscle tear or ligament tear. At times when I silap put my hand in a different angle it will hurt my wrist. I know one day I will have to go and do X-RAY to check out what is wrong with my hand. But the only thing I am worried that I won't be able to play guitar again anymore or even do things with my hands. Scarry? Yeah it is to me

Monday, November 03, 2008

Lunch @ 1U

On Firday, we had lunch in 1U and we ate in some sort of Japanese Restaurant. I have to say the price is quite ok as we have to pay for the environment. Not only that the food was good. I had the set which is rice, beef, vege, some meat ball and a soup. Had green tea as my drink. Best part is the green tea is free flow so I had 3 glasses of it. All I can say is the food is really tasty. I wish I had taken the picture of my food. It is really good. The shop is near TGV 1U, but I cannot remember the name...sad sad...Anyway spend nearly rm20 for a decent meal which u can eat till you drop :P

Sunday, November 02, 2008


Today I had a gathering with my classmates after a long long while. It is nearly a year after we grad and only today we manage to meet up with one another but the only issue is the time was short and the table is really long. Not only that, as the President of the BIS group, I was late too thanks to my own classmate who was late. But the food was too much to eat and the amount of drinks that we had was free flow was madness. I believe I had 4 cups of ice lemon tea. I have to have my hats off for people who came all the way from S'pore. I really thank you guys for coming down. As for pictures, I will try to get the pictures then upload it on my blog if not just check out the facebook.


Saturday, November 01, 2008

SL Programmers English Is So Bad

Just read to find out how good the programmers english is. In NO WAY I AM OFFENDING ANYONE. This email was written by a women Called Piggy.

Everyone one have it jobs. Be UNDERSTANDING and MORE REASONALE when executing you works considering other.

You SHOULD AWARE DC having NO Phone to communicate. We need to walk over and CALL the SECURITY by knock the DC-Operation room door to call you out.

BUT you can conveniently ENTER developer working area.

Just to share you with the time I spend to with you to get my access card:-

9:30 a.m – correct access card from you. You Not yet in. (Get DC-staff to pass the message: 4 persons from Tbank need the card).

3:30 p.m. – NO RESPONSE. Call you via phone. You saying ‘NOT RECEIVED’ my Request.

3:34 p.m. – Get Lionel to Re-SEND the Mail as Proof.

6:20 p.m. – Still NO RESPONSE. (go to DC – saw ThamWK request him to pass the message to you.)

7:30 p.m. – You ONLY Delivery 1 CARD only.

8:00 p.m. – Other team member need to PERSONALLY to SEE you to get the Access.

I knew you are busy, but other person also have their work. If you are a reasonably person you should able to feel how I feel after read the above.

This is an individual personally attitude, responsibility and job management issue of cause you are NOT REPORTED TO ME but this is you jobs.

THANK YOU VERY MUCH for you responded. I don’t want to continue to ARGUE b’cos we still need to continue to work together. Whether you like me or not.

I don’t want to cc to all bosses BUT HOPE you can be more co-operative and understand my purpose. Things are give and take.