Monday, November 17, 2008

OT and Auditors Are Coming

After my holiday and I was back to work on Thursday I had to do OT. Crap man. So fast. Had to modify some documents that I did last Saturday. This time the auditors will be coming back to check on some part of our work once again. I have to work OT again I guess on Monday to make sure all things are in place. Anyway when I read some of the mails when I got back to work on Thursday, I was quite shock on seeing again that some of the programmers are really dong dong.

Boy they really don't know their program at all and they don't even know what their program does. The best is now I really have this lack of faith and a little bit of honesty here, I don't respect the programmers that I work with. They don't know anything. They might be working for quite many years yet they still don't know anything. Its really embarrassing as some of the are Team Leaders. I wonder how on earth they became team leaders. Not only that, when it is their program that hits the error, they will send another email out to another programmer to check it out. I have to say the programs that they write don't have ANY QUALITY at all. Some of the projects are live, but still fixing bugs EVERYDAY. One more thing I know is the programmers have spoil my reputation. They don't know that they s*ck at their job, but its ok, let them be as those who don't know anything will be a major laughing stock.


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