Friday, August 31, 2007

Day 14 (26 August): God in Our Land

Morning Meditation: Psalm 2

Passage: Habakkuk 1, 2

v14 - ppl will have the opportunity to know the Lord

v20 - 3 implications :-

1) all the earth will acknowedge Him as true God, true Lord

2) Everyone worship Him - challenge in our land. We are confronted. If we don't share, it'll break the heart of God

3) Everyone have the chance to come into the presence of God. Everyone will know that He is in the Holy Temple.

- Our life must be Holy:-

Holy Life gives great power of living

Holy before God draw the power of God

Holy life can give incredible freedom/fearless

reachout to share with everybody

- if holy life in living - out of love - no fear

God wants to heal every tribe and tongue. Only through Jesus Christ

God wants Malaysia to be the leading nation of the world

Day 13 (25 August): Law of the Land

Morning Meditation: Psalm 33

Passage: Habakkuk 1, 2

The passages of Habakkuk mirror the land of Malaysia today. For instance, in Habakkuk 1:2-4 we read about violence in the land, the law is paralysed and justice perverted. Similarly today, we are facing a rising rate of crime and they are increasingly becoming more brutal and violent. Recent news reports reveal that our leaders (both corporate and in government) may well be involved in unlawful acts concerns us as well.

We know from Habakkuk 1:13 that as God’s people continue to petition to God against such unrighteous acts in prayer, God will eventually act! In God’s timing, He will restore the land back to its original intent where love, peace and justice reign!

So, there is still hope for those who live righteously in the land. God will restore righteousness one day if His people choose to arise in faith to claim our nation for the LORD. In this, we no longer need to live in fear because in God, we trust.

There is also hope because one day, the knowledge of the glory of the LORD will fill the earth (Habakkuk 2:14). It is God’s intent that all people of the world will know Him. So, we rest in the confidence that one day, even for Malaysia, God will reveal Himself to all the peoples in our land. Why? Because in 2 Peter 3:9, we read that God wants every person to know Him.

Therefore, we need to share God’s burden for the world. Our mission here on the earth should also be to see that God’s salvation call reach everybodyPublish Post in our land. We have a choice to either make this a call or to completely ignore God’s burden for all peoples.

Are you going to obey, God’s call?

Point of Reflection:

There is only one hope of restoring justice into society. The answer lies in God alone. Therefore, we need to pray and believe that God will one day make Himself known across our nation so that His righteousness and justice will prevail in our land. Are you ready to pray by faith and seek to restore God’s righteous rule over Malaysia?

DUMC Dream Center

Ladies And Gentleman, Presenting To You DUMC Dream Center.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

A Walk To Remember

Boy I have to say, forever or as long as possible I will remember today as a special day. Today actually was my friends last day and Adrian and I was to get her a gift. So after lunch both of us headed to Pasar Seni talking about different things. When we were in Central Market, we notice there we many Japanese people around and those girls were cute and tall. So we continue on walking around to check out what we should get for our friend. Then we reach to shop where the gift caught our eyes.

So we got the item and ask the shop owner to write a message for my friend. It took the person 20minutes to do it. While he was doing it, Adrian and I started to walk around to check out Central Market as it was a different place all together from the last time I last been. So we walk and walk around the place till we stop at a stall where sells round neck tshirt. That stall really had a lot of pictures and descriptions that caught our attention.

As we were looking thru the tshirts, suddenly 2 japanese gals (cute 1's :P) came up to me and uttered something to me. Straight away I thought they mistaken me with their friends. Then the uttered something again but this time I look at adrian and he at me and I said "huh". But my friend was smart enough to ask "yes can I help you?" Then only they spoke louder "where is the toileto". Then only did we understand that they are looking for the toilet. The best part was we didn't even know where the toilet is. But lucky, the toilet sign was just in front of us and it stated "Female Toilet Upstairs".

Out of our kind hearts, we brought them to find the toilet. As we were walking up, there was no more sign to show where the toilet was and I had to ask the hawker guy in BM "Encik mana tandas perempuan?". The guy was abit shocked then when he saw the 2 japanese gals with us, he told me it was the other end and we started to laugh a lil. So we brought the 2 japanese gals to the toilet and they thank us and left.

After that incident Adrian and I started to talk about it and started to laugh about it. Then we decided to get closer to all the japanese gals which was looking at other stuff. Actually we didn't know the reason why they approach us till we saw more japanese guys and gals looking at our lanyard on our necks which has the word AEON. It was actually a very good chance for us to speak to those people or even having a simple and encounter with them. In the end we took our gift for our friend and it was due to the gift that we manage to encounter something so special that I believe will last till forever.


Yesterday I decided to give my sis baby some vocals and she was smiling all the time. But one part of the song I forgot the lyrics and I decided to hum like what Patrick Leong does. Then she cried :p I guess she thought I was scolding her. I then decided to change the song to another song and She started to smile at me once again.

Moral of the story, don't hum for babies :P

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Cameron Highlands Trip

Well I was on holiday in Cameron Highlands for around 4days 3 nights. It was a break that I really needed as I have been working so hard for my company during the ISO timing. We had to work like 7days a week, go to branch and also work overnight in the office. I guess I have written that part before so I will skip that part.

I was up there on Sunday Evening and when the 1st thing that I step into the Bungalow of BNM, I was so freaking happy that I was here. Then I unloaded all the bags and I decided to go and take a seat on the garden which is overlooking the golf course. That was when all the good memories that I had last time with my cousins (diff occasion) and cousins (diff occasion) suddenly came back to me and I was smiling to myself looking at the surrounding. I even recalled I have 1 baby picture of me in camerons trying to pull out the grass frm the floor and also another picture of me walking around. I wish to post this pics but I rather not as boy was I really cute that time and you gals will surely fall in love with such a cute baby. That is the real honest answer. The air was great, the view was good too.

Not only that, the garden has alot of different flowers and roses which is planted by the gardener. It is so well taken care off that you dont see dead leaves lying around the garden. I then went in to have a quick tea and we zoom off back to tanah rata for a drive. We stop by the pasar malam to get some food for dinner and we had a walk around the town for a while. Then it was dinner time and we had a good dinner. Later in the night the other people who we invited reach the place too.

On Monday Morning I woke up extremely late as I enjoyed my sleep. During my breakfast period I started to receive many phone calls for different type of support even though some of it I am not sure off (tivoli license, trendmicro OSCE, IWSS, IMSS, Scanmail, biztrack and many more). Some of the calls were just sampating with my group of friends. My parents were actually quite fedup coz the company cannot leave me alone :P Monday was just driving around, going to the tea shop and just visiting around. Then we went to the market to get chicken and some vegetables for dinner. Then we went for lunch and head back for siesta. In the evening we walk to Tanah Rata to get some items from the shop there. It took about 20minutes to reach there. When I was walking back it was raining but it was nice. In the end we took the bus back to the bungalow. Dinner was great as it was cook by my mum's friend.

Tuesday was the day that my dad's friend went to have a round of golf while the rest of us went to visit the bee farm and visited where ever we can land ourself too. Then we had to stop for lunchy at Brinchang. Then it was back to the bungalow for siesta. Well it was just a time to relax on Tuesday evening. At night the whole group went out for tea and I decided to give everyone a treat. At the same time my friend called me as the trendmicro vendor was in office. So I manage to exchange some notes with the. I was on the phone for 45 minutes at that time.

Wednesday was time to head back to KL. During the morning I receive another phone call from office to do support and this time my mum was really fedup again. At around 10am we packup and we headed to Ipoh for lunch.

So in the end how was the trip? It was really good. Alot of sessions of eating (breakfast, tea, lunch, evening tea, snacks then dinner). It shows how well I ate in Camerons. I slept alot too when I was there. I was really well rested on that day.

Day 17 (29 August): Free from Fear

Morning Meditation: Psalm 112

Passage: Various (as below)

Pastor Daniel senses that since our prayer the day before, we have broken through the cloud of fear in our land. To move on from this spiritual breakthrough, we need to challenge ourselves to be set free from the various fears in life.

Today, we looked at the topic of fear and how we can be set free from any form of fear that would prevent us from accomplishing all that God has set forth for us in our land.

What does fear do to us? Pastor Daniel shared 4 possible responses when we allow fear to grip us.

Effects of fear in our lives
Freezes us. When we are gripped by fear, we will be paralyzed. Ever try standing on the edge of a very high building and look down? If your legs freeze when you look down, that’s the effect of fear.
Flee. Ever been chased by a fierce dog with very sharp teeth? You’ll probably run. That’s another effect of fear.
Faint. When we are fearful, we can physically faint (i.e. pass out). Also, we can be faint-hearted. This is when we do stupid things like tell lies, cheat or betray others. Take Peter for example. He was gripped by fear when Jesus was arrested and became faint-hearted. As a result, he denied Jesus three times.
Fight back. Some people will instinctively fight back due to fear like a dog, when cornered may resort to attacking.

How then can we counter fear? Biblically, there is 5 ways for us to counter fear.

Ways to counter fear
Develop faith in God. How? In Romans 10:17, we are told that our faith comes by hearing and hearing the word of God. Fill ourselves with the word of God and live on his promises. Then, our faith will grow.

Our faith will also grow from our intimacy with God (Luke 5:16) through prayer. Jesus is our prime example of that intimacy that even at the raising of Lazarus, Jesus revealed to us how intimate He was with the Father (John 11:41-42).

Prayer. When we read Acts 4:29-31, it was after the prayer that the people were given the boldness by the Holy Spirit and preached the word of God even more boldly after that. Prayer has an ability to not only draw us closer to God but helps build faith in our lives.
Deep love for God. In 1 John 4:18, we trust that perfect love casts our fear. This perfect love (i.e. agape love) comes only from God. This love is abounding and when we grow more in this love, it will help us to overflow to everyone around us.
Focus on Jesus. Philippians chapter 3 which was written by Paul in jail was full of joy because Paul focused on Jesus. We do not read about his grumblings in prison or his complaint. Instead, His focus was on Jesus and he turned his eyes away from all the real pain and despair of being jailed and instead sought to be an encouragement to the church of Philippi.
Focus on the future. We are all runners, running a race to win all the way to the end. We believe that in the coming days, the best is yet to come. Our hope is in the LORD and His coming future. When we focus on the ‘finishing line’, where Christ Jesus will return as King.

Point of Reflection:

Fear in life is one of the greatest obstacles in Christian faith. Are you gripped by anything in life? Come to God in prayer and ask Him to set you free from it. Surrender your life fully into God’s hands and ask Him to replace that ‘fear’ with ‘faith’.

Day 15 (27 August): Peace of God

Morning Meditation: Psalm 91

Passage: John 14:27

As God’s people, we desperately need the peace of God. In the worldly view, peace can be attained through the accumulation of possessions, power or position. The truth is these things only give us false security. True peace can only come from Jesus Christ our Prince of Peace. The peace from Jesus is beyond all understanding (Phil 4:7), and gives us hope, assurance, joy and confidence.

It is easy for us to lose our peace when we see things from a worldly perspective instead of being dependent on God’s Word. Peace can also be lost when we allow worry, anxiety, and fear to set in from an ‘earthly perspective’.

How then can we gain our peace back? There are 3 ways:

1. Look to Jesus (2 Peter 2:9)

Jesus is the prince of peace and ruler of all kingdoms. He is our answer to all our troubles. When we focus on Him, we will find the solution. If you want to “walk on water” and “ride through the storms of life”, look to Jesus.

2. What is God’s purpose (Matthew 10:16-20)

When we are in trouble, we should first seek God and His thoughts. What does God think about our situation and how does He want us to act? God’s way is never wrong so be sensitive to His words. Know God’s Word well, because that He never contradicts with His written word.

3. What is God’s purpose?

God has a specific purpose for our lives. In fact, where we are born has been determined by God (Acts 17:26). Do not be tempted by the ‘grass is greener’ mentality but instead seek God’s purpose for you where He has placed you. Do the same for Malaysia as well. Ask God to reveal to you His purposes for you in the land and seek to serve the LORD faithfully through witness wherever He has placed you. Seek out this higher agenda of His!

Point of Reflection:

God has made us Malaysians for a reason. One undeniable fact is that He desires for us to reach out to all citizens of our nation. How are you going to respond to this challenge of faith? Do you have the peace of God to allow you to face all possible obstacles when you seek to obey Him with all your heart, soul, mind and strength?

Day 12 (24 August)

Morning Meditation: Psalm 53

Passage: Habakkuk 2: 2-3

We are now one week away from the 50th year of independence, the year of Jubilee. It will be a time where the nation will see restoration for all peoples and for true harmony and respect for one another to break forth in an unusual manner. It is not about division where we look after only certain groups of people but it is about seeking the best for every race, tribe and tongue. This however has to start with you and I – the church of Jesus Christ.

Today’s passage from Habakkuk 2: 2-3 tells us that the revelation of God has an appointed time. This passage was revealed to Pr Daniel early this week but today is the appointed time to reveal this to us. He explained that before reaching the turning point yesterday, God wants us to sort out our lives first. That is why in the earlier days, the focus has been on the alignment of the heart, the mind and transformation of the community.

The focus now turns towards our nation. The Lord tells us honestly from Habakkuk Chapter 2 the 5 sins that plague our land just as it infected the land of Israel during Habakkuk’s time. What are these 5 woes?

  1. Mindless thievery (v. 6)

There are people who are involved in stealing and exploiting from others for their own personal gain. Some of these are even happening in broad daylight which grieves and break the heard of God.

  1. False security (v. 9)

There are people in our nation who are building up wealth through unjust means to feel secure. What they gain comes from lying and cheating and from ‘raping’ the land, disregarding the interest and rights of others. These people may think they are secure but God’s judgment is upon them and that they living in a false sense of security.

  1. Bloodthirsty criminality (v. 12)

Pr Daniel reminded us that when blood is shed, it pollutes the land (Numbers 35: 33). This is what has happened to our land to our land in 1969. There were bloodshed and innocent lives who were killed and our land was polluted. Blood represents life and only God can take life from us. It is also through the precious blood of Jesus can that we and our nation can be healed.

  1. Human perversity (v. 15)

Human perversity is also evident in our nation. There are some who exploit others sexually and being so perverse as to get people drunk and then abusing their nakedness by mocking them. It scares us to know that some of those involved are from all levels of society, indicating the uncertainty of the future of our nation.

  1. Self-made idolatry (v. 19)

The people of the nation are also very much involved in idolatry – worshipping items that are self made such as money, clothing, shopping and sports. The focus is very much on earthly things just to satisfy the pleasures of the flesh.

All these bring sorrow to God and we all need to repent and ask Him for forgiveness on behalf of Malaysia.

How then should we then live?

Pr Daniel shared that we need to live righteously by faith in God. Habakkuk 2:4 stresses on 3 ways on how we ought to live:

  1. Have deep strong faith in God

There will be more pressures and intimidation in the coming days. Therefore, it is important for us to continue to walk with God faithfully and remain deeply rooted in Him.

  1. Live righteously

We must also live righteously with integrity and a clean conscience. We must always remain transparent and be ready to have our lives examined without hiding anything.

  1. Do not live in fear but in faith

We must embrace the future without fear knowing by faith that God is with us. As we continue to draw closer to God, being deeply rooted in His Word, we will not be easily shaken by the circumstances surrounding us and will not let fear cripple us from being the person God has destined for us to be.

Let us live our lives as God has taught us so what we can move in line with God’s plan and purpose! Amen!

Point of Reflection:

When we see/read about the sins of our land, pray for our nation. Ask God for His mercies upon our land and pray for the healing for the land. Only God can intervene and only the church can bring a lasting change to our nation through the power of prayer!

Monday, August 27, 2007

Nearly Same

If you all check out From An Email title, it is actually happening abit to me. I have been waking up nearly everyday at 5am+ for actually no reason. I know one of it is because now it is church morning prayer, but I believe there are other reasons for this to happen. I believe God wants me to wake up at 5am to pray to HIM rather than sleeping. I have to say during my prayer in LRT at times it is not so effective as at times you can get distracted by people talking to each other, people talking on the phone and people hearing music quite softly.

I guess I need to have the discipline to wake up and do my QT as I believe there will be a word for me every morning. Like they say, the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Day 14 (26 August): God in Our Land

Morning Meditation: Psalm 2

Passage: Habakkuk 1, 2

v14 - ppl will have the opportunity to know the Lord

v20 - 3 implications :-

1) all the earth will acknowedge Him as true God, true Lord

2) Everyone worship Him - challenge in our land. We are confronted. If we don't share, it'll break the heart of God

3) Everyone have the chance to come into the presence of God. Everyone will know that He is in the Holy Temple.

- Our life must be Holy:-

Holy Life gives great power of living

Holy before God draw the power of God

Holy life can give incredible freedom/fearless

reachout to share with everybody

- if holy life in living - out of love - no fear

God wants to heal every tribe and tongue. Only through Jesus Christ

God wants Malaysia to be the leading nation of the world

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Kid Who Love My Vocals

My sis kid is 1 who really love my vocals. Boy every line that I sing for her in a different manner she will smile. Really every single line. Actually not trying to be big head, it does sound nice. I guess some of you who had heard my vocals might agree that I have it. Thanks kid for liking my vocals, stay tune as there will be more to come :)

From An Email

Isaiah 43:19
Behold, I will do something new, now it will spring forth; will you not be aware of it? I will even make a roadway in the wilderness, rivers in the desert.

My wife wakes up at 5:00 in the morning to get ready for work. She's allowed to show up anywhere between 6:00 and 9:00 am, but she prefers 6:00. I used to think she was crazy, but recently I have been waking up with her. I have discovered that there is an exciting peace and freshness to those quiet morning hours. Often I find myself sitting on the balcony just off our living room. The view is not that great, but it hardly matters... I listen more than I watch.

While reflecting on the word of God one of these mornings, I came across Isaiah 43:19. God was speaking to Israel through the prophet Isaiah and promises to "do something new" if the nation will only be aware of it. That's when it hit me. Every day is new, every morning that I get up and go through my routine is a fresh day. God takes great pleasure in causing the sun to rise, the dew to appear on the grass, and the birds to sing their songs. Yet, I hurriedly rush through my morning objectives, quickly preparing myself for another scheduled day. I do not believe this is how the Lord intended us to live. My logic argues against it, and when I do happen slow down enough to enjoy the morning, my soul loudly testifies to the same fact: God is continually doing a new thing around us, but we are too busy to notice.

The same is true in so many different aspects of our lives. God does not only create a new day for us each morning, but repeatedly presents us with opportunities to freshly experience Him. When was the last time you observed God doing something new in your life? Only a couple of verses later, God says to Israel, "Yet you have not called on Me, O Jacob; but you have become weary of Me, O Israel." (Verse 22). How is your relationship with the Lord? He is a loving and a gracious Father, but this does not excuse our failure to invest more time with Him. Have you become "weary" of Him as Israel did? I pray that this is not the case, but if it is, you would do well to approach His throne once again. When we accepted Christ as the Lord of our lives, it was not His plan for us to inherit such grace and abundance, only to place it on the back shelf of our life. Rather, as the Apostle Paul suggests, we should make Christ our reason for living. If we do, I promise you that your eye! s will be opened to the wonderful
"The people whom I formed for Myself will declare My praise"- Isaiah 43:21

Day 11 (23 August): Unlocking God’s Purpose and Destiny

Morning Meditation: Psalm 23

Passage: Matthew 16: 13-28

We have approached the midway point in our 21 day fast and prayer. Pr Daniel emphasised that today is a turning point for all of us because God will start revealing to us the keys to unlock God’s purpose and destiny for our nation. Today, one of the keys is found in the passage, Matthew 16:13-28.

In the passage, Jesus was asking His disciples who others thought He was. Jesus was then known very much as a teacher and a miracle worker by many. When He asked His disciples who they thought He was, Peter received a revelation from heaven and was able to say, “You are Christ, the son of the living God.” (v. 16)

Thus began the turning point of Jesus’ ministry. Jesus went on to tell His disciples that His main mission in life is to build His church by laying down His life (v. 18-21). From the eyes of the ordinary, it may not be a favourable solution. Peter, who had earlier received a revelation of who Jesus was, did not like it either and even rebuked Jesus (v. 22). Jesus’ answered that He steadfastly would not allow such a viewpoint to hinder God’s purpose for His life (v. 23).

Jesus later shared that to be His disciple will not be an easy task (v 24-28). From these verses, Pr Daniel shared with us three marks to unlock God’s purpose for us to advance God’s Kingdom, bring community transformation and impact our nation.

  1. Deny Oneself (v. 24)

We need to be disciplined to deny ourselves from the pleasures of life. We need to deny ourselves certain pleasures in this life so that we are able to go far in fulfilling God’s purposes.


  1. Sleep and food – Is the willpower of the Spirit man within us weaker than the flesh man?
  2. Attitude and character – If we find ourselves easily offended and hurt, we will not go far in life.

In denying ourselves from certain pleasures of life, we find ourselves happily focused on the greater goals and purposes of God’s kingdom.

  1. Wholehearted Commitment (v. 24b)

Jesus says that we need to ‘take up His cross and follow Him’. The cross represents suffering. In following Him, there may be troubles and sufferings along the way and until we are ready to commit wholeheartedly to this, we will not be effective.

Are you willing to sacrifice and follow Jesus? It does not necessary mean we MUST suffer, but it is the willingness that counts.

  1. Total Surrender (v.25)

Jesus says that if we are so concerned about preserving our lives, we will lose it but we will gain it if we fully surrender ourselves to Him. This may be a paradox but it is the truth. If we are prepared to lay down our lives for Christ and His gospel, nothing can prevent us from making an impact in our nation or even the nations of the world. Our lives are extremely precious as we only get to live once on earth. Let us not squander and waste it!

Let us all arise to fulfil the mission that Jesus Christ started off for us!

If Christ is our everything, then, be willing to give Him – everything!

Point of Reflection:

What price are you prepared to pay to follow Jesus?

Are you prepared to surrender your all?

Day 10 (22 August): Alignment with the Community

Morning Meditation: Psalm 46

Passage: Acts 2:42-47

There is distinct call for the church to be a community – united together and shares together in the promise in Christ Jesus (Ephesians 3:6). This is a wonderful privilege for us to be a community, as a church, to be able to join hands together to make a difference in our nation.

What are the marks of such a biblical community from Acts 2:42-47?

  1. Learning and praying – Christians gathered often to be taught and to pray (v. 42). Note: This was done corporately.
  2. Signs and Wonders – These were ‘ordinary’ events in the church (v. 43)
  3. Loving and caring fellowship (v. 44) – Everyone was willing to share what they had to help others. It is incongruous for us to be a lone Christian.
  4. Worshipping and praising community (v. 46-47a) – Praising God and worshipping together is a hallmark of God’s church
  5. Evangelising and witnessing fellowship (v. 47b) – They reached out and saw the harvest of souls on a daily basis!
  6. Favoured fellowship (v. 47a) – The people received favour from the community around them.

As a community, we need to guard our hearts and minds properly. We need to be careful to avoid the ‘small’ issues that might divide us. An example was given about the Dream Centre. Some of us might not find something as trivial as the colour of the wall to our liking, but the important thing is to have the BIG PICTURE in mind. The Dream Centre is not about our personal preference. It is a vehicle for us to fulfil God’s purpose for our nation!

When we move into the Dream Centre, there would be increased pressure upon us. We need to be prepared for church growth (Acts 4:4) and also count the cost of being a disciple of Christ in an enlarged community. There will need for greater service, greater demands and greater responsibilities for each one of us.

We need to also prepare for the possibilities of problems, difficulties and even persecutions ahead. Pr Daniel shared that in the passage Acts 7:54-8:1, the stoning of Stephen led to great persecution that broke out against the early church. So, are we prepared to face such opposition if it happens in our land?

In closing for this morning’s session, Pr Daniel asked us to link our hands together to show unity as God’s community and also as a sign to one another that we are committed to one another, as God’s people.

Point of Reflection:

Are you ‘actively’ part of God’s community here in DUMC? How are you involved in serving the community of believers in DUMC and to unbelievers around us?

If persecution arises, are you prepared to stand firm and resist the enemy? Remember, when the church stands in unity, God commands a blessing!

Don't Lie To People

The thing about people that I hate is when they say they really trust you and that you are their friend and they tell you everything is actually a real big lie. I have to say that I hate people who like to me when I trust them. It shows that people don't really treasure the trust in friendship. If there is no trust, I rather not say that "I trust you alot and I tell you everything".

Why do I say this? It is easy, as suddenly one day the secret has been revealed, boy is your friend going not to trust you anymore. I guess then again that we should not simply trust people in all their words they say as most of the time they might just bluff their whole way thru.

Am I angry if you all might ask, well I am not, but I feel that the person don't have integrity if they just do that. And one thing it does, it destroy your friendship.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Day 9 (21 August): Alignment with the Word of God II

Subheader: What the Word of God can do for us

Morning Meditation: Psalm 119: 113-176

Passage: Psalm 19: 7-11

This morning, we continue to focus on the alignment with the Word of God as the urgency to focus on His Word was again impressed upon Pr Daniel.

Friends, our land is in dire straits. The devil, also known as the deceiver is luring many people into his web. Many of us have been influenced with the ways of the world, and we fall prey to the many trappings of wrongful thinking and perspective.

Therefore, the Word of God is very important to us. It keeps us in sync with the will and commandments of God that will guide us towards a life of godliness and holiness. The Word of God is one of the 3 things that will last in eternity apart from worship and the soul/spirit (Matthew 24:35).

The Lord also revealed to Pr Daniel a prophetic Word for this morning’s message and this is further confirmed by a DUMC member present who received the same verse from the Lord. It says:

"The days are coming," declares the Sovereign LORD, "when I will send a famine through the land - not a famine of food or a thirst for water, but a famine of hearing the words of the LORD. (Amos 8:11)

All these points towards what could possibly happen in the coming days, where there is a famine of hearing the words of the Lord. We are living in a world with increasing sounds and noises wherever we are and we can easily be led astray and end up following these wrong voices and noises. We need to tune ourselves to hear from the right sound that is: the holy Word of God.

Therefore, we need to pray to the Lord, asking for a fresh and new passion and desire to STUDY his Word and MEDITATE on it day and night (Psalm 1:2).

According to Psalms 19: 7-11, we know that the word of God does the following:

Characteristics of God’s word What it can do to us
God’s word is perfect


It revives our soul (v.7a)
God’s word is trustworthy It gives us insights (v. 7b)
God’s word is right It gives joy in our heart (v. 8a)
God’s word is radiant It sheds light on our path (v. 8b)
God’s word is VERY sweet It enriches us through and through (v. 10)

In closing, Pr Daniel sensed two things that will happen more and more in the coming days.

    1. There will be increased delusion and deception – Therefore, we need the Word of God to keep us in the truth.
    2. There will be increasing trials ahead – There may be difficulties in life and how much more must we be dependent on the Word of God for comfort and guidance!

Therefore it is important to anchor ourselves to the Word of God and allow it to prepare, sustain and strengthen us more and more in the coming days!

Point of Reflection:

The Word of God is not a pamphlet – that we only refer to when we need to get somewhere in life. It is not a story book – that we read to be entertained. It is not a magazine - that becomes dated over time.

It is living. It is relevant. It is powerful.

Consider ways on how you can equip yourself in the Word of God so that its living words can be applied in your life. Commit yourself also to courses in SOL Levels 1 and Level 2 that enables you to practice the studying and of applying the Word of God.

Day 8 (20 August): Alignment with the Word of God

Morning Meditation and Passage: Psalm 119: 57-112

Having looked at the alignment with the head yesterday, Pr Daniel continues in the series of alignment of the heart with the focus on the Word of God. Pr Daniel sensed that God is saying to us that ‘My people are not spending enough time on My Word’. Our priorities are not set on the Word of God and instead filled with the 7 ‘Ms’ mentioned in Day 7.

God wants us to keep focus on His Word as it contains great power and Pr Daniel highlighted 7 reasons why the word of God is powerful.

1) The Word of God gives DIRECTION

Passage: Psalm 119: 105, 133

The Word of God is the ‘lamp to my feet and a light for my path’. If we hold on to the Word, we will be directed against wrongs and sins in life. It shows the path in our life in all areas of our lives whether it is relationships, work / business and our responsibilities.

2) The Word of God provides CORRECTION

Passage: Psalm 119: 36-37

The Word of God also provides correction, helping us to recognise and turn away from worthless things. We need to be constantly seek to apply the principles we learn from the Word of God as well.

3) The Word of God offers PROTECTION

Passage: Psalm 119: 25, 93

The Word of God protects us from evil and harm. By knowing the Word of God, we will know what is right and wrong in the eyes of the Lord and it will draw us away from evil and harm.

4) The Word of God provides CLARITY for living

Passage: Psalm 119: 66-67

We easily go astray and distance ourselves from God. This is because we are not obeying God’s word. The word of God provides clarity for living. As we go deeper in the word, the situations in our lives become clearer and as a result we are able to make wise decisions based on God’s guidance and will.


Passage: Psalm 119: 99-100

As we continue to meditate on the word of God, We will grow in insight and understanding.

Pr Daniel shares that in the area of business, the high level leaders seek spiritual sources to help them in their decision making. Many lead their lives in fear because their decisions at the high levels are costly to their businesses. The spiritual sources can be right or wrong but all these leaders recognise the need to have divine powers to guide them and provide direction. Hence let us continue to seek insights, understanding and discernment from the Word of God, the true spiritual source.

6) The Word of God fills us with STRENGTH and COMFORT

Passage: Psalm 119: 25, 52

The word of God strengthens us and provides comfort at all times. Pr Daniel shared examples of how the Word of God strengthens and comforts two political leaders during times of their personnel crisis.

All of us have personnel crisis of our own. Let the Word of God strengthen and comfort us during these times!

7) The Word of God produces FRUITFULLNESS in life

Passage: Psalm 1: 1-3

If we are filled with the word of God, our lives will in turn be blessed and fruitful. We will lead a life honourable to God and in turn draws and attract people to us, enabling us to become counsellors and enrich others with the Word of God.

Point of Reflection:

In many countries, the Word of God is not available to them. If we have slacked in reading the Word of God daily, let us confess our lack of emphasis in the Word of God.

Consider what ways that you can rearrange your current time schedule so that you can make time everyday to study God’s Word.

Day 7 (19 August): Alignment with the Head

Morning Meditation: Psalm 119:1-56

Passage: Romans 12:2-3

This is a continuation on the need to renew our mind.

Our mind is an important asset given by God. Whatever we think of or conceive in our mind will affect what we are going to do next, so that is why it is important to protect our mind so that it remains unpolluted by our worldly surroundings.

The Bible speaks a lot about the renewal of our minds. It is important to renew our mind regularly. Why? Because this mind has a tendency to go towards wrong thinking that may lead to corrupted actions.

What are some of the things that God warns us of to guard against? There are 7 M’s to watch out for.

1) Music – Are the songs we hear corrupting our values?

2) Movies – Are we influenced by unhelpful living through movies?

3) Machines – Cars, computers, gadgets – are we over-engrossed with these?

4) Malls – Have we made the mall our ‘second home’?

5) Money – Are we trapped in chasing after money?

6) Movement – Quick actions, e.g. sports and games. Are these overdone?

7) “Makan” – Does our tummy rule our lives?

If we only live by these, we live like everyone else. We are no different from any other non-believer if our only aims for our lives are simply the 7 M’s.

Instead, to live fully for God, we need to consider the 3 F’s:

1) Fast from the above – if we struggle with any of the above, then fast from it.

2) Fill our minds with the Word of God.

3) Follow the prompting of God’s Spirit.

What are the marks of a renewed mind?

1) Our minds will know the mind of God.

2) We will be able to test and approve what God’s will is.

3) We will enjoy perfect peace. (Isaiah 26:3)

Point of Reflection:

What have I been filling my mind with? Do I struggle with any of the above? Share the areas that you struggle with, with someone from your cell group of a similar gender and hold yourself accountable to him/her.

Day 6 (18 August): Alignment of the head

Subheader: Authority and Submission

Morning Meditation: Psalm 107

Passage: Luke 15

As a continuation from Day 5, we look at Luke 15 again to deal with the next season of aligning our head (being) in line with God’s.

This morning we focused on the whole area of authority and submission. In the Parable of the Lost Son, we read that the son chose to move away from the household (thus, away from the authority of the father) and how he suffered because of that.

Yet, when we come rightly under authority, we gain:

1) Liberty (freedom)

In the parable of the lost son, the youngest son rebelled against the father by demanding his share of inheritance and after taking it, he moved out and spent all he had. By moving out from the household, he is moving away from his father’s authority. He thought that he had freedom and liberty, but little did he knew that he was headed instead towards bondage and eventually destruction.

Similarly for us, as Christians, when we move away from God’s authority, we are not having freedom but rather enslavement. Jesus is our perfect example. He had the liberty to live for God fully as He was always doing things according to the will of Father God and submitted Himself wholly to His authority.

2) Security (spiritual covering)

When we submit towards authority, we come under the protection or rather spiritual covering of God and His appointed leaders. God’s command submit to godly authority is so that we enjoy the covering of the church. That is why when we send out missionaries, they are prayed for by the church as they come under our covering.

3) Prosperity (blessings and abundance)

God will bless us with His blessings and abundance when we submit and remain in His Presence. Similarly, the lost son. He came to his senses and realised that in the Father’s house, even the servants have more than enough and here he was in abject poverty and couldn’t even feed himself. Likewise, we need to ‘come to our senses’ and return fully to God to enjoy His promises of blessings and abundance in Christ.

What happens when we don’t submit to authority?

1) Anarchy – Lawlessness will be pattern in our lives.

2) Insecurity – We will always have the fear and dis-ease in living.

3) Poverty – We will never truly enjoy the true riches of living an obedient life.

Point of Reflection:

How is my posture towards authority? Am I in submission or rebelling against it? Is my posture towards authority a reflection of my rebellion towards God and the things of God?

Day 5 (17 August): Examination of the Heart (II)

Morning Meditation: Psalm 130

Passage: Jeremiah 17:9

This is a continuation on the need to examine our hearts.

Pastor Daniel shared today that our heart can be deceitful. Our hearts are deceitful when it is not sincere, dishonest and not totally transparent.

Such an account was found in Acts 5:1-11 on Ananias and Sapphira – a couple who deceitfully communicated the impression that they sold their property and gave the full amount to the work of the Kingdom. As a result, the couple perished in God’s judgment. Why was God so hard on them? In the context of this event, the church was at an infant stage and can be morally and spiritually affected easily. God had to step in to avoid this and the couple’s death served as a warning to all to take God seriously.

There are 3 dimensions on how our hearts can be deceitful.

1) Heart that is in darkness – ‘Nobody’s Watching, it’s OK.’ (Isaiah 29:13, 15)

We may think that when we do things in hiding and isolation, it is ok if no one else finds out. However, this is untrue. In reality, what we do in the dark, will eventually be brought to light. We are deceived into thinking that we can hide and do things in secret.

2) Heart that presumes – ‘I am ok.’ (Luke 12:13-21)

When think that we are okay, God says “Watch out!” The rich fool thought that he is doing well and can take life easy but God took his life away that very night. Live each day not presumptuously but fully and gloriously for the Lord. We are all given the opportunity to sow richly into the kingdom of God but sometimes we can easily miss it (v.21). Jesus clearly says if we live our lives for ourselves, we will lose it.

3) Heart that is selfish – ‘I don’t care’ (Luke 15:11-13)

In the parable of the lost son, the young son demanded his share of his father’s property and left the estate. In stepping out of the father’s authority, he ended up blinded in bondage, deception and eventually in destruction (v 13)! This is a reminder that we too can be blinded and fall into flesh and temporary pleasures in life if we disobey God. In leading a ‘I don’t care’ lifestyle, we not only harm ourselves but are grieving God. God has never designed us to be that way to live in such a way.

As Christians, we represent Christ and one another (2 Cor 5:20). Therefore let us be ambassadors of God that truly reflects Christ in every way! J

Point of Reflection:

Every part of us needs to be real and should be examined in the light of the Holy Spirit without fear. Let us ask ourselves:

Are we really living our lives for God? Are we true and real people of God?

Day 4 (16 August): Examination of the Heart (I)

Morning Meditation: Psalm 99

Passage: Matthew 15:7-9

Pastor Daniel shared today about three types of hearts that could prevent us from having a committed heart to God.

1) A Distant Heart (v. 7)

Although we may be visibly loving and serving God, sometimes, our heart could actually be very distant from God. This would hinder our worship whereas others can easily be caught up in worship.

2) A Divided Heart (v. 7)

Our heart may not be fully committed to God because we refuse to let go of the world. We want to cling onto earthly things and concerns and yet want to pursue after God. We cannot. We cannot have one foot in the world and one foot in the affairs of God.

We also must be careful not to be involved in too many things. Sometimes, being involved in ‘good’ things may keep us from God’s best for us. Pastor Daniel shared honestly about the time when he joined full time in DUMC after stepping down from his position in NECF – how he had to reject invitations to speak or to minister because he is giving his all to serve DUMC fulltime.

3) A Distracted Heart

Many things in life may distract us from being completely committed to God. It could even be our family members or our fear of the future. We need to learn to be at rest and keep ourselves committed in our relationship with God and let nothing hinder us from this relationship.

Pastor Daniel again shared very honestly with us that sometimes, he is so caught up during the weekend celebrations that he is distracted during worship. His mind will be busy thinking of 101 things that goes on in the celebration and in trying to make sure that everything is working well.

Point of Reflection:

What are the things that keep us from committing our hearts fully to Jesus? What causes us to have a distant, divided or distracted heart?

Write these on a sheet of paper and surrender it before the LORD in prayer and repentance.

(The church took time this morning to write it on a piece of paper and then come in front and place that paper in front of a symbol of the cross as an act of confession and surrender before the LORD).