Thursday, August 23, 2007

Day 10 (22 August): Alignment with the Community

Morning Meditation: Psalm 46

Passage: Acts 2:42-47

There is distinct call for the church to be a community – united together and shares together in the promise in Christ Jesus (Ephesians 3:6). This is a wonderful privilege for us to be a community, as a church, to be able to join hands together to make a difference in our nation.

What are the marks of such a biblical community from Acts 2:42-47?

  1. Learning and praying – Christians gathered often to be taught and to pray (v. 42). Note: This was done corporately.
  2. Signs and Wonders – These were ‘ordinary’ events in the church (v. 43)
  3. Loving and caring fellowship (v. 44) – Everyone was willing to share what they had to help others. It is incongruous for us to be a lone Christian.
  4. Worshipping and praising community (v. 46-47a) – Praising God and worshipping together is a hallmark of God’s church
  5. Evangelising and witnessing fellowship (v. 47b) – They reached out and saw the harvest of souls on a daily basis!
  6. Favoured fellowship (v. 47a) – The people received favour from the community around them.

As a community, we need to guard our hearts and minds properly. We need to be careful to avoid the ‘small’ issues that might divide us. An example was given about the Dream Centre. Some of us might not find something as trivial as the colour of the wall to our liking, but the important thing is to have the BIG PICTURE in mind. The Dream Centre is not about our personal preference. It is a vehicle for us to fulfil God’s purpose for our nation!

When we move into the Dream Centre, there would be increased pressure upon us. We need to be prepared for church growth (Acts 4:4) and also count the cost of being a disciple of Christ in an enlarged community. There will need for greater service, greater demands and greater responsibilities for each one of us.

We need to also prepare for the possibilities of problems, difficulties and even persecutions ahead. Pr Daniel shared that in the passage Acts 7:54-8:1, the stoning of Stephen led to great persecution that broke out against the early church. So, are we prepared to face such opposition if it happens in our land?

In closing for this morning’s session, Pr Daniel asked us to link our hands together to show unity as God’s community and also as a sign to one another that we are committed to one another, as God’s people.

Point of Reflection:

Are you ‘actively’ part of God’s community here in DUMC? How are you involved in serving the community of believers in DUMC and to unbelievers around us?

If persecution arises, are you prepared to stand firm and resist the enemy? Remember, when the church stands in unity, God commands a blessing!


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