Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Day 5 (17 August): Examination of the Heart (II)

Morning Meditation: Psalm 130

Passage: Jeremiah 17:9

This is a continuation on the need to examine our hearts.

Pastor Daniel shared today that our heart can be deceitful. Our hearts are deceitful when it is not sincere, dishonest and not totally transparent.

Such an account was found in Acts 5:1-11 on Ananias and Sapphira – a couple who deceitfully communicated the impression that they sold their property and gave the full amount to the work of the Kingdom. As a result, the couple perished in God’s judgment. Why was God so hard on them? In the context of this event, the church was at an infant stage and can be morally and spiritually affected easily. God had to step in to avoid this and the couple’s death served as a warning to all to take God seriously.

There are 3 dimensions on how our hearts can be deceitful.

1) Heart that is in darkness – ‘Nobody’s Watching, it’s OK.’ (Isaiah 29:13, 15)

We may think that when we do things in hiding and isolation, it is ok if no one else finds out. However, this is untrue. In reality, what we do in the dark, will eventually be brought to light. We are deceived into thinking that we can hide and do things in secret.

2) Heart that presumes – ‘I am ok.’ (Luke 12:13-21)

When think that we are okay, God says “Watch out!” The rich fool thought that he is doing well and can take life easy but God took his life away that very night. Live each day not presumptuously but fully and gloriously for the Lord. We are all given the opportunity to sow richly into the kingdom of God but sometimes we can easily miss it (v.21). Jesus clearly says if we live our lives for ourselves, we will lose it.

3) Heart that is selfish – ‘I don’t care’ (Luke 15:11-13)

In the parable of the lost son, the young son demanded his share of his father’s property and left the estate. In stepping out of the father’s authority, he ended up blinded in bondage, deception and eventually in destruction (v 13)! This is a reminder that we too can be blinded and fall into flesh and temporary pleasures in life if we disobey God. In leading a ‘I don’t care’ lifestyle, we not only harm ourselves but are grieving God. God has never designed us to be that way to live in such a way.

As Christians, we represent Christ and one another (2 Cor 5:20). Therefore let us be ambassadors of God that truly reflects Christ in every way! J

Point of Reflection:

Every part of us needs to be real and should be examined in the light of the Holy Spirit without fear. Let us ask ourselves:

Are we really living our lives for God? Are we true and real people of God?


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