Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Day 3 (15 August): Pains/Hurts in our Heart

Morning Meditation: Psalm 142

Passage: John 21:15-17

God has revealed that there is a lot of pain and hurt in the church. It could be actions but it has more to do with words that have been spoken which have pierced into places where bullets cannot reach.

According to the passage, Jesus asked Peter 3 times, ”Do you love Me?” Peter was hurt when Jesus enquired for the third time.

Yet, this was the same Peter that denied Jesus 3 times, when people asked whether he was a follower of Jesus. Jesus had to persist in asking Peter 3 times because God wanted to heal Peter from the hurts/pains of his past.

3 denials required 3 restoration questions and from Peter’s answers, the LORD commissioned him 3 times to fulfil God’s incredible destiny for Peter. Peter, who returned to fishing after Jesus’ death, was now recommissioned back to become a true ‘fishers of men’. Peter was released to become a key leader in the church after the Jesus’ Ascension.

If we allow pain and hurts to reside in us, it will hinder us in reaching our destiny to fulfil God’s purpose for our lives. It also gives a foothold for Satan to plant into our lives. We need to deal with our pains and hurts. Otherwise, we will not be able to walk in complete freedom in the Lord Jesus Christ. Hurting people stand at a distance, unwilling to be involved and to be engaged with others.

Forgiveness from our hurts begins when we begin to forgive others. If we do not forgive, we not only sin against God, we also sin against ourselves and there is no victory in our lives. We are likened to keep ourselves in a prison, if we do not forgive and people will not like to be around us!

And when you stand praying, if you hold any thing against anyone, forgive him, so that your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins (Mark 11:25).

Set me free from my prison that I may praise Your Name

Then the righteous will gather about me because of your goodness to me

(Psalm 142:7)

Point of Reflection:

Allow God to do a divine exchange in your heart today. Allow God to heal all forms of hurt and pains – due to frustration, cynicism, sarcasm, disappointment, prejudice, and offenses.

Confess and freely receive God’s forgiveness and freely release forgiveness to others.


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